The Best of PTI


Voter (50+ posts)

The Best of PTI

A few friends and die hard youth of PTI asked me to tell them about the best budding young leaders of PTI. They said who are the best in PTI across Pakistan.Well to tell you the truth,there are a number of them .some known ,some relatively unknown in media.

I maintained before and I will repeat again my personal best and favorite in PTI is Asad Umar.The man is a gentleman,down to earth,easy to talk to and forth majority of you people know him I wont explain him in detail but for information of you all ,when he left the CEO post of Engro(a multinational) for PTI He was drawing 68.5 lakh rupees per month as salary.

I also like Jahangir Tareen , although I don't find him as patriotic as Asad ,he indeed is a jolly fellow,has a brilliant mind. A corporate giant and has extremely technical brain but despite all that when you are sitting with him you will feel that I am talking to a neigbour next door ,very candid and witty in personal conversation .He is PTI policy making bed rock.

Coming Now to young leaders ,starting from Punjab,I think Farrukh Habib is a boy with a big heart.The way he has reached to the top position of ISF is a story in itself,despite the many hurdles that motoo created in his way he made it to the hill.very talented and extremely positive about the future of Pakistan.I see him as the future Provincial President of Punjab.

Hammad Cheema,is a social media guru .hailing from punjab ,he is the top social media brain of PTI .He in a kind is the social media boss of PTI.a phd doctor in communications ,he reflects the true image of PTI.candid , intelligent,skillful,progressive and Islamic.The quality of PTI social media must be credited to his brilliant services.

Imran Ghazali ,is a young man from karachi .He is also a social media guru and has alot of services for the party.although not very articulate in his speech ,his skill with computer and social media make him among the top new young leaders of PTI.He is in the web management team.and also very active in the field with youth initiatives.

Qasim khan suri is from Balochistan ,a fiery speaker .although have alot of opposition in PTI balochistan he yet managed to retain himself at the top position of Provincial President at a young age.without his services and hard work It would have been Impossible to spread the message of PTI to the nook and corner of Balochistan.

Saad Abdullah ,hailing from KPK represents the cream pf PTI .He can well be put in the league of Asad Umar and tareen.IK dubbed him Waseem akram of PTI Team.very passionate and extremely hard working field operator ,he is also the founder of PTI social media empire.His fiery emails to CEC & IK are well appreciated in PTI top circles.

Well folks that was it for today,I Intentionally dint mention the Young Female leaders as we Pakistanis are quick to make a scandal I purposely avoided the subject .But I can assure you all there are a number of young women who can put be there in that list

InshAllah will come again with a new topic.
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