Reclaim Jacobabad and Pasni from Americans, Campaign

sshahid - Blogger
Mere piyare Pakistani bhaio,

This is time to start a campign to take back our airports from Americans. Now that it has been confirmed by many reliable sources that Pasni and Jacobabad airports have been allocated to the Americans by the previous dictator and this occupation has continued concurrance by the current puppet goverment, we must start this struggle to take them back by the people power. It belongs to Pakistan only and only Pakistani military should use these bases.

If you look at the map, Pasni is located at the sea. American are moving their military personnel and equipment brought by the sea from this airport. Enslaved governments of Pakistan have been doing so much more than just this favor to Americans and how are we treated in return? We all know the answer. Pakisan should have never been a part of this war anyway.

I do not want to make this post very long thus ineffective. So I say as a dictator opened this to the enemy, let's close it with people power. Don't the Americans love the democracy and say, of the people, by the people and for the people. I'm sure they will understand and respect this move!

Let's try to bring attention of our awam to this point. I hope our news media, active civil societies, sincere political party folks, such as Tehrike Insaaf etc. picks up on this topic.

In the end if nothing works, people should raid these airports in tens of thousands and get rid of the foreigners. No ghairat mand Pakistani should accept it that our own military cannot cannot get in to these airports. Perhaps reclaiming these airports for our military may be a greatest act of support awam can show to our foj.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

I agree that Pakistan should RE-CLAIM ALL! of its military bases as well as air bases from US.

US has ZERO authority within our land. If they force us out of any part of our land, we will THROW THEM OUT of Pakistan.

M. Istehbab


AssalamoAlaikum All Pakistani Brothers,

Any foreign country cannot dare to touch another country's soil whithout approval of rulers which have been appointed by the people of Pakistan.
The only way out is to get rid of these traitors who have billions of dollars in foreign accounts and become ally of foreign occupiers just for $$$$.
Please list all possible ways of getting rid of these traitors:

Pakistan Zindabad


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

1) Move Pakistan towards Islami Nizam, Islamic way of life

Encourage Muslims of Pakistan to live their lives according to principles of Islam. Make it easy for them to move towards an Islamic way of life. Resist!! and Remove!! ALL!! elements that come as barriers in moving towards that goal.

2) Implement impartial, across the board, FAST!, non-discriminatory JUSTICE SYSTEM that obeys Islam

a) The concept of blind justice comes from non-Muslims

b) In Islam, JUSTICE SYSTEM is NOT! blind. It watches, learns, adapts

3) Govt. officials should be the FOREMOST of people who adhere to law of the land

4) A common man in Pakistan SHOULD have the confidence to get justice against his disputes from the court of law

5) Govt. should ENSURE the safety of life, integrity, self respect, money, property of a common man

6) Recover ALL the money that has been looted from Pakistan, through JUSTICE SYSTEM

7) Pay off ALL the debts with that money

7) Govt. MUST!! PROMOTE!!! the idea of self sufficiency

This is critical!!!

8) Govt. should MAKE sure money distribution is FAIR in our society, according to Islam's ways

9) Govt. should publish yearly reports on where public money was spent. How it was spent.

10) Govt. should publish yearly reports on crime rates, criminal/non-criminal cases taht were attended to, those case which were decided, those which are still pending, WHY they are pending

ALL of the above are steps are as a 'startup' measure for anyone running Govt. of Pakistan, no matter who it is.

ALL of these steps MUST!! be adhered to, if Pakistan is to succeed.