Rahul fought back - A real democracy


Senator (1k+ posts)
Why did IK sit with Bajwa? Why he kept reminding us of one page one page.
You are oversimplifying it. It is not as easy as let the election be free and fair and your problems will resolve.
Pakistan is a security state. India is not. India is 10 x bigger than us and their army is 3 x's of Pakistan army. So, comparing Pakistan with India is like apples and oranges.

I am not suggesting IK sit with army but saying he was brought into power by army. Why didn't IK call the election at his last year when the whole country wanted the general election? You know the reason and I know the reason why.

I don't trust Pakistan Judiciary. It was the same when they handed NS a conviction order. I had my opinion of it as well. Even at that time, lots of PTI fans were upset with NS that why doesn't he come back. I was of the opinion that Pakistani Judiciary is anything but just. Got zero credibility then and zero credibility now.
So, let talk about the solutions. Politicians need to sit together to come up with a viable plan how to get rid of internal interference from the army and its generals. IK refuse to sit with opposition. And still wants to call himself a politician.

I bet you if army generals give him space today, he will sit once again with them and plow his destructive plan against opposition. All he cared in his last 4 years how to keep opposition in prison. Not a good idea.
if Pakistan is a security state, which I don't agree with, you should be happy that IK was trying to establish that one page with your beloved generals.
Is Pak judiciary still bad now that the greatest of all legal minds Faez Isa is heading it & delivering 'justice' left right & centre?
The solution is simple, Pakistan can't be run the way it has been in the last 76 years. massive structural reforms are needed which simply can't be achieved by those who have been part & parcel of the rotten system for the past 40 plus years.
unlike NS, IK has shown immense courage & has stood his ground so I will give him a fair chance instead of assuming things in advance.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I am thankful to all those who shared their views gracefully.
Really loved to see best of the comments.
Why not we can keep same for our national political issues?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
if Pakistan is a security state, which I don't agree with, you should be happy that IK was trying to establish that one page with your beloved generals.
Is Pak judiciary still bad now that the greatest of all legal minds Faez Isa is heading it & delivering 'justice' left right & centre?
The solution is simple, Pakistan can't be run the way it has been in the last 76 years. massive structural reforms are needed which simply can't be achieved by those who have been part & parcel of the rotten system for the past 40 plus years.
unlike NS, IK has shown immense courage & has stood his ground so I will give him a fair chance instead of assuming things in advance.
You continue to offer the known diagnosis. I will continue to ask you the solutions . How would you go from the current state to the one which is desirable.
We have tried all politicians. IK is no saint . He also doesn't have ability to reform the country . We have seen it many times in his tenure. The kind of decisions he made ruined the country even more.
I do not see anyone politician who can single handly change the culture and reform it.
We do not need the leaders like Buzdar and Gundapor . They are monkeys hanging with trees. This is what PTI offered Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
You continue to offer the known diagnosis. I will continue to ask you the solutions . How would you go from the current state to the one which is desirable.
We have tried all politicians. IK is no saint . He also doesn't have ability to reform the country . We have seen it many times in his tenure. The kind of decisions he made ruined the country even more.
I do not see anyone politician who can single handly change the culture and reform it.
We do not need the leaders like Buzdar and Gundapor . They are monkeys hanging with trees. This is what PTI offered Pakistan.
obviously you are convinced that only sharif's, zardari's & co can take this country out of the current quagmire along with the holy warriors aka desi generals & judges like Faez Isa on their back. going by your argument, we currently have the best motley crew who can deliver the results. I wonder these 'known achievers' have been at the helm for decades, why the country is staring at abyss now?