Propaganda by the Khoon League and Neutrals


Minister (2k+ posts)
There is some propaganda by the Khoon League and by the neutrals that "Neutrals had supported PTI and PTI supported neutrals as well".

This fake propaganda is being spread with the half of the truth and the facts,

1. PTI support for the neutrals was not unconditional. PTI supported neutrals based on its election slogans and memorandum which was to establish law and order in the country, improve situation of the poor, bring the economy out of the disaster, improve the health sector, bring unified educational syllabus across the country, independent foreign policy, improve tourism, fast and speedy justice, corruption free society and so on.
However, neutrals betrayed PTI and hence betrayed with the people of Pakistan.

2. Our support to the neutrals was to take country forward. We the common people of Pakistan are still committed to our commitment and promises but it is the neutrals who betrayed us.

3. We the people of Pakistan are not against neutrals but it is the neutrals who are imposing their agenda on us.

4. We the people of Pakistan will not accept any decision imposed on through rogueries. Yes you can continue with the current barbarism and we will continue to face this.

5. We the people of Pakistan will never ever surrender on our country's dignity, sovereignty and pride. We will never let any foreign power to impose its agenda on us. Neutrals also betrayed us on this issue as well.

6. We the people of Pakistan were, are and will be with army in case of any internal and external threat but they have to take people of Pakistan in confidence through free and fairly elected government.

7. Neutrals have suspended human rights, constitution and law & order in the country to teach us a lesson. But they have forgotten the fact "every changez khan and halaku khan has its end. Every Yazid has its end. History will only remember them with the names of corrupt, illegal, immoral and inhumane. The people of Pakistan stand today with the victim not with the oppressor.

8. The Government officers who are only there to follow elected Government as per the elected government policies for a period of 5 years. No one has given them the right to overthrow, conspire against elected government and unleash barbarism on the people of Pakistan.

9. Our only mistake was to give over respect to the paid servants of Pakistan. This was our primary mistake under the shadows of fake propaganda that establishment sacrifices, its honest, its disciplined, its not corrupt and so on.

Sher Afzal Marwat has said right " Yeh sab ka Pakistan hai, kisi k baap ka ni".
Establishment want us to support yazidiyat but we have been taught since our childhood to support Hussainyat. People of KPK has proved that they will not behave like Kofi's. Now it is the turn of other provinces.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Not sure which hole u r hiding in with Murad Saeed becauss your own Core Comittee Members responsible for leading you donkeys during last 10 years have admitted on camera how stupid u were in breaking off from establishment and pushing things to no return screaming Red Line Red Line which proved nothing more then a cheap water color

patwari_sab xecutioner zaheer2003 Kam