To the youth, Why should you question your religion???

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
I feel I wrote a lot. Sorry for that. But I hope you got my point.
I wouldn't recommend that approach from the get go, first read the Quran without any preconceived notions, forget everything you think you know about Islam, what you been taught, its rituals and beliefs and so on and so forth and try to understand it as someone who is reading it for the first time who never even heard of Islam before

Deep diving into scholarly research comes in way later.

Thanks for sharing the link. May Allah bless you with your effort, thanks for advise. I really appreciate. If you have some other example where someone try to teach Quarn with reasoning please feel free to share. The main aim is to protect whatever eman we have. In this era there are lots of reason to leave Islam. But if someone is working on the reasons not to leave Islam, I feel he/she is doning one of best work. JZK
You can start by watching Hafiz Atif on Youtube, QuranCentric, Anwar Shaik, Quran talk. Basically anyone who sticks to only the Quran and does not try to interpret the Quran through hadith. Just search for Quran alone.