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Apology to daughters raped by Sheffield man

Two daughters made pregnant 18 times by their abusive father have received an apology from the authorities who failed to protect them.
The apology was made at a news conference that revealed the findings of a serious case review.
The Sheffield man, who cannot be named, was given a life sentence after admitting 25 counts of rape in 2008.
The review found missed opportunities and collective failures to protect the children over three decades.
It was carried out by safeguarding children boards in Sheffield and Lincolnshire and acknowledged the family had contact with 28 different agencies and 100 members of staff over 35 years, including police, doctors, nurses and social workers.

We are genuinely sorry. We should have protected you
Chris Cook, Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board
Sue Fiennes, independent chair of Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board, said: "We want to apologise to the family at the heart of this case. It will be clear that we have failed this family."
Chris Cook, independent chair of Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board, said: "We are genuinely sorry. We should have protected you."
He added: "We must remember that people's lives were devastated both by a controlling, power-obsessed and deviant father and our failure to act."
The serious case review showed the family moved 67 times so the father could avoid detection.
Professor Pat Cantrill, independent report author of the serious case review, said opportunities "were missed individually and collectively".

Whats Up Doc

Councller (250+ posts)
I don't know any society that is immune from this sort of ills. Its trial and error in protecting children. I give this society the credit for exposing, admitting and planing so that incidents of this sort can be prevented or caught in early states.

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Incest is a global phenomenon and is not limited to western societies only. Just because we dont report incest cases in our society doesnt means we are free from it. I think we should give credit to the authority figures that came in open and apologized to the public because they were not of any help. Imagine any of our leaders or authority figure coming in public and admitting his/her fault.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I would agree with the above comments. Bravo to the society who at least brought these girls to justice. It is tragic to see these types of incidents. But oh well if you talk abt torture and rape Pakistan has some of the worst cases in the world which will literally make you shiver the kind of behavior these extremists or police carry out with women in jail cells. Sadly, none is ever exposed so women just have to except this harsh reality and live on.