Rogue Army is killing pakistan.

Rocky Khurasani

Senator (1k+ posts)
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Asim Munir on instructions from the US or whomever he considers his Masters is going to start a new Operation in FATA and Waziristan to delay elections. We know a lot of Pakistan Army officers and young soldiers would die. Also, we know that a lot of civilians will die as a result of aerial bombings.

Focus of this discussion here is Young soldiers and officers, who have the option to resign and stay at home. But, if they still go to this pointless war which we all know is not against terror but to protect the interests of Zardari and Nawaz, do you think these soldiers would be considered Shaheed or Halaak by Pakistanis?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Army must act according to the public interest.
or else they will lost their some how remaining credibility


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
ہر اس سو کالڈ آپریشن میں کچھ جرنیلوں کی مبینہ طور پر دیہاڑیاں لگتی ہیں اور اربوں روپے کچھ جرنیلوں یا جر نیل کی جیب میں چلے جاتے ہیں اس لئے جنرلز کے لئے ہر آپریشن کمائی کا زریعہ ہوتا ہے اسی لئے ہر نیا چیف ایسے آپریشن شروع کرتا ہے