Pervez Musharraf is talking to the media October 26, 2009


Councller (250+ posts)
abbasiali said:
[pk flag] [pk flag]

This is the tragedy of our so called country fellows, In fact I shouldn't call them country fellows, Definition of country fellow is very clear, if any person who is citizen of Pakistan and suffered, should be immediately supported by every single person regardless of race, religion, etc those are known as country fellows, who know how to fight for every single person's rights,

This particular class is blessed class, every individual granted a lot to keep talking against truth, we have daily casualties increasing number of deaths of innocent citizens, no one is safe, but this group is only talking in support of ruthless dictator, who has now title of "Absconder" Musharaf himself and his supporters have no courage to face Pakistanis, they will remain in hide and will keep betraying us.

I am proud to be called as Taliban, unfortunately if you guys have no answer, than you will start calling every one Taliban who talk for own country, for the pain of own brothers and sisters.

Shameful attitude, But what to say, I think you people will be more amaze, if I would start bringing photographs of daily killed innocent Pakistani brothers and sisters, that would make you feel great, how greatly war against terrorism is going on. advise me if you would like something more to please you.


I am not giving any fatwa, but person like irfan123, when they start presenting person Like Musharaf more than Prophet than this kind of person need treatment , which I gave him, But I think still I am very polite with him, he needs much more, to know his limits.

So sad, still I am not convinced, any pure Pakistani could talk in this way, the way you people have respond. although it is really ashamed for me to respond you guys, but unfortunately, For the sake of my Pakistani brothers and sisters, I have to react.

Are you the same person with whom I used to have words? I don't think so....


New Member
abbasiali said:
pakfirst said:
Mr Abbasiali contniously showing that he belongs to same group of ignorant / frstrated people like PML N and Cricket dictator IK. The reason they are frstrated just to see the popularity of Musharraf in western countries / North America, where every and each Pakistani wanted to go and settle there. Abbasiali, has nothing to say any thing new, same thing which we used to listen from trailers like Hamid Mir / NS / IK but Alhamdulillah Musharraf is beyond their limits. Inshallah Musharraf will come back soon and rule us (ameen) and complete his project to clear the counrty from corrupt politicans like NS / AZ.
At the end just one advise to dear Abbasi ali, in order to maintain the quality pl dont try to put your leg into each discussion related to Musharraf. But if u want to release ur frustration in ths way, then go ahead, I can expect any thing from a person who love "such democracy" in pakistan.

Do we have right to live in Pakistan with sovereignty and respect, My Dear why my frustration is always over flow towards Musharaf, because he had the golden opportunity to took out Pakistan from the Darkness, But so unfortunate his one decision has thrown us in the dark age, Do answer me with your complete neutral consensus, do you like Pakistani to keep getting killed on daily basis, Poverty and hunger will remain part of Pakistanis life, I know you wouldn't reply my this question, because you don't belong to us the poor people of Pakistan, who are forced to get killed or lived most difficult life overseas. You couldn't find any thing new from me, because I am talking about my rights my country fellows's rights, which you as being supporter of a ruthless dictator could not find any reply . So I would advise you to stay away and keep quite, because you have bunch of lies in your bag, and we are full of pain of truth, which you people couldn't bear for a single second.

Sorry bit late to submit the reply but I could not afford to sit 24/7 on net like you, Mr AbbasiAli, i have loads of work to do. Any how, Musharraf till 2006, was rated the best leader we had, all the polls showed his popularity above 70%. Problem is when NS started his evil movements to disturb Pakistan by putting his ill wealth into greedy media / jounalists. Musharraf's mistake was just that he wanted to be a good person by allowing BB / NS to come into Pakistan. Regarding every day killing in Pakistan, i think u just started to concentrate on Pakistan, otherwise tell me in which era we dont have bomb blasts / targeted killing. You people just pretend that before Musharraf Pakistan was just like Canada or Newzealand, the peaceful area in the world. Yesterday, I was watching the press conference of Mr NS and just thinking that how easy to make pakistan's people so fool (sorry) by claiming that we are fighting for 17 crore awaam and we will think 1st of all about the poor pakistanis and will not allow any body to distribute land into executive class??????? Mr Abbasiali, could you please comment about the wealth statement released by NS to Election commission????? do you beleive that he has only 5,000 rupees in his account??????????? That's why Abbasiali, I / we like Musharraf, as atleast he has dare to say publically what he did. No double standards like our existing corrupt politicians. U just continue to throw your hatred against Musharraf, this is ur action, other side, I / we will continue to support Musharraf, regardless he come into politics or not.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
oh, nice going abbasiali, u deleted my post! my, oh my! the perks of being a i meant moderator !
i guess this just goes on to show what a fascist, hypocrite p!g you are. cant stand a forceful reply can you?
now go ahead and delete this one as well.

i actually feel sorry for the state of mind you are in. my sympathies.........


MPA (400+ posts)
Abbas Ali Sb,
After reading some of your comments against the fellow visitors, I just want to say one thing.
In my opinion you have changed a lot since you have become the moderator on this site.
I thought after becoming the moderator, you will get more nicer (as you have been very nice and rational) and will be more responsible while replying to others. But I'm sorry, I am very disappointed.
In my humble opinion, it is fine up to certain extent to get personal with our politicians, because they are public leader and we all have the right to scrutinize them, but we should not get personal with other visitors on this site, just because we disagree with them.
This is the behavior of our parliamentarians, whenever they get cornered by the other politician on political ground, they start getting personal and start insulting the other.
Please forgive me and correct me, if you think, I have said something wrong.