ROZA e RASOOL(saw) a rare VIEW, Gift for You (MUST)*


MPA (400+ posts)
Dear Brother & Sisters in Islam,
I'm taking this opportunity to introduce this very rare & precious VIEW of ROZA e RASOOL(saw)
i believe only few Muslims of the World may have seen this View.

Enlarg it, frame it & place in your home & gift it to your Friends & family.

Please Recite Drood Pak while viewing it.

1)- Play this link, Allah Huma saleAlla;

2)- VIEW ROZA e RASOOL(pbuh);
{I'm removing this link till i'll confirm it, ShakirQureshi}

3)- Play & pray Merey Mula Karam ho Karam;

4)- Play the link, names of Muhammad(pbuh);

5)- View other Prophet's Roza/Graves & Zeyarets;

May Allh send his blessing to all of us Muslims & non Muslims Viewing this.

Talib e Duaa,

Karwan e Fikar UK.


MPA (400+ posts)
Thanks a lot bhai for such a B-E-A-UTIFUL sharing.
May Allah bless u (ameen) :)

sarbakaf - Blogger
salamailekum brothers and sisters.


This is tomb of Sultan momahhad Fateh of turkey , constantampole.......

Rooza e rasool has graves of abu bakar sadiq r.a and umar khattab r.a .........can some one see that...

secondly there is no verbil confirmation that rooza e rasool is covered with black clothes with aayas or kalima etc.........

please stop spreading these wrong emails......


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This picture is NOT of Razae Rasool's grave.

There are three holy graves, 1. Rasool Allah, 2. Abu Bakar & 3. Omar (may Allah bless all of them) all side by side. Next to Rasool Allah is the grave of hazrat AbuBakar, then next to him is Hazrat Omar.

All three graves are surrounded by a wall with no door to enter, the base or underground portion of that wall is filled with iron or some other sort of metal , and at the top of this wall is green dome, this wall was built by a ruler named, Noor Uddin Zangi.

So, one can enter and see the actual graves, these pictures are mis-leading and does not belong to Rasool Allah and his Sahabas.


I would request the moderator to be extra cautious when forwarding these kind of religious sensitive emails. This is beyond doubt not the Grave of Rasool Allah(p.b.u.h), this picture has officially been denied to be 'the picture'by various sources on the internet.
This is our moral and Islamic duty to confirm such news before passing it on.


New Member
This is not the roza of Prophet (S.A.W). I have been corrected for at least 2 years. Muslims, please investigate (or at least look it up somewhere) before posting such things. Check these links to know whose it is (Maulana Rumi in Konya, Turkey):


Moderators should take responsibility for posting wrong picture and playing with sentiments of millions of muslims worldwide. Admin of should appologize otherwise we will protest at a bigger scale.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
@ Saba, Qaiser n others

I m also (adnaa) Ashique Rasool(sw), but plz careful to comment , if it is wrong be careful to say nything abt this, until or unless u ve clear prove in hand
also, as some one mentioned that Others Sahibas (Rizwan ullah) also resting beside Our beloved Prophet (sw) , my q whehter their resting place are very close or situated a little far bcoz this pic is not covering whole surrounding that we may examine the others resting places

n acc to my information , wherever the actual Roza Rasool(sw) resting place, u can enter n stay n offer nafal , there is enough space to perform these.
N the brother who posted this link, i request u plz re confirm whether these are actual or not. If u agian look at this matter it ll be honour for all muslims


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
@ Shagi

dont shout to delcare it as an issue n try to make mess
wait the ans of shakir bhai
@ Shakir bhai plz we need ur replies b4 say anything


MPA (400+ posts)
@ Dear Brothers,
Thanks very much for your comments & advises,
I have received this Photo from One of my very Good Friend who just came back from HAJ. I was really very emotional when 1st saw this graceful picture,

**Main An-Hazoor(saw) key Ghulamon key ghulam ki paoon ki dhool bhi nhi hon **

i spent about two hours to write this post & really thinking that i was doing it for Allah's Blessing & to deliver it to my maximum fellow Muslims .......


now i'm removing the link till i'll confirm about it , as i also remember the outer view of Roza Mubarak & a slight inner view as well, i ve seen during my Umerah visits.

I'm thank ful for all Brothers pointed it out .......

& really sorry for this !!

i'll investigate if it's a mistake or not .... please share any info. you have.



New Member
Yes there is space for nawafil and even the regular day prayers, after all, it's all part of masjid-e-nabwi. I'm sure you must've seen the pics of jaali, that's the roza-e-rasool (SAW), right next to it is Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)'s resting place, and then Hazrat Umar(RA)'s. Do look at the links I have above and you should be able to see it is Maulana Rumi's tomb on Turkey....or you can just google it.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
@ all

we shud accept the sincere clarification of Shakir bhai, so we shud wait for it

n 2ndly if some one has got real inside pics i m dying to ve a look



Minister (2k+ posts)
Assalam-o-alaikum all.
I have some GHAR-E-HIRA photos, post is not allowing me to post. is there any way..


MPA (400+ posts)
@ true-Pakistani & other Friends,
thnx a lot for your kind understanding, regarding this post. True-Pakistani my feeling were the same like you to have & VIEW the photo, all TRUE Muslim must love to see it.

Any way i / we must be very careful about it, i admit.



MPA (400+ posts)
this is not the holy grave of rasoolallaho sallalaho alaihay wa alay hi wassalam,infact this is the grave of moulana jalalud din roomi (ra)in kounia turkey, if you go to to google and search in images with moulana s name you will see it yourself,extra cautions need to be placed before posting such delicate and religious post.



MPA (400+ posts)
@siddique , AOA,
my dear Bro. thnx for your 1st post
you have posted it with out watching my post !!

WHY ??

any way thanks coz. you seems to be RIGHT.

@every one please watch & listen;




main problem with us is that we rcv anything and start fwding at once without verifying the same !
bina tahqeeq k baat ko agay barhana sahee nhn hai !

khyaal rukhain - jazak ALLAH