
Senator (1k+ posts)
Give subsidies to Manufacturers so that they can sell cheap to wholesalers to Retails to final consumers.

Tum nay waziron , Mashiron , Tarjanmano ke foge paal rakhi hy unpay lakon rupees zia mat kero balkey logon ko Relief du agar siasat main zinda rehna hy future main.


Minister (2k+ posts)
After successful operation against corruption and bringing back looted money, PM Khan has now focused attention towards bringing down inflation (and that too through utility stores). Allah Khair karey.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I bet if you ask PTIs economic team to define the causes of inflation they will not be able to tell you. Inko ABC nahi pata inflation ka. you dont control inflation from price controls or subsidies you morons. You need to go to Economics 101. You need 5 things to control inflation:

1. Money must freely circulate in economy (You have put 99% of people as nonfiler bakwaas)
2. Efficient distribution network of goods from producer to market
3. Low rate of Interest (this LAANTI govenrment has increased to 13,5%)
4. Stable currency (These laantis have made the currency worthless)
5. No Printing of banknotes from STATE BANK

This LAANTI PTI govenrment has done EXACTLY the opopsite of these 5. Result is in front of you. This government is a CURSE on us...I will be suprised if they win even HALF of the seats they won in 2018.
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