Taliban arrests thwart Afghan talks - ex-U.N. envoy


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Source: Reuters
* Former U.N. envoy: Arrests all but stopped Taliban talks

* Diplomat says Pakistan may have wanted to disrupt process

LONDON, March 18 (Reuters) - The arrests of senior Afghan Taliban members in Pakistan have stopped most talks between the insurgents and U.N. representatives, the former head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan said in a BBC interview.

Norwegian Kai Eide, who stepped down this month, said talks dried up several weeks ago after more than a dozen prominent Taliban members were held in joint U.S.-Pakistan operations.

"Most communications stopped," he told the BBC World Service, according to extracts of the interview released by the BBC on Thursday. "The effect of that (the arrests) ... was certainly negative on our possibility of continuing the political process."

Contact with the Taliban began in spring 2009, paused during the elections in August and picked up after the vote until the arrests in Pakistan all but halted the process, he added.

Eide said his team met senior Taliban leaders and officials who had the authority of the group's ruling council, the Quetta Shura. A U.N. official told Reuters in January that one meeting took place in Dubai in January. [ID:nLDE60R2T8]

Asked if he thought Pakistan wanted to end the talks because it wanted to be in control of the process, Eide replied: "I find that interpretation to be probably the right one."

"Do I believe that Pakistan plays the role it should in promoting a political dialogue that is necessary for ending the conflict in Afghanistan? No, the Pakistanis did not play the role that they should have played."

Talks with the Taliban are "long overdue" and the arrests in recent weeks may have hardened the insurgents, making it harder to get their leaders to negotiate, he added.

The idea of talking to a group that has killed hundreds of coalition soldiers and has a long record of human rights abuses is sensitive, particularly in Britain and the United States.

The United States has so far backed attempts to persuade lower- and mid-level insurgents to stop fighting, but has resisted dealing with their leaders.

The United Nations is ready to continue informal talks with the Taliban but the contact must be discreet, diplomats said earlier this week. [ID:nN15218677] (Reporting by Peter Griffiths)

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Pakistan is a frontline state in the war against terror. If there is any talk with the insurgents than Pakistan needs to be taken on board also. It is imperative if the talks are to bear any fruit.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
I would suggest that you also offer an alternative that Pakistan can adopt so that we put an end to sucide attacks?
Should we sign a peace deal with Taliban and allow them to use our country as terrorist base? Surely in that case we wont get much international support!
As I have said earlier that nothing compensates the loss of human life, but we need to carry on this battle against extremism.