Sold Elitist class and role of under privileged Pakistani people.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Robert Horan an American Attorney once rightly said that "Pakistanis can even sell their mothers for a few dollars"

Many Pakistanis have proved him right and we can witness that for last two years. I believe USA didn't have to pay Billions to Purchase these Pakistanis. They would have done this massive jerk of History of Nations by spending few Millions on these traitors.

But the naked fact is that They have purchased people from the elitist class. Top Generals, Top Judges, top Bureaucrats, top Media men and once top Politicians now better known as Beggars.

Where these sold Elitist will take Pakistan to if Real people of Pakistan don't rise to kick them out of power corridor and make them accountable for their acts of treason against Pakistan.


