The bias of reporting - Gaza conflict


Senator (1k+ posts)
Just like Zardari does not represent an avergae Pakistani, similarly Israel and its lobbyists don't represent an average jewish person.
Unfortunately the media is controlled by a handful of pro-Israel people and the pro-Isreal lobbyists are very strong in America. (A lot of money is being made through lobbying). However, they do no represent the whole community of the jewish people as a whole.

The people in USA, who are qestioning the media bias in favour of Israel are ironically jewish people. See the video linked at the bottom. Jon Stewart whos is a host of a famous The Daily Show is jewish and questions the fairness of the media and the government over the Palestinian conflict. Furthermore, the person who created this video on the youtube and highlighted ths bias is also jewish.

This highlights an important fact. If some how the general jewish people and muslims start an interaction among themsleves they may bring an end to this on going saga of Isreali and Palestine conflict. If the general pople don't interact then the handful will continue making money on this conflict.

Take out the the true communication barrier among the muslims and jewish publics by taking out or not relying on the middleman (media and governments).

A famous candian once said, "The medium is the message." Direct interaction among hte common people would bring an end to all this not the press conferences of the politicians. Through direct interaction the opinion can be cahnged in USA, which in turn will change their stance towards the conflict.
