The Prime Minister Pakistan's Majority Wanted Mian Nawaz Sharif it Is!


MPA (400+ posts)
I also hope that he will set an example for his followers by declaring his assets and also giving partial ownership rights to his workers at Itefaq Foundry and sugar mills.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
نوروں نے خان صاحب کے ڈر سے جلدی میں جنگلا بس تو بنا دی .مگر اس کو چلانے میں ہی پنجاب کا پٹھہ بیٹھ جانا ہے


Minister (2k+ posts)
agar 2 or metro buss bana dee gunjaa ney to india sey bee jeet jaigaa roshan pakistan
جس ترھا انڈیا ترقی کر رہا ہے,وہ یہ بونگیاں برداشت نہیں کر سکتے,یہ ہمارا ہی حوصلہ اور بےغیرتی ہے ,جو سڑک اور میٹرو بس کی بنا پر ملک کا پرائم منسٹر بنا لیتے ہیں

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
So he will daily travel on metro? when he wish to go some where ??

I wonder how people can be fooled by this type of publicity stunts??

sarbakaf - Blogger
well he is showing his country men that just by providing you buses we will rule you for years and years.

You aawam are ghulam we are masters.....

we only travel in buses once but your fate is this bus.
When we travel in Metro its news , when aawam does the same its their fate.