Proofs of Blackwater, Xe Services Presence in Karachi


Councller (250+ posts)
Proofs of Blackwater, Xe Services Presence in Karachi

Pakistans intelligence agencies have submitted their report regarding Xe (Blackwater) to the federal interior ministry. The report includes proofs of XE Services (also Blackwater) presence in Karachi besides shocking story of their nexus with the political party dominating the city.

The report also contains details of houses and hotels being used by Blackwater as its operational centre and lodging. Quoting highly reliable sources, the investigation cell of one of the large circulated dailies from Karachi has claimed.

Summary of the details given below:

1. Blackwaters activities are at the Peak.

2. The notorious mercenary forces are enjoying the support of the most powerful party in the city.

3. Office bearers of the two major political parties are providing [not known whether in their individual capacity or with party lines] to Blackwater besides helping them in getting houses.

4. Nearly half dozen of the houses are provided by a federal minister who is also helping them in clearing the shipments [weapons and hummer] at Port Qasim.

5. Black water has acquired dozens of houses while its strength has reached to 60, 32 out of which are retired officers of Pakistani Law enforcement agencies. No need to mention that the owner of disband Inter Risk is also a retired Captain of Pakistan Army.
6. Blackwater has also acquired the seventh floor of five stars Hotel in the Karachi which is believed to be the new operational Headquarter. Previously a Bungalow in the Khyaban-e-Shamshir area of DHA was used as operational centre..." ... chi-11482/