Pakistans Chief of Army Fights to Keep His Job : US Media


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: General Kayani under colleagues pressure: US media

may be he is not sharing U.S. aid money to those officers who are against him. pakistani army has habit to live on american aid.


MPA (400+ posts)
Army chief nay aietaraf kar lya...........



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: General Kayani under colleagues pressure: US media

So they admit that its them who have given CIA free hand in pakistan to kill people but leave army personnel live peacefully.


Kayani under colleagues’ pressure: US media


An American newspaper reported that Pakistani COAS was under pressure to review ties with the US.

According to New York Times, Pakistan’s army chief was under pressure from his colleagues to review relation with the US after Abbotabad operation.

The newspaper further reports that General Kayani explained to Levin Panetta last week that CIA would not be let free hand anymore in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Pak Army has also suspended supply of food and water to the US bases from where drone operation is being conducted, the newspaper repotred.

The US newspaper has also claimed that General Kayani can order anytime for the complete suspension of the drone attacks.

maksyed - Blogger
Re: Army chief nay aietaraf kar lya...........

Pakistans Chief of Army Fights to Keep His Job
Published: June 15, 2011


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan Pakistans army chief, the most powerful man in the country, is fighting to save his position in the face of seething anger from top generals and junior officers since the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden, according to Pakistani officials and people who have met the chief in recent weeks.

Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who has led the army since 2007, faces such intense discontent over what is seen as his cozy relationship with the United States that a colonels coup, while unlikely, was not out of the question, said a well-informed Pakistani who has seen the general in recent weeks, as well as an American military official involved with Pakistan for many years.

The Pakistani Army is essentially run by consensus among 11 top commanders, known as the Corps Commanders, and almost all of them, if not all, were demanding that General Kayani get much tougher with the Americans, even edging toward a break, Pakistanis who follow the army closely said.

Washington, with its own hard line against Pakistan, had pushed General Kayani into a defensive crouch, along with his troops, and if the general was pushed out, the United States would face a more uncompromising anti-American army chief, the Pakistani said.

To repair the reputation of the army, and to ensure his own survival, General Kayani made an extraordinary tour of more than a dozen garrisons, mess halls and other institutions in the six weeks since the May 2 raid that killed Bin Laden. His goal was to rally support among his rank-and-file troops, who are almost uniformly anti-American, according to participants and people briefed on the sessions.

During a long session in late May at the National Defense University, the premier academy in Islamabad, the capital, one officer got up after General Kayanis address and challenged his policy of cooperation with the United States. The officer asked, If they dont trust us, how can we trust them? according to Shaukaut Qadri, a retired army brigadier who was briefed on the session. General Kayani essentially responded, We cant, Mr. Qadri said.

In response to pressure from his troops, Pakistani and American officials said, General Kayani had already become a more obstinate partner, standing ever more firm with each high-level American delegation that has visited since the raid to try and rescue the shattered American-Pakistani relationship.

In a prominent example of the new Pakistani intransigence, The New York Times reported Tuesday that, according to American officials, Pakistans spy agency had arrested five Pakistani informants who helped the Central Intelligence Agency before the Bin Laden raid. The officials said one of them is a doctor who has served as a major in the Pakistani Army. In a statement on Wednesday, a Pakistani military spokesman called the story false and said no army officer had been detained. Over all, Pakistani and American officials said, the relationship was now more competitive and combative than cooperative.

General Kayani told the director of the C.I.A., Leon E. Panetta, during a visit here last weekend that Pakistan would not accede to his request for independent operations by the agency, Pakistani and American officials said.

A long statement after the regular monthly meeting of the 11 corps commanders last week illuminated the mounting hostility toward the United States, even as it remains the armys biggest patron, supplying at least $2 billion a year in aid.

The statement, aimed at rebuilding support within the army and among the public, said that American training in Pakistan had only ever been minimal, and had now ended. It needs to be clarified that the army had never accepted any training assistance from the United States except for training on the newly inducted weapons and some training assistance for the Frontier Corps only, a reference to paramilitary troops in the northwest tribal areas, the statement said.

The statement said that the C.I.A.-run drone attacks against militants in the tribal areas were not acceptable under any circumstances.

Allowing the drones to continue to operate from Pakistan was politically unsustainable, said the well-informed Pakistani who met with General Kayani recently. As part of his survival mechanism, General Kayani could well order the Americans to stop the drone program completely, the Pakistani said.



Senator (1k+ posts)
Topi drama, this bloody chain of command that was built by the British and nurtured by the Americans[trained in their Fort Worths and West Points] was , is and always will be slaves to their will. They've twisted their slave's arm thru these rumor Times newspaper, that then the whole arm is broken, so this news is actually for their Congress and US public and is being orchestrated by the Obama Administration to minimize the blowback their actions have caused , that what we are thinking that our old ploy of pressurizing our Pak army slaves to do what they desire, the timing is'nt correct, maybe few weeks later, when Kayani's position gets better then we will go back to our old ways to our slave[Pak]-master[US] relationship with pimps Kayani and Zardari protecting it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Kayani under colleagues’ pressure: US media


An American newspaper reported that Pakistani COAS was under pressure to review ties with the US.

According to New York Times, Pakistan’s army chief was under pressure from his colleagues to review relation with the US after Abbotabad operation.

The newspaper further reports that General Kayani explained to Levin Panetta last week that CIA would not be let free hand anymore in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Pak Army has also suspended supply of food and water to the US bases from where drone operation is being conducted, the newspaper repotred.

The US newspaper has also claimed that General Kayani can order anytime for the complete suspension of the drone attacks.

false propoganda to make kyani hero in pakistanis eyes
army is with kyani or he had never been able to get an extension

also concentrate on above articles following words

Meanwhile, Pak Army has also suspended supply of food and water to the US bases from where drone operation is being conducted, the newspaper repotred.

haha.can it get any more nonsense than this...if pak army has cut food and wine to bases from where american drones fly than why in last one week 200 tribal people got killed in 10 drone attacks.....and the tragic thing is that pakistani sheeple will believe this report too!!!
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Minister (2k+ posts)
false propoganda to make kyani hero in pakistanis eyes
army is with kyani or he had never been able to get an extension

also concentrate on above articles following words

Meanwhile, Pak Army has also suspended supply of food and water to the US bases from where drone operation is being conducted, the newspaper repotred.

haha.can it get any more nonsense than this...if pak army has cut food and wine to bases from where american drones fly than why in last one week 200 tribal people got killed in 10 drone attacks.....and the tragic thing is that pakistani sheeple will believe this report too!!!

I find it hard to believe also that Pakistan would cutoff the food and water supply. This is all balogna. Secondly, if army wants Pakistanis to support them, then they would have to behave like humans, I don't think we are ready to accept those nincompoops as our masters. These incompetent lazy pigs eat a big portion of our budget and do nothing except increasing there wealth. How can these sack of potatoes fight if they are used to living lives of luxury. This is all very disgusting.