Pervez Musharraf: Answering Your Top 3 Questions


Senator (1k+ posts)

Pervez Musharraf: Answering Your Top 3 Questions

1) Was there a way post 9/11 for Pakistan to handle the Americans and the Taliban that would have avoided the current situation where we seem to be stuck with a deteriorating law and order situation?

I think we dealt with both in the best possible manner under most difficult circumstances. With regards to the US, the big question after 9/11 was whether to join the Coalition or not. The Americans had decided they were going to attack Afghanistan, and because of geographic compulsions, the attack was most likely going to come from the East. The positives of joining the coalition far outweighed the negatives of not joining.

Imagine what would have happened, had we not joined the coalition? The attack would have still taken place using bases provided by our neighbour, jeopardizing our territorial integrity. The flow of Al Qaeda and Taliban into Pakistan and the spreading of obscurantist Talibanisation into our country would have happened at a much greater scale. This was certainly not in our own interest. Therefore joining the Coalition was and is primarily in our own national interest. It happens to be in US interest also. The thought that we are playing the US game is simply not correct.

With the passage of time the situation has become more complex. There is strong Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan, developing nexus with Taliban in our tribal agencies, spreading Talibanisation into settled districts of NWFP. These in turn are developing links with extremists in our own society, further complicating the issue. The bottom line is that we have to defeat terrorism and extremism wherever it comes from. The Taliban have done tremendous damage to us and will not hesitate to do more unless we defeat them. The choice is stark. We as a nation have to decide what we want for ourselves. A progressive, enlightened, tolerant Islamic society or a retrogressive, obscurantist society?

2) Lal Masjid- Sifting Truth from Lies

The Lal Masjid operation is a case study of how an appropriately timed, meticulously planned and boldly executed operation launched in the supreme national interest can be distorted by vested interests who want to present it as a disaster. I would like to elaborate/clarify various issues which have been distorted.

Hundreds of innocent people were killed which included scores of women and children.
This is an absolute lie. Firstly none of those killed were innocent. They were terrorists (including five foreigners) who took the law in their own hands and killed a number of policemen, kidnapped and physically tortured Chinese citizens (causing embarrassment to the government) and burnt down Ministry of Environment offices, property and vehicles. They had stored arms and explosives in the mosque and were equipped/prepared for suicide bombings. Secondly the numbers killed were NINETY FOUR and not a single woman or child was killed. This can be ascertained by digging their graves and counting.

The operation was launched overriding efforts to end the occupation peacefully.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. The siege of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa was started about six months before the operation. There were about two thousand five hundred girls in Jamia Hafsa and an equal number of men who had taken over Lal Masjid. Despite all the pressure on the government in the media to act and evict the occupants who were challenging the writ of the government and causing immense embarrassment, the decision taken was to negotiate a peaceful settlement to avoid casualties. In the months that followed, representatives from Wafaqul Madaris and the Council of Islamic Ideology were sent to negotiate, Maulana Edhis wife was sent to pacify the girls and even Imam Kaaba was gracious enough to contribute towards an amicable end to the confrontation. Besides this, a number of politicians and notables also tried their best to resolve the issue. All this was to no avail. The primary concern before launching the operation was how to avoid casualties. The operation was launched only after all efforts towards a negotiated settlement failed and maximum occupants including all women and children were drawn out. The individuals left were all hardened terrorists including five foreigners who refused to surrender and decided to fight it out.

We as Pakistanis must realise that we cannot be known internationally as a Soft State or a Banana Republic where there is no writ of the government. The government has to be strong enough to meet any challenge to its authority. Then only can we emerge as a stable, strong, respectable country in the comity of nations. We also have to make sure that religion is not misused to challenge the state and spread extremism in the society.

Lal Masjid operation stands as a tribute to the gallantry of all the soldiers, especially of SSG, rangers and policemen who participated in the operation. May all the Shaheeds rest in peace.

3) What compelled you to promulgate the NRO?
I very much feel responsible for answering this question which is rightly agitating many minds. However because of certain political sensitivities, I will have to pend the answer for the time being with a promise that I will take the nation on board at the appropriate time. The one clarification that I will make is that I committed this mistake on the strong advice of the political leadership at that time who are now blatantly disowning connections with it. My interest was only national with absolutely no personal bias or agenda.

Through the NRO you brought corrupt politicians to power and made Zardari the President.
NRO may have allowed Asif Zardari or corrupt politicians to contest elections but it certainly was not the cause of their coming to power. NRO is not responsible for electing the PPP as the majority party or allowing Asif Zardari to win an election. NRO is not responsible for corrupt politicians sitting in Assemblies, or being appointed as Ministers. All this happened through the votes of the people of Pakistan. NRO is not responsible for all Parliamentarians of Provincial and National Assemblies and Senate having overwhelmingly voted for Asif Zardari as President. The nation has to learn to cast their votes for the right person and the right party.


Its quite unfortunate this absconder still trying to fool Pakistanis


syed_nd said:
60 arab kay qarzay muaaf?

That why I wrote, he is still trying to fool Pakistanis, but unfortunately he have quite a few followers, who are unintentionally becoming part of his propaganda scheme, and without knowing what blunders they are attempting, they are keep doing this mistake, anyways we can wish them nothing but our martyrs blood.


Voter (50+ posts)
Regarding Lal Masjid and the claim by Musharraf opponents that hundreds of women and children were killed - the question which always comes to mind is where are the families and loved ones of those killed?

With supposedly free judiciary and electronic media, why they never approached any civil society, court, and media outlet?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Mr.pervaiz musharraf, i dont know if history will forgive you what you have done to this country in your dying days of your power,just to stay in power you sacrifice the country which you were keep on repaeting "PAKISTAN FIRST",finally you admitted the mistake made in the NRO.If no NRO,zardari would not have fight the election becuase he had to show his assets inside and out of pakistan, wont be elected as the president which is such a big shame for all of us,he would go only when someone kick him out just like the opposition did to you.You were doing fine until you made the blunder of your life and paid the price when you removed the CJ.But allah was on his side and he is getting all the respect in the country.As for lal masjid is concerned when so many students gathered there and start doing something like going after the chinese girls and other places which they were not allowed under the law,mr.president where was the intelligence agencies and what they were doing.Dont you think they were installed by the inteligence agencies to show to the west that we have extremism in the country and you have the reason to stay in power.You as a president had all the information about their activities what they were doing and who was supplying them the dont play ignorant,we have all the news that you knew everything.may be because of Lal masjid,they are doing the suiside bombing in the country as could have handled it with your other cor commanders with nice,gentle and human way because they were our own sisters and brothers.If a person flare up,it does not mean to shoot him or kill him,you can subdue the person by negotiations like in the west.First of all why all this mess got together and why the action have to be taken.This was cruelty on the part of the govt at that time,you took the orders from U.S to take action.Now we had information that you have provided the secrets of our nukes to U.S.Mr.president this is the most serious allegations brought forward against you,would you mind to respond about it.Otherwise your name will be included with TWO MIRS. I hope you understand what i mean.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Hundreds of innocent people were killed which included scores of women and children.
This is an absolute lie. Firstly none of those killed were innocent. They were terrorists (including five foreigners) who took the law in their own hands and killed a number of policemen, kidnapped and physically tortured Chinese citizens (causing embarrassment to the government) and burnt down Ministry of Environment offices, property and vehicles. They had stored arms and explosives in the mosque and were equipped/prepared for suicide bombings. Secondly the numbers killed were NINETY FOUR and not a single woman or child was killed. This can be ascertained by digging their graves and counting.

can anyone disprove this bugger?? This can be done by simply printing the name of the dead or missing! Is there a petition in the SC where the list of the dead has been submitted?

If we can't do that, we have to admit, the Lal Masjid crowd is full of $hi_ as well!!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
For the sake of argument, I will agree with you that there were no hundreds of citizens in Lal Masjid but only 94. So,what about those 94 citizens? Will you provide me a list of those 94 citizens being convicted in the courts for terrorism? That they deserved to be bombed in their own country by their own military?
You know what, none of your dearest has been bombed by own military. You will not feel pain. I can't blame you.
One can talk for hours about the brutality done in lal masjid but it wont make any differnce to " enlighten moderated" brains.
Those 94 found their graves in Pakistan but I bet Your Mush wont find it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
mcuk2001 said:

Pervez Musharraf: Answering Your Top 3 Questions

1) Was there a way post 9/11 for Pakistan to handle the Americans and the Taliban that would have avoided the current situation where we seem to be stuck with a deteriorating law and order situation?

I think we dealt with both in the best possible manner under most difficult circumstances. With regards to the US, the big question after 9/11 was whether to join the Coalition or not. The Americans had decided they were going to attack Afghanistan, and because of geographic compulsions, the attack was most likely going to come from the East. The positives of joining the coalition far outweighed the negatives of not joining.

Imagine what would have happened, had we not joined the coalition? The attack would have still taken place using bases provided by our neighbour, jeopardizing our territorial integrity. The flow of Al Qaeda and Taliban into Pakistan and the spreading of obscurantist Talibanisation into our country would have happened at a much greater scale. This was certainly not in our own interest. Therefore joining the Coalition was and is primarily in our own national interest. It happens to be in US interest also. The thought that we are playing the US game is simply not correct.

With the passage of time the situation has become more complex. There is strong Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan, developing nexus with Taliban in our tribal agencies, spreading Talibanisation into settled districts of NWFP. These in turn are developing links with extremists in our own society, further complicating the issue. The bottom line is that we have to defeat terrorism and extremism wherever it comes from. The Taliban have done tremendous damage to us and will not hesitate to do more unless we defeat them. The choice is stark. We as a nation have to decide what we want for ourselves. A progressive, enlightened, tolerant Islamic society or a retrogressive, obscurantist society?

2) Lal Masjid- Sifting Truth from Lies

The Lal Masjid operation is a case study of how an appropriately timed, meticulously planned and boldly executed operation launched in the supreme national interest can be distorted by vested interests who want to present it as a disaster. I would like to elaborate/clarify various issues which have been distorted.

Hundreds of innocent people were killed which included scores of women and children.
This is an absolute lie. Firstly none of those killed were innocent. They were terrorists (including five foreigners) who took the law in their own hands and killed a number of policemen, kidnapped and physically tortured Chinese citizens (causing embarrassment to the government) and burnt down Ministry of Environment offices, property and vehicles. They had stored arms and explosives in the mosque and were equipped/prepared for suicide bombings. Secondly the numbers killed were NINETY FOUR and not a single woman or child was killed. This can be ascertained by digging their graves and counting.

The operation was launched overriding efforts to end the occupation peacefully.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. The siege of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa was started about six months before the operation. There were about two thousand five hundred girls in Jamia Hafsa and an equal number of men who had taken over Lal Masjid. Despite all the pressure on the government in the media to act and evict the occupants who were challenging the writ of the government and causing immense embarrassment, the decision taken was to negotiate a peaceful settlement to avoid casualties. In the months that followed, representatives from Wafaqul Madaris and the Council of Islamic Ideology were sent to negotiate, Maulana Edhis wife was sent to pacify the girls and even Imam Kaaba was gracious enough to contribute towards an amicable end to the confrontation. Besides this, a number of politicians and notables also tried their best to resolve the issue. All this was to no avail. The primary concern before launching the operation was how to avoid casualties. The operation was launched only after all efforts towards a negotiated settlement failed and maximum occupants including all women and children were drawn out. The individuals left were all hardened terrorists including five foreigners who refused to surrender and decided to fight it out.

We as Pakistanis must realise that we cannot be known internationally as a Soft State or a Banana Republic where there is no writ of the government. The government has to be strong enough to meet any challenge to its authority. Then only can we emerge as a stable, strong, respectable country in the comity of nations. We also have to make sure that religion is not misused to challenge the state and spread extremism in the society.

Lal Masjid operation stands as a tribute to the gallantry of all the soldiers, especially of SSG, rangers and policemen who participated in the operation. May all the Shaheeds rest in peace.

3) What compelled you to promulgate the NRO?
I very much feel responsible for answering this question which is rightly agitating many minds. However because of certain political sensitivities, I will have to pend the answer for the time being with a promise that I will take the nation on board at the appropriate time. The one clarification that I will make is that I committed this mistake on the strong advice of the political leadership at that time who are now blatantly disowning connections with it. My interest was only national with absolutely no personal bias or agenda.

Through the NRO you brought corrupt politicians to power and made Zardari the President.
NRO may have allowed Asif Zardari or corrupt politicians to contest elections but it certainly was not the cause of their coming to power. NRO is not responsible for electing the PPP as the majority party or allowing Asif Zardari to win an election. NRO is not responsible for corrupt politicians sitting in Assemblies, or being appointed as Ministers. All this happened through the votes of the people of Pakistan. NRO is not responsible for all Parliamentarians of Provincial and National Assemblies and Senate having overwhelmingly voted for Asif Zardari as President. The nation has to learn to cast their votes for the right person and the right party.

Very good reply ...;)
That is why I always say ...." East Or West Musharraf Is The Best"


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
who's stopping any civil-society rep or HR group from filing a petition in the SC. However the list has to be based on facts, and the Lal Masjid victims have a knack of exaggerating their losses. That is not to take away the brutality of the Army action, yet if the Lal masjid crowd is to display any shred of credibility, they WILL have to abandon the claim of 'hundreds of dead females'!!!

there was a thread opened a few months back here, asking for the names of the dead Talibaat, and if I remember, it was answered with a bunch of abuses and gali-galoch. If that's how Lal masjid victims like to behave, good luck to them!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
syed_nd said:
60 arab kay qarzay muaaf?


Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Musharraf, Musharraf, Musharraf...... Boy, you have guts to defend your blunders one after another. So, I know how you justify the crimes you committed and you left this nation to reap the crop you sowed.I also like you to come and state this in court of law and expalined to us that we only raised one dictator who could surrenderd to the foreign forces and allow the air fields and others installtion to be used against our own land and people without the consent of the airforce or its commanders.

And yes, The NRO is not to blame. and you are also right that we have ourselves to balme for all the problems we are facing and you have absloutely nothing to do with it... Come back to Pakistan , we are waiting for you at the airport.

And for your answer to post 911 events. I like to just say :

???? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???
?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????


Councller (250+ posts)
mushi u r responsible of all this shit in pakistan.
u greedy sick person.
i wish u die there ..and tum ko quber be pakistan ma nasyeeb na ho.
9 year u enjoy .and u did not think about bijle .pani .and other crisis.
aik damm he bana deta chawal insan ..itne loadsheiding tu na hote.
100000 dufa lanat tery pa [musharaf]


Jury said:[/img]
Dear Jury and Spartacus,

With your believes and blind faith for Musharaf, it feels that Altaf Bhai is bringing Mr Musharaf as co-chairman of MQM. and why not, Musharaf such a popular dashing hero for all of you, east or west Musharaf is the best [pk flag] So I am sure now you all should bring this commando hero as MQM Chairman or something equivalent to Altaf Bhai.

Now I am waiting to hear from you the useless reasons, why Altaf Bhai cannot appoint Musharaf in MQM.

Poor Musharaf sometime trying create rift in PML(Q) or sometimes announcing Mutehada PML. Why not Mutehada Qaumi Movement absorb him?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
During your cruel time in power,the police beat up Asma Jahangir and Latif Khosa,they were bloodied and asma jahangir the way she was giving you the BUD DUA along with others,i knew right away your days are up.Ali Ahmad Kurd was draged along with other notable lawyers and police were using their full force.what you have done to lal masjid,with Nawab Akbar Bughti ,our respected balauch leader and missing persons.In karachi ,your forces along with others killed 46 people and injured so many,also killed over 200 in BB procession and finally killed her. Your characterless actions, womanising which are widely known in Indian and Pakistani film industry,"Mr.Rangilay Shah" you sold our kashmir issue for Bollywood.Shame on you.Mr musharraf,dont you think you are answerable to anyone.Allah says he will forgive anyone but not the cruel are the person who committed so many crimes and still have the nerves to tell us,you want to take part in pak politics.Sure,come here is a stage set for you in islamabad in the centre of the city,To "HANG YOU".YOU BIG TRAITOR.PAK NEEDS YOUR BLOOD.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Read Below,Another corrupt leader got punch in the face..Why can't we do it to some of our known corrupts ?

"ROME _ Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was punched in the face at the end of a rally on Sunday by a man holding a small statue in his hand, leaving the 73-year-old media mogul with a bloodied mouth and looking stunned, police said.

The 42-year-old man accused of attacking Berlusconi in Milan as he signed autographs was immediately taken into custody.

TV showed the stunned leader with blood under his nose, on his mouth and under one eye being lifted to his feet by aides after the attack. Berlusconi was hustled into the back of a car, but he immediately got out, apparently in an effort to show he was not badly injured.

After looking out into the crowd, the premier, without saying a word, was pulled back into the vehicle.

The attack occurred after Berlusconi had just finished delivering a long, vigorous speech at the rally to a crowd of applauding supporters from his Freedom People party at about 6:30 p.m.

Officials at Milan's police headquarters, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, said the premier was conscious and apparently not badly injured. They said the attacker was wielding a miniature statue of Milan's Duomo, the city's gargoyled cathedral and symbol, but couldn't say what the souvenir was made of.

Berlusconi's spokesman, speaking by telephone from the emergency room from San Raffaele hospital where the premier was taken, told Sky TG24 TV that doctors had decided to keep the premier in the hospital overnight for observation.

"We'll see what the doctors say tomorrow morning,'' spokesman Paolo Bonauiti told Sky.

The exams of his jaw area included a CT scan, Bonaiuti said.

Police identified the man they were questioning as Massimo Tartaglia, 42. They said Tartaglia didn't have any criminal record.


Senator (1k+ posts)
abbasiali said:
Jury said:[/img]
Dear Jury and Spartacus,

With your believes and blind faith for Musharaf, it feels that Altaf Bhai is bringing Mr Musharaf as co-chairman of MQM. and why not, Musharaf such a popular dashing hero for all of you, east or west Musharaf is the best [pk flag] So I am sure now you all should bring this commando hero as MQM Chairman or something equivalent to Altaf Bhai.

Now I am waiting to hear from you the useless reasons, why Altaf Bhai cannot appoint Musharaf in MQM.

Poor Musharaf sometime trying create rift in PML(Q) or sometimes announcing Mutehada PML. Why not Mutehada Qaumi Movement absorb him?

Abbassi Bhai

You've got an idea that, for a long time, has been on the dinner tables of most of the Karachi based MQM supporting families. These people understand what Musharaf did, was absolute good for Pakistan. On the available circumstances at his tenure, no one could deliver better than him, that's for sure.

Just imagine and let me know, instead of Musharaf what BB or NS would do, if they were in the power in the eve of 9/11. Can you expect any better from them?

Yes, Lal Masjid and NRO were his mistakes. Agreed.
Another bigger "BURAI" he had, if I point it out, will start an unnecessary controversial debate here, so I leave it on you, you know better what I am talking about ;)

We in Karachi, want MQM to dedicate Nazimabad NA seat to Musharaf. Doesn't matter, if he contest there or not, but just to admire his services to the nation, we want a symbolic dedication for him.

Personally, I recommend MQM to give Diffence/Clifton elite class seat to Imran Khan. He belongs to that class and this seat will suit to him. :lol: The only way IK can enter to the NA, we need a leader like him in our parliament.


PakPatriot1 said:
abbasiali said:
Jury said:[/img]
Dear Jury and Spartacus,

With your believes and blind faith for Musharaf, it feels that Altaf Bhai is bringing Mr Musharaf as co-chairman of MQM. and why not, Musharaf such a popular dashing hero for all of you, east or west Musharaf is the best [pk flag] So I am sure now you all should bring this commando hero as MQM Chairman or something equivalent to Altaf Bhai.

Now I am waiting to hear from you the useless reasons, why Altaf Bhai cannot appoint Musharaf in MQM.

Poor Musharaf sometime trying create rift in PML(Q) or sometimes announcing Mutehada PML. Why not Mutehada Qaumi Movement absorb him?

Abbassi Bhai

You've got an idea that, for a long time, has been on the dinner tables of most of the Karachi based MQM supporting families. These people understand what Musharaf did, was absolute good for Pakistan. On the available circumstances at his tenure, no one could deliver better than him, that's for sure.

Just imagine and let me know, instead of Musharaf what BB or NS would do, if they were in the power in the eve of 9/11. Can you expect any better from them?

Yes, Lal Masjid and NRO were his mistakes. Agreed.
Another bigger "BURAI" he had, if I point it out, will start an unnecessary controversial debate here, so I leave it on you, you know better what I am talking about ;)

We in Karachi, want MQM to dedicate Nazimabad NA seat to Musharaf. Doesn't matter, if he contest there or not, but just to admire his services to the nation, we want a symbolic dedication for him.

Personally, I recommend MQM to give Diffence/Clifton elite class seat to Imran Khan. He belongs to that class and this seat will suit to him. :lol: The only way IK can enter to the NA, we need a leader like him in our parliament.
Dear Bro Pakpatriot,
Hearing you after a long time,
Apart from our differences, one thing is for sure we are together, is to see Pakistan on the right track,

I am agree with you, what ever you mentioned above, and since our beloved friend is gone, I don't feel like talking about Mushi, the only thing which my concern was, which actually you didn't reply,

When Altaf Bhai going to absorb our Mushi in MQM, He has done so great as you mentioned above, that every family talks about his marvelous achievements, so I believe and trust that Mushi deserves at least Co-Chairmanship of MQM. I am sure you would definitely hi lite when and on what position our Altaf Bhai will bring Mushi in MQM.
