The way to Approach the Holy Quran


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Study the Noble Quran Word-for-Word

Today as never before, more and more people are asking about Islam. They want to know. Is Islam just another religion competing with other religions? Or is it a way of life that transforms the thinking person into a reasonable responsible human being?

Today as never before, more and more homes are becoming hosts to the Holy Quran. People want to read this book and they want to know how best to approach and benefit from this book.

There is an air of urgency. People want to know what the Holy Quran has to say for itself. Today. For Tomorrow may never come.

How to Approach the Holy Quran:

The Holy Quran is not like other books.
The Holy Quran is Light.
The Holy Quran is Wisdom.
The Holy Quran is Good News.
The Holy Quran is Absolute Knowledge.
The Holy Quran is Remembrance.
The Holy Quran is your book brought to you by One who cares about you.
The Author of this Book is not after your money.
He is not after fame.
And He has no axe to grind.
He just wants you to be happy.
He just wants you to be truthful.
He wants you to be successful.

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