The Difference between Jumuah and Dhuhr


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The Difference between Jumu’ah and Dhuhr

Jumu’ah doesn’t go into effect until there is a congregation. The ulema differ over the exact number for the congregation. Dhuhr is correct whether there is one person or a congregation.

Jumu’ah can only take place in a village or town. Dhuhr can be prayed anywhere.

The Jumu’ah prayer isn’t on a duty on the traveler. If a group of travelers passed a masjid in a city where Jumu’ah was prayed they wouldn’t have to pray it. Dhuhr prayer is prayed when a person travels or not.

Jumu’ah prayer is only prayed in one masjid, unless there is a need to pray it in another. Dhuhr prayer is prayed in every masjid.

If a Jumu’ah prayer is missed it doesn’t have to be made up. Only the Dhuhr prayer is done, because the condition for Jumu’ah is its time. Dhuhr prayer can be made up if a person missed it with a valid excuse.

Jumu’ah prayer isn’t a duty for the women. It’s a special obligation for the men. Men and women both must pray Dhuhr.

A slave doesn’t have to pray Jumu’ah. The slave and freeman must pray Dhuhr.
There are some legislated acts before Jumu’ah. Ie. Ghusl, perfuming, wearing the best dress. Those legislated acts don’t apply to Dhuhr.

If a person misses one rak’ah in Jumu’ah prayer , he makes Dhuhr. If a person misses one rak’ah for Dhuhr he completes Dhuhr as four, unless he’s a traveler. *Note: There is a Difference of opinion on this.

It’s possible to pray Jumu’ah before the sun reaches its zenith. It’s not possible to pray Dhuhr before the sun reaches its zenith

It’s legislated to pray Jumu’ah aloud and Dhuhr silently.

It’s legislated to read certain chapters from the Quran for Jumu’ah different from Dhuhr.

Hadeeth have been narrated that mention a punishment for neglecting Jumu’ah and a reward for attending. There aren’t any similar reports for Dhuhr.

There aren’t any sunnah prayers before Jumu’ah. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered the person who attends Jumu’ah to pray four rak’at afterwards *Note: Difference of opinion over this also. There is a sunnah prayer before Dhuhr and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) didn’t order any prayer after it. However there is a sunnah prayer after Dhuhr.

There are two sermons before Jumu’ah prayer. There isn’t any Khutbah before Dhuhr.

Buying and selling are incorrect after the second Athan for Jumu’ah: For the person that must attend. The person who must pray Dhuhr can engage in buying and selling after the Athan.

If Jumu’ah prayer is missed in a masjid, it isn’t made up in there or elsewhere. If Thur is missed in a masjid, it can be done there or elsewhere.

Permission must be given from the Imam in order for Jumu’ah to be correct. This is the view from some of the people of knowledge. This isn’t the condition for Dhuhr.

The Angels wait at the door of the masjid on Jumu’ah and write the names of the people who attend one by one. This isn’t mentioned for Dhuhr.

Jumu’ah prayer can’t be combined with Asr. Dhuhr can be combined with Asr, if a person has a legitimate reason for doing so.

Jumu’ah prayer can’t be delayed due to extreme heat; unlike Dhuhr. It can be delayed due to extreme heat.