The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Indians by nature are ihsan framosh. They are minting money working in the Middle East muslim countries. India just concluded agreement with Saudis worth 100's billions and they still bash Muslims. What have the shitty hindu govt has given to any country except for terror to Pak and Sri Lanka.

Lankan recognise this, thats why there was no outcry when their sportsmen were murdered a year ago

foqia khan

MPA (400+ posts)
contra said:
Quran 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.


I sincerely hope that you can FEEL the "peace" and "tolerance".

there are very clear instruction in islam to fight those who want fight, not paying jizya means not accepting or not surrendering to the islamic rule or to the state , to which all are bound to obey in it,muslims in form of Zakat and non muslims in form of if they think that this is discrimination towards them then they should accept islam and pay Zakat ,so that they should not be discriminated.

"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities.Lo! Allah loves not, aggressors".(Al-Baqarah 2:190)
The amount of Jizya is much less than the Zakat, which is levied on Muslims only. The non-Muslims paying Jizya were exempt from compulsory military service in a Muslim State but were entitled to full protection and enjoy all the other social services in the state .The root meaning of jizya is there is exemptions for the poor , for females and children , for slaves, and for monks and hermits .

This is completely justified. If they go against the Islamic rule and government they deserve to be punished. In America if someone does not pay their taxes they can go to jail. Does that make America unjust? In China they kill tax evaders (A New York Times article describes the context and details of one businessman who was executed in China for tax evasion (11 Mar. 2001). ... gewanted=1

Now when one is punished for not paying taxes ,what do u think ,should he feel himself respectful or proud?
these are God's laws. It is probably difficult for a non-Muslim to understand this but from the Muslim perspective it is completely justifiable.