President MUSHARRAF Interview w/ Frost

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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)


pakistan first

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Wonderful to see a great man, a decent personality and a very knowledgable leader. I wish he could come back soon to lead our great country Pakistan.

Murshad Jee

Sharfoo is must be joking

he is fraud and only fraud
I am sorry to see that ''Pakistan First'' saying him a great leader and want him again to rule our country.
aray bhai sahib
in fact he is still ruling our country behind the scene, if you can not see then....aap ka Allah hi hafiz hai
he done the wrong things in his time and we are facing these problems now, in fact he resigned as president of Pakistan and left his kittens in the govt like, Zardari, Altaf, Malik, Taseer, Molvi Diesel.
Insha Allah time is coming when we will see him facing all charges against him in the ''Independent'' court.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Sharfoo is must be joking

Murshad Jee said:
he is fraud and only fraud
I am sorry to see that ''Pakistan First'' saying him a great leader and want him again to rule our country.
aray bhai sahib
in fact he is still ruling our country behind the scene, if you can not see then....aap ka Allah hi hafiz hai
he done the wrong things in his time and we are facing these problems now, in fact he resigned as president of Pakistan and left his kittens in the govt like, Zardari, Altaf, Malik, Taseer, Molvi Diesel.
Insha Allah time is coming when we will see him facing all charges against him in the ''Independent'' court.

do not try to correct me or 'pakistan first' . INFACT you elected this lot of zardari, altaf, malik, taseer in government. so stop complaining. u wanted democracy, so here it is. now enjoy it. and yes, u just repeated musharraf's words "AAP KA ALLAH HAFIZ". u may hold that ameer-ul-munfiqeen iftikhar chaudary in high esteem, but lets face it, one army chief dismissed him while other army chief re-instated him, there is nothing 'independent' or 'constitutional' in it.
have a nice day.
do not try to correct me or 'pakistan first' . INFACT you elected this lot of zardari, altaf, malik, taseer in government. so stop complaining. u wanted democracy, so here it is. now enjoy it. and yes, u just repeated musharraf's words "AAP KA ALLAH HAFIZ". u may hold that ameer-ul-munfiqeen iftikhar chaudary in high esteem, but lets face it, one army chief dismissed him while other army chief re-instated him, there is nothing 'independent' or 'constitutional' in it.
have a nice day.

Good reply ....

funny ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

pakistan first

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
well said sniper khan. we are living in a fool paradise or in other words our politicians are so clever to use the innocent awaam for their benifits. Double standards for Mr Shareef or Imran Khan is they were fighting to have an accord with Sufi Mohammad and since Sufi Mohammad declared Parliament is "ghair sharee" they changed their moods. These politicians are doing their politics on daily basis with double standards. Did any body notice the positive attitude of Musharraf since he resigned the office. He visited number of countries and every where he presented Pakistan's case very strongly unlike our politicians when they are not in power they did every thing just to damage the image of our country. Mesharraf's draw back is only that he is an ex-army otherwise he is much much better than our so called politicians.
"Sub Say Pehlay Pakistan"


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
pakistan first said:
well said sniper khan. we are living in a fool paradise or in other words our politicians are so clever to use the innocent awaam for their benifits. Double standards for Mr Shareef or Imran Khan is they were fighting to have an accord with Sufi Mohammad and since Sufi Mohammad declared Parliament is "ghair sharee" they changed their moods. These politicians are doing their politics on daily basis with double standards. Did any body notice the positive attitude of Musharraf since he resigned the office. He visited number of countries and every where he presented Pakistan's case very strongly unlike our politicians when they are not in power they did every thing just to damage the image of our country. Mesharraf's draw back is only that he is an ex-army otherwise he is much much better than our so called politicians.
"Sub Say Pehlay Pakistan"

and lets not forget, that qazi hussain ahmed supporting the nizam-e-adal recently saying that sufi mohammed is actually a side-effect of the failure of our present Court system,
abay someone should ask that bloody mullah qazi that why was he supporting the restoration of justice iftikhar some days ago. cant you guys see, the reason why nizam-e-adal came into being, is because PEOPLE have REJECTED the present court system of Pakistan, and before you know it, some one else in Pakistan will be asking for the same system. there is no point in talking any sense in these people, You and I and a few others, are a few who THINK rationally, and are NOT surprised at how screwed things have become after elections. back in 2007, the cry was "Call Nawaz Sharif and BB back, things will be ok," -check- nothing improved
then came the cry "Hold Elections, things will be ok"-check- nothing improved
then came the cry "Remove Musharraf, things will be ok" -check- nothing improved
then came the cry "Restore Iftikhar, things will be ok" -check- nothing improved
...soon, an OLD cry "Bring in the Army, things will be ok then" will be heard, but this time, Army wont intervene, they MUST NOT intervene, for this country and its people must taste the taste of "democracy" and remember the freedoms and prosperity they enjoy during these so-called "dictatorships".
I only post videos of Musharraf and his interviews so people and his supporters (an increasing number, may I tell you) can stay updated on him. If the flaming and cussing continues in the responses, then i will stop doing that as well.

pakistan first

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dear Sniper khan, please dont stop to post your videos. Everybody has right to show their feelings since we are human beings. I fed up of reading about Musharraf in every forums / talk shows about his wrong acts but never ever any body has show his dare to acknowledge his positive acts. Ground reality is that till 2006, Musharraf's popularity graph was way up and every body praise him including media. Media should not be biased but sorry to say our anchors showing only those things which they personally wanted to show just to pleas their godfathers.
Have a nice day,,
"sub say pehlay Pakistan"


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
pakistan first said:
Dear Sniper khan, please dont stop to post your videos. Everybody has right to show their feelings since we are human beings. I fed up of reading about Musharraf in every forums / talk shows about his wrong acts but never ever any body has show his dare to acknowledge his positive acts. Ground reality is that till 2006, Musharraf's popularity graph was way up and every body praise him including media. Media should not be biased but sorry to say our anchors showing only those things which they personally wanted to show just to pleas their godfathers.
Have a nice day,,
"sub say pehlay Pakistan"
i can see that you have recently joined this forum, let me tell you if u continue to support musharraf, then soon u will be labelled a 'pain-mqm-terrorist' . i know because i have been called these things.


MPA (400+ posts)
Come Back Sir Musharraf, Pakistani People Need You.
Terrorist Qazi Hussain Ahmed.... HAHAHAHA thts true.
Now If people of pakistan would go for Tehreek e Insaaf or MQM thts would be better.
But please dont elect Nawaz or Zardari again for god sakeeeeeeee.


MPA (400+ posts)
pakistan first said:
Wonderful to see a great man, a decent personality and a very knowledgable leader. I wish he could come back soon to lead our great country Pakistan.

Long Live Musharraf.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Sharfoo is must be joking

sniperkhan said:
do not try to correct me or 'pakistan first' . INFACT you elected this lot of zardari, altaf, malik, taseer in government. so stop complaining. u wanted democracy, so here it is. now enjoy it.
have a nice day.

Why do you always use "YOU", were you not the one also, so instead pointing fingers accept "WE" as a nation wanted democracy.

sniperkhan said:
u may hold that ameer-ul-munfiqeen iftikhar chaudary in high esteem, but lets face it, one army chief dismissed him while other army chief re-instated him, there is nothing 'independent' or 'constitutional' in it.

Army chief reinstated him on the orders of democratic president.

I understand where pakistan first plea is coming from, but you are forgetting the attrocities done in his regime, sure things were a little better but the only difference is musharaf had guts to stand up for himself while zardari is a pimp. Their was a dictator than and there is a dictator now. Every step musharaf took was for his own benefits and no matter what he says now cannot change what he did during his period of time. He planted the tree of war for pakistan and now its bearing fruit.
It was bad then its worse now. :oops:

Murshad Jee

Re: Sharfoo is must be joking

sniperkhan said:
Murshad Jee said:
he is fraud and only fraud
I am sorry to see that ''Pakistan First'' saying him a great leader and want him again to rule our country.
aray bhai sahib
in fact he is still ruling our country behind the scene, if you can not see then....aap ka Allah hi hafiz hai
he done the wrong things in his time and we are facing these problems now, in fact he resigned as president of Pakistan and left his kittens in the govt like, Zardari, Altaf, Malik, Taseer, Molvi Diesel.
Insha Allah time is coming when we will see him facing all charges against him in the ''Independent'' court.

do not try to correct me or 'pakistan first' . INFACT you elected this lot of zardari, altaf, malik, taseer in government. so stop complaining. u wanted democracy, so here it is. now enjoy it. and yes, u just repeated musharraf's words "AAP KA ALLAH HAFIZ". u may hold that ameer-ul-munfiqeen iftikhar chaudary in high esteem, but lets face it, one army chief dismissed him while other army chief re-instated him, there is nothing 'independent' or 'constitutional' in it.
have a nice day.
I wish he lives long, because if he lives long then he will see the court and ''Pakistan first + Sniperkhan'' you both definitely belong to MQM which is in fact pro Musharraf party, Actually you lives in fool's paradise who doesn't understands America + British policy which is ''divide and rule''.
We have actually the greatest army in the world but Musharraf came out like a dirty egg. and if you are talking about Elections, in fact that wasn't election, that was selection by USA & Brittan. The deal was done and lists were made before even elections. I think both of you's need some more experience in the real life to understand the facts.

Tell me why suddenly we have problems in 3 provinces (Sindh, Sarhad and Balochistan).?
Tell me why they delayed to re-instate Chief Justice?
Tell me why all the Governor's are still there and was appointed by Musharraf?
Tell me why Musharraf got guard of honor even PPP keep saying he was a dictator?
Tell me why Zardari keeping Nawaz Sharif out of Parliament?
Tell me why our President keep saying ''I saved Pakistan''.........? (Mai ne Pakistan ko tootnay say bachaya)
Tell me why Balochistan Nationalist party leaders hiding in UK and Afghanistan?
Tell me why Karzai keep attacking Pakistan Army and ISI and our President still meets him in good manner?
Tell me why our President clarify about Indian Jets before even India clarified?
Tell me why USA officials comes to Pakistan every or second week........and what is there agenda?

I have dozens of more questions but these are enough. And by the way Army chief did not re-Instate the CJ it was power of the Nation who force them to re-instatate the CJ.
and if you talk about Nizam-e-Adal.............In fact our army is playing a game...........m telling you the truth brother.

Our Pakistan is safe just because of we are a nuclear power. straight away after India tested their and rejecting America and the rest of the world's pressure. I do not know who ever started this project for Pakistan but the question Who had this courage to stand up for the country and made the decision to test the nuclear missiles to show the world that we have this power straight away after India tested their and rejecting America and the rest of the world's pressure, that was only Nawaz Sharif. Even Bill Clinton (Former President of USA) called him 3 to 4 time that night before nuclear tests, to stop him doing that but he ignored him, If there was Musharraf, Zardari or MQM.............................................huh, we wont be a nuclear power this time. that was Musharraf when USA gave him a list of things they need from Pakistan before start war in Afghanistan and they (USA) thinking if he (Musharraf) accept even 3 or 4 out of 10 we will be happy but Musharraf accepted every single demand from that list. Pakistan need some leader with courage to talk to USA about our country's own interest.

I do not belong to Muslim League but I like Nawaz Sharif for what he done to the country.

Brother Just think positively and think like a true pakistani not any of the party worker..............

PAKISTAN is my mother and I know better then anyone else that how to protect it from enemies.
PAKISTAN Painda Baad


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Sharfoo is must be joking

Stop calling people supporter of MQM if they are giving their opinion and even if they are it has nothing to do in this discussion, MQM cannot be blammed for every problem in this country and to clarify your next thoughts I am not supporter of MQM to verify you can check my previous posts.

Bhutto senior started the nuclear project in 1970's and he opened the funds for nuclear project to no extent so the credit goes to him. Nawaz Sharif messed up the war of kargil and I was an original photograph from a kashmiri mujahid( may Allah azzept his shahadat) and the whole story checks out tha nawaz sharif sold pakistan in that war but pakistan was a lot happier in that regime and people praised him even after the assets were frozen in that time.

I am raged after every statement of Obama saying that India's nuclear assets are safe but our nuclear assets are in danger to go in the hands of millitants, he is trying to fool the world because people who have the working knowledge of nuclear plants know that the codes are divided into pieces and handed over to different personnels like president, ISI chief, chief of army and some others, and its in the hidden location. Pakistan is being disgraced over foreign media and zardari acts like a pimp and take $400mil for selling the dignity and our land to US.

Maybe talibans are right to fight against the government for their wrongful doings!! Since 2003 pakistani government and soldeirs had been killing and and making people of FATA homeless, for how long will they be able to take it, imagine the grief we feel against our country situation so they are feeling the same way. Why can't government have the peace deal all over FATA and let them be the way they were 10years back.

pakistan first

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Thank you very much "Mr aBis" for your comments and really feel very sad to know about the USA & America's divide & rule policy, I am wondering why our politicians & leaders could not realize so simple thing which u know already. If I like Musharraf or anybody like him, is it a universal law that they belong to MQM? Also MQM is no more supporting Musharraf, it is just like Imran Khan supported Musharraf in refrendum and later he changed his policy, same like Nawaz shareef was in coalition with MQM now no more, PML (N) and PPPP were enemies each other ( may be still) but on papers they have a coalition govt in Punjab, so my dear friend, this is the history of our democracy, please dont put your MQM stamp on people who favoring Musharraf. You claimed that Mr Shareef showed the dare to test the Nuclear Bomb, could you tell me without agreement of Pak Army was it possible. In fact the pressure was came from the Army to back fire the Nuclear bombs, otherwise our PMs has no authority on our nuclear program. Yeah, credit must went to Mr Bhutto since he was the founder of our Nuclear program. It was not very old when Musharraf came into power in October 99 and the very next day we witnessed a very warm welcomed by everybody and sweets were distributed every where in Pakistan.
"Sub say pehlay Pakistan"


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
pakistan first said:
really feel very sad to know about the USA & America's divide & rule policy, I am wondering why our politicians & leaders could not realize so simple thing which u know already.

Because they enjoy living the life of comfort & power and earn more riches, if worse comes to worse they will flee the country with their millions and billions of dollars. Or if they are jailed than wait for some years to come back to power again.

Zardari was in prison for 11 years but he was living in A class over their in his second term of prison, the police officers used to provide him with anything he wants be it be girls or finest alcohol (this was told to me by a friend of mine who was ex-assistant director of FIA)


Musharraf jasa begarat admi manee apny pori life main nahi dekha or na he suna hia kabi ke asa begarat or besharam or coward insaan kabi hukmran be raha hia kasi mulk ka,, Laken ye Allah ka Azab Pakistan jasy paree country par hukumat karta raha, kuch lotoon or kameenoon ke waja see,. It is superrise me that, still he is barking in media and moving freely and bening punished yet. But Allah knows everything, jasy loog wasy he hukmran.

Pata nahi ess kism ki log akhir kitna oor ess mulk ka satyaa naas karien gian, oor gareeb ka khoon beta rahee ga, oor ye log rule karty rahian gian.

Allah he janee kon bashar hia, Lanat ho musharaf par oor ess ke nasal par oor un par jo zulam or injustice ko support karty hian, oor jo logon ka khoon bahatey hian. ameen [imran]


pakistan first said:
Wonderful to see a great man, a decent personality and a very knowledgable leader. I wish he could come back soon to lead our great country Pakistan.

Musharraf jasa begarat admi manee apny pori life main nahi dekha or na he suna hia kabi ke asa begarat or besharam or coward insaan kabi hukmran be raha hia kasi mulk ka,, Laken ye Allah ka Azab Pakistan jasy paree country par hukumat karta raha, kuch lotoon or kameenoon ke waja see,. It is superrise me that, still he is barking in media and moving freely and bening punished yet. But Allah knows everything, jasy loog wasy he hukmran.

Pata nahi ess kism ki log akhir kitna oor ess mulk ka satyaa naas karien gian, oor gareeb ka khoon beta rahee ga, oor ye log rule karty rahian gian.

Allah he janee kon bashar hia, Lanat ho musharaf par oor ess ke nasal par oor un par jo zulam or injustice ko support karty hian, oor jo logon ka khoon bahatey hian. ameen [imran]

lets start

New Member
Re: Sharfoo is must be joking

very strange the person who threw pakistan into un countable crisis is being regarded as a great man and some people wish him to rule the country again(khuda na kwaasta) let me ask is there any thing left 4 musharraf to destroy the country any more how can one 4get what he did in laal masjid by killing houndreds of innocent(un armed) girls students they were also human beings can he be forgiven for this in henious act and this is only one example)
what he did to nawab akbar bugty
it is musaharaf responsible for the balochistan crises
for the fata,swat,
and for hundreds of missing persons who knows where are they
i wish god should not give a ruler like musharraf to even an enemy


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Sharfoo is great......PLAIN FACT

aBis said:
Why do you always use "YOU", were you not the one also, so instead pointing fingers accept "WE" as a nation wanted democracy.
Army chief reinstated him on the orders of democratic president.

I understand where pakistan first plea is coming from, but you are forgetting the attrocities done in his regime, sure things were a little better butthe only difference is musharaf had guts to stand up for himself while zardari is a pimp. Their was a dictator than and there is a dictator now. Every step musharaf took was for his own benefits and no matter what he says now cannot change what he did during his period of time. He planted the tree of war for pakistan and now its bearing fruit.
It was bad then its worse now. :oops:

HENCE the difference between a benign military dictator and an authoritarian, feudal civil dicatator.
i will correct myself as 'WE' but exclude MYSELF from it. army chief re-instated him on the orders of democratic president???? surely, if this actually happened then there is something seriously wrong in the chain of command of this country. in fact, there is. cuz army chief compelled the president to give orders to PM to announce the reinstatment.
the tree that u talk about was planted in the decade of mismanagement by both the civilian governments, PPP and PML-N. whether. and yes, u are right about nawaz sharif selling pakistan to US in kargil war, and let me mention to you Mr. Ameer-ul-Momineen allowing Pakistani Airspace to american cruise missiles during the 'Monica Lewinsky's war'. so much for protecting ones sovergnity. I wish i could tell u more about the part nawaz sharif played during that time to save bill clinton's government, but sadly due to some restrictions i cant. dont u get it, people, its cussing like this that deters me from posting videos on this forum. i pre-judged it.
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