Shining India : Parents chop off girls nose over her love marriage


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes it is shining India we don't do honor killing we only do honor nose chopping.

This horrible honor killing came from you guys, we need to teach these people real Islam, not Indian practices of female killings, racism and of denying other who are not than Hindus, BASIC is not accepted IN Islam, as a matter of fact it is Haram.

Remember the verse From Al Quran.Dude.

If you kill one innocent human being, you have killed the whole humanity.
If you save one innocent human you have saved the whole humanity.

Dude, I know that you know, you are trying to be mischievous. Not to mention tongue and cheek.


This horrible honor killing came from you guys, we need to teach these people real Islam, not Indian practices of female killings, racism and of denying other who are not than Hindus, BASIC is not accepted IN Islam, as a matter of fact it is Haram.

Remember the verse From Al Quran.Dude.

If you kill one innocent human being, you have killed the whole humanity.
If you save one innocent human you have saved the whole humanity.

Dude, I know that you know, you are trying to be mischievous. Not to mention tongue and cheek.

Great idea, You should start teaching this in Pakistan and get some practice it much easier to do that because everyone reads it every day but not very many practice it. Than you can start in India I will welcome it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
1000 year of Muslim rule failed to do anything for Dalits, they suffered discrimination same way in that period. I never lived under that rule that you called Muslim rule. That rule was a conquest, major conquest includes Ghori an Afgani not we(pakistani) then the Mongols who conquered Afghanistan were not we(pakistanis) subsiquently caving in to another empire (British). We (pakistanis) have a habit of insisting that we were part of Arab, Turks and Afgani conquests just because we are Muslims. You were not. If I became a Muslim today it would be silly for me to make these claims.

You are dumb again.

there are people who came from Arabia and from Afghanistan and from other parts of World Take the case of Hazart Mian Moeen ud deen Chisty. Read about him and know the miracles and how Hindu Maharajah converted to Islam, and those who converted because of Miracles are Indian converts.

So those converts and those who came with him were all but different races and casts. But all believed in One-ness of Allah. and that is why some call themselves Arabs and some Afghans.

You need to get knowledge Islam in true way it might enlighten you.Dude.

Now about Muslims coming to India is same as what was going on in the world in those days, as a matter of fact, Europeans fought like animals in those days when likes of Baba sahib helped Humanity. Dude.
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You are dumb again.

there are people who came from Arabia and from Afghanistan and from other parts of World Take the case of Hazart Mian Moeen ud deen Chisty. Read about him and know the miracles and how Hindu Maharajah converted to Islam, and those who converted because of Miracles are Indian converts.

Hazart Chisty was one of the greatest person in sub continent and man of knowledge, he did not came with sword but wisdom, Before you start to beat his drums you should know he came to India as a refugee, after he was expelled by the Mullahs in Iran he found a sanctuary in Ajmer. You better check with your semi Arab Wahabi Scholars according to them he was a heretic, before you go too deep with your comments.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Hazart Chisty was one of the greatest person in sub continent and man of knowledge, he did not came with sword but wisdom, Before you start to beat his drums you should know he came to India as a refugee, after he was expelled by the Mullahs in Iran he found a sanctuary in Ajmer. You better check with your semi Arab Wahabi Scholars according to them he was a heretic, before you go too deep with your comments.

you go again beat your chest for your lack of Muslim knowledge. and Hindu concocted story. For your enlightenment. All these pious people like Baba jee in Ajmer shareef and Data gunj bukhsh and Mian mir sahib in Lahore and many many more were the forbearer of Islamic faith were awarded miracles and were to spread it all over the globe so they left their countries and came where ever they were destined by Allah S.W.T.

so get your concocted story out of your head, it is a concoction by untruthful folks. and know the right story. Dude.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Great idea, You should start teaching this in Pakistan and get some practice it much easier to do that because everyone reads it every day but not very many practice it. Than you can start in India I will welcome it.

there are foreign forces bribing traitors in Pakistan, we ill fix then and than we will go after those who did this bribing and oppress Muslim in their countries, starting in our hood.


you go again beat your chest for your lack of Muslim knowledge. and Hindu concocted story. For your enlightenment. All these pious people like Baba jee in Ajmer shareef and Data gunj bukhsh and Mian mir sahib in Lahore and many many more were the forbearer of Islamic faith were awarded miracles and were to spread it all over the globe so they left their countries and came where ever they were destined by Allah S.W.T.

so get your concocted story out of your head, it is a concoction by untruthful folks. and know the right story. Dude.

Bro Calm down neither me nor you were there at the time but here is what we can do and possibly agree upon. Hazarat Chisty did not leave anything in writhing but there are many who followed him and represeted his thoughts in their poems that includes hazarats like Nizamudin Aulia, Mir Khusro, Farid Ganj as you mentioned I will also include others like Moulana Rumi, Ibn Arabi and Ibn Rushd.

They are all irreverent today, they are being blown up with bombs today.Check with Iranian Ayatollas,and Wahabis and tell me what they think of Hazarat Chisty and the rest of the above.


there are foreign forces bribing traitors in Pakistan, we ill fix then and than we will go after those who did this bribing and oppress Muslim in their countries, starting in our hood.

HA Ha- I will name those forces for you US/Israel/West/India, after 1000 years of ruling experience this is the best you can up with? Bro with in the first two weeks of your birth the begging bowl came out. You are funny.

modern fakir

MPA (400+ posts)
Ahh yes... :)...So i step away for a second and you are uttering nonsense again unicorn :)...Truly, you need some help. Oh and by the way for a country whose economic minister urges people to eat rats - they shouldn't be talking about beggin bowls :D... lol lol ...Unicorn ur name suggests ..PLEASE !!!..stop living in fairy tales !!!

And as far as Sufi Sheikhs go is because of them that their is some sanity in India ..otherwise you urself have admitted that their is nothing more to india than chopping noses, eating rats ...or watever else you guys do..:D

Lets check with some shudr's :D


Ahh yes... :)...So i step away for a second and you are uttering nonsense again unicorn :)...Truly, you need some help. Oh and by the way for a country whose economic minister urges people to eat rats - they shouldn't be talking about beggin bowls :D... lol lol ...Unicorn ur name suggests ..PLEASE !!!..stop living in fairy tales !!!

And as far as Sufi Sheikhs go is because of them that their is some sanity in India ..otherwise you urself have admitted that their is nothing more to india than chopping noses, eating rats ...or watever else you guys do..:D

Lets check with some shudr's :D

As far as begging is concerned I will follow the advise of the Minister and eat rats than to beg, if Chinese can do it so can I.

You better have some one read to you what I have admitted to its not what you wrote.

modern fakir

MPA (400+ posts)
Thats like a good boy Unicorn! :)..You have learned to behave and become a good boy now live ur life, eat rats and dont utter nonsense and everyone is happy. Its good that you came to terms with reality rather than being surly and sounding ignorant...i hope unlike the rest of indians on this forum ur new found wisdom is not temporary ...:D..otherwise I'm always here to respond to ur drivell!

Have Fun !!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: this shining india

And do ytou think or saying this is not happening in Islamia Jamhoria Pakistan?

I was from a rural part of Pakistan and entire education and professional career be subjected to discrimination and made fun of Its only my religious belief gave me the strength to strive on.

Bullying, Stereotyping, discrimination based on the Gender, Cast & Creed, and ethnicity is big problem and please do not try to hide the dirt under the capet. If we want to move forward we all need to stand up together and condemn weather it is on this side of border or on the other side.

Eik Allah,
Eik Rasool,
Eik Quran
Eik Ummah.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
1000 year of Muslim rule failed to do anything for Dalits, they suffered discrimination same way in that period. I never lived under that rule that you called Muslim rule. That rule was a conquest, major conquest includes Ghori an Afgani not we(pakistani) then the Mongols who conquered Afghanistan were not we(pakistanis) subsiquently caving in to another empire (British). We (pakistanis) have a habit of insisting that we were part of Arab, Turks and Afgani conquests just because we are Muslims. You were not. If I became a Muslim today it would be silly for me to make these claims.

thats really good one bravo.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Thread started off with an individual criminal act not practiced as a rule. But then changed course to Dalits, Kashmir, Muslim rule etc., No wonder you guys started of with some thing in 1947 and ending up with a different thing now?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Guys, these things happen everywhere...lets not make it a debate between countries..(serious)