PPP repeating 1971, for American Dollars by Habib Zaidi


MPA (400+ posts)
when in 1971 I was about 16 years old and remember everything just like yesterday that the Pakistani forces surrender and loss in East Pakistan, we listened nothing but the success of Pakistani forces up until an hour before the surrender to Indian Army I can recall the announcement on radio Pakistan that our forces are strong and in controlled, after one hour PTV announced that Pakistani forces surrendered and Dhaka fall. None of my friends neither myself neither my family believed the news, we were all in shock, but later on we find out that not only Pakistan army surrendered. But more than 90,000 soldiers and officers were captured and became POW.
The whole Pakistani nation suffered a great shock, because of the lies of our politicians, and government and army generals, despite the debate, whose was responsible, but the fact is, that now Bengali Muslim hate Pakistan, and blame for brutally killing. Today, we have close relationship with Bangladesh, next to nothing; I am talking about the East Pakistan what was created Qquaid-e-Azam MA Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan.
Most of you must remember it like yesterday. The whole government and politicians and army generals and the soldiers and the media were calling Bengali militants as terrorists and extremists and used the full armed forces to fight and kill our own citizens and as a result lost East Pakistan. From 2001 to present we are listening again, the whole government and our opposition, including free media, declared the Pakistanis, terrorists and extremists. Only this time they're calling those who were called patriots and nationalist, and the lovers and defenders of Pakistan.
It is the same movie with the new name and new timing. Then, they were Bengali terrorists now there are religious extremist and terrorist, in 1971 we throw them to India and they regroup and along with Indian army they came back and Pakistani forces surrendered; now again we throw them to Afghanistan, where they are regrouping and who knows which army will come along with them. And I hope that history will not repeat itself again, but our civilian generals and army general played the same game with the nation for who knows how many dollars were exchanged in secret, dont forget our dollar hungry generals and greediest politicians, or corrupt Bureau creates could play any kind of roll for few dollars,
The media is busy in other issues such as NRO, and the matters before the court's, no one is talking on the issue of real news, and reporting from war zone that how many in reality Pakistani got killed on the name of so-called water against terrorism. And after so many Pakistani lost their lives, including soldiers we still cannot control terrorist and save our cities.
Recently terrorism increased in Pakistan and the terrorists could hit those targets precisely on Army what was not possible before the presence of Black water and other private army in Pakistan for what ever reason but this is fact that the terrorists are more benefited by these private armies and targeting and hitting highly skilled personnel of Pakistan Army.

As everybody aware that Indian have a big influence in Afghanistan along with American and NATO forces, where the militants are forced by our army and welcome by enemies of Pakistan to use them against Pakistan army. When they are in anger and could be use easily.
The media were not free In 1971, and we had to relied on state owned media. But why do we have to rely on the state media now because the free media is not reporting. We cannot blame American, Indians, or anybody else but our own politicians and generals for East Pakistan, no one can use citizens against their own country if we are friendly and listening and solving their problems. But if we beat them killed them use Air Force, tanks, gunship helicopters, and destroy and force them to leave their homes. Then it is our government who forcing them to fight with our forces. Just like 1971 in the East Pakistan.

What are the conspiracies? At the time when suddenly America and Europe are increasing the number of forces. Instead of decrease, according to Western media and US administration, and NATO forces, admiring the role of Pakistani forces in eliminating of threats, than what is the need of massive forces in Afghanistan it should be the way around, US and European nations should decrease the number of soldiers. When Pakistan forces addressing the problem, but the reality is the whole world is bringing more soldiers when the resistance in the border area of Pakistan is almost finished.
Since we joined the so-called war on terror and start attacking our own citizens with modern weapons, in reaction the whole Pakistan is under the attacks of terrorism, hundreds of thousands died, our own uniformed officers are not safe in our own country, the most respected army at one time under attack by its own citizens, for last 10 years the policies of government failed and the conditions is so much deteriorated that even the mosque become battlegrounds, this is an Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The country was created for Muslims and in the name of Islam. Do we want to win the American war on terror on the cost of sovereignty of Pakistan? What kind of war we're fighting when we losing Pakistan, day by day and This is all due to a wrong policies of our so-called implemented leaders who do not care about the nation or Pakistan they just care about their good relations with US and dollars.
The media of Pakistan should pressurize the government for the right of free and fair reporting from Waziristan and all areas , where operation is going on and ask the government to stop the war and reconcile with local residents, bring back those who forced to leave Pakistan and start dialogues and only dialogues no option to use the force. This problem could easily be solved by giving the chance and support to the local leaders and by listening their demands not dictating.
In my view, Indians and Americans have no problems with Talibainization of Pakistan, but have a big problem of a nuclear Pakistan, if and when they defuse the nuclear Pakistan, they' will leave us for Taliban. Just like in Iraq, where they destroyed a powerful army, and now they have no problems to leave behind an unstable Iraq.
We must act, and we must act now to save Pakistan, and not repeat the same mistakes of 1971. Otherwise, if foreign forces attacks on Pakistan army than Pakistan army will be surrounded by two or three enemies and can bring the same situation as 1971 in East Pakistan that's why Indian chief of Army staff have already declared that it may be possible of a control nuclear War in the region and the civilian Generals. Mr. Zardari and Nawaz Sharif will fly away and live with their Masters. Happily, just like General Yahiya the most responsible person for the fall of East Pakistan.
Dear Habib,,


You have created exactly the same skatch which i have as well, you are absoultly right, when water will goes far away from our heads then we will realize what happened, all of our naam nihaad leaders have no problem with that, as they have money and power and they can easily travel to other countries.
If [nawaz] wife's have snizze then they go to see doctor in London not in Lahore, when the times come they will go to their masters and no one is going to think and take care of poor peoples.
May allah will take care of every one,




MPA (400+ posts)
Thanks Atif up untill we have nationalist like you they will not be able to get away some thing will happend soon Inshallah