Salam from new member


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Asalam o alike dear brothers and sisters,

I have been reading for quite sometime and now joined it to benefit from your inputs and share my humble opinions. I am looking forward to a conducive, respectable and thought provoking discussions.

with best regards,


MPA (400+ posts)
Dear Adam, welcome to this forum, one advice only: “Ispaghol tay kujh na phirole.”

Just kidding...........

Enjoy the ride.

Alif Noon

MPA (400+ posts)
just to clarify any misunderstanding, there is no "benefit fromeach other inputs and sharing of humble opinions" happens here.

we all just troll. some in urdu. some in english. some in both language. many in favor of PTI and some anti PTI. and thats pretty much all what members do here.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes we are biased against Khawrajee terrorists and their ***** supporters on this forum