UK bans Dr Zakir Naik, SHAME ON UK, where's freedom of expression??


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Zakir Naik Exclusion - Islamophobia on the rise

Its not a matter of whether we like him or not. This is about a rise in anti-Islam feelings and a mockery of justice and freedom of expression. If we do not raise our voice for justice, tomorrow there will be no one to stop the ever rising anti-Muslim bias.

Just look at it as a Muslim banned from UK on baseless accusations.


Britain makes Mockery of Freedom of Expression

This is with reference to an overzealous and islamophobic exclusion order issued to Dr Zakir Naik by the British Home Office, UK Border Agency, dated 16th June 2010, to spark unjust and misled hatred against him and malign him.

Dr Zakir Naik, the illustrious and eminent speaker from Mumbai, India, is respected and revered throughout the world for his enlightening and convincing talks and efforts promoting similarities between major faiths based on converging values for a common platform of Peace, using the binding commonalities that exist between the religious scriptures including the Bible, Vedas, Torah and Glorious Quran. He is listed amongst the 100 Most Powerful Indians in 2009 and again in 2010, in a research survey by Indian Express in addition to his respect and acclaim by hundreds of millions of his admirers worldwide.

Following on from recent malicious and specious reports in the British media about the works of Dr Zakir Naik, we are disappointed to learn that the British Government has unfairly decided to exclude him from visiting the United Kingdom to attend a Peace Conference as a key speaker from 25th to 27th June, 2010.

As the true message of Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world and the west, is being understood and accepted more and more in the world, specially in countries like the UK, the British government seems to feel uncomfortable, unjustly and seems to be putting down free speech and Religious Freedom, specially of Muslims.

Amongst Muslim Orators Dr. Zakir Naik attracts the maximum audiences in the world, of which usually about 25% are non-Muslims, wherever he delivers lectures, including in the United Kingdom.

This unreasonable exclusion order by the United Kingdom government indicates that they have targeted a world famous Muslim personality, Dr. Zakir Naik, as a political scapegoat and quoted him out of context as well as misquoted his speeches to make him appear as one who encourages and justifies terrorism which the world knows is certainly not true. It is also abundantly clear to more than 150 million viewers on various satellite TV channels in over 125 countries that he unequivocally condemns any form of violence, terrorism and killing of innocent human beings.

Dr Zakir Naik has been peacefully visiting and delivering public talks in the United Kingdom for the past 15 years. But it seems the new British government has succumbed to a few but overzealous Islamophobic and Sectarian persons demands and regrettably decided to exclude Dr. Zakir Naik on narrow, political and unjust reasoning.

In the wake of these inaccurate press reports, Dr Zakir Naik issued a press release in the United Kingdom dated 11th June 2010, which is attached herewith.

The exclusion order issued thereafter on 16th June 2010 by the Secretary of Home Department, UK, appears to rely mainly on the following four extracts from various talks by Dr Zakir Naik which they found objectionable:

Extract of Quote 1
As far as terrorist is concerned, I tell the Muslims that every Muslim should be a terrorist What is the meaning of the word terrorist? Terrorist by definition means a person who terrorises. When a robber sees a policeman hes terrified. So for a robber, a policeman is a terrorist. So in this context every Muslim should be a terrorist to the robber Every Muslim should be a terrorist to each and every anti-social element. Im aware that terrorist more commonly is used for a person who terrorises an innocent person. In this context, no Muslim should terrorise even a single innocent human being. The Muslims should selectively terrorise the anti-social elements. Many a-times, two different labels are given to the same activity of the same individual Before any person gives any label to any individual for any of his actions, we have to first analyse, for what reason is he doing that? (Source video google).

Extract of Quote 2
Beware of Muslims saying Osama Bin Laden is right or wrong, I reject them we dont know. But if you ask my view, if given the truth, if he is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him. I dont know what hes doing. Im not in touch with him. I dont know him personally. I read the newspaper. If he is terrorizing the terrorist, if he is terrorizing America the terrorist, the biggest terrorist, hes following Islam (Source You Tube 2006).

Extract of Quote 3

How can you ever justify killing innocent people? But in the same breath as condemning those responsible we must also condemn those responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon (As reported by the Manchester Evening News, 21 August 2006 as part of a speech you gave at the Expo Islamia conference in Manchester).

Extract of Quote 4
strongest in enmity towards the Muslims are the Jews and the pagans. It [the Quran] does not say that the Muslims should fight with the Jews the Jews, by nature as a whole, will be against Muslims there are many Jews who are good to Muslims, but as a whole The Quran tells us, as a whole, they will be our staunchest enemy (Peace TV, recorded on You Tube).

The clarification of these quotes, provided by the British Home Office, is cited below:

Clarification of Quote 1
The context of the quote is given in the article in The Times of India newspaper, Mumbai edition, (Times News Network, Wednesday August 20, 2003):-

Mr. Angre is amongst the five officers, who between them, have gunned down more than 300 alleged criminals in the past five years. The very mention of their names evokes terror in the underworld.

Dr Naik commending the police said; ...The moment the underworld hears the name of Inspector Angre, they are terrified, so Inspector Angre of the Mumbai Police Force is a terrorist for the underworld of Mumbai.

Therefore after reading the context of the extract of the quote provided by the British Home Office from one of the Dr Zakir Naiks talks, any sensible and logical person would not object as the extract quoted above in context is self explanatory.

Clarification of Quote 2
Many journalists ask Dr Zakir Naik regarding his views about Osama Bin Laden. Due to the fact that he [Osama Bin Laden] has not been convicted in respect of 9/11 and as Dr Zakir Naik cannot verify the claims against him, he neither considers him a saint nor a terrorist.

There is not a single statement of Dr Zakir Naik after the 9/11 abhorable attack in which he has praised Osama Bin Laden or supported any of his activities.

With regards to the extract of a quote on Osama Bin Laden taken from a video on YouTube, this clip was taken from a lecture Dr Zakir Naik delivered in Singapore in 1996, almost five years before 9/11 attack in 2001 and not in 2006, as has been posted.

It is therefore not at all justified or sensible to link this quote to Osama Bin Laden in the context of the 9/11, when the atrocity had not taken place; and took place after almost 5 years in 2001.

The lecture was recorded by some local people [in Singapore] and was later edited and uploaded on You Tube by a prejudiced group. Unless and until we have the rushes (original unedited tapes) of the program, it is not possible to know which portions of the lecture have been edited.

It is therefore not reasonable, in the light of Dr Zakir Naiks known views about 9/11 and all other atrocities on innocent people such as 7/7 (London, UK) and 7/11 (serial train bomb blast in Mumbai, India) to link these manipulated and very old comments to recent world events.

Dr Zakir Naik has emphatically and regularly condemned any and all persons responsible for these appalling atrocities, killing innocent civilians.

Clarification of Quote 3
It appears the British Home Office has quoted Dr Zakir Naik only condemning attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon from the article published in Manchester Evening News on 21st August 2006.

However, the same article also reported Dr Zakir Naik condemning and criticizing the atrocities of New York (9/11), London (7/7) and Mumbai serial train bombers (7/11) before he condemns the attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon in the same breath. The context of which is cited below:

However, Dr Zakir Naik, described by organizers as "the most sought after Muslim public speaker in the world", criticized the actions of the New York, London and Bombay bombers. (Manchester Evening News 21.08.06).

Clarification of Quote 4
Dr Zakir Naik was quoting from the Glorious Quran which says in Surah Maidah; chapter 5: Verse 82;

Strongest amongst men in enmity to the Believers will thou find the Jews and the Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers will thou find those who say, We are Christians.

In this context Dr Zakir Naik said strongest in enmity towards the Muslims are the Jews and the pagans. It [Quran] does not say the Muslims should fight with the Jews the Jews, by nature as a whole, will be against Muslims. there are many Jews who are good to Muslims, but as a whole The Quran tells us, as a whole, they will be our staunchest enemy.

Dr Zakir Naik has fervently criticized Adolf Hitler in many of his lectures as the greatest terrorist in the human history for his anti-Jewish policies and his atrocities for incinerating six million Jews.

As a student of comparative religion, Dr Zakir Naik has worked tirelessly for the common good amongst people of all faiths engaging in constructive coming to common terms debates and dialogue. These discussions have been hugely successful and have resulted in much progress towards a better understanding of Islam as well as enhanced harmony between people of different beliefs, dispelling fears, suspicions and misunderstandings.

Dr Zakir Naik is and has always been, undoubtedly, an opponent of terrorism and as such has often spoken out against all acts of violence and violent extremism. He has emphatically and unequivocally condemned the killing of civilians and is one of the world's regular noted orators on this topic.

In the wake of the biased and unjust exclusion order and based on legal advice, Dr Zakir Naik intends to bring the matter before the High Court of the United Kingdom and request a Judicial Review to have the exclusion order overturned.

We would request the Indian authorities to engage with and make representations to the British Government about the integrity, excellent services and abhorring terrorism preaching of Dr Zakir Naik to promote Peace and social harmony worldwide. We propose to the Indian Government to encourage the British Home Office to revoke the exclusion order and permit the Peace Conference Tour of Dr. Zakir Naik to continue as scheduled, and thus uphold the values of freedom and justice India and UK stand for.

It is praiseworthy that India, UK and many enlightened democracies allow freedom of speech and freedom to practice and preach ones religion or convictions, with wisdom and reason but without terror tactics.

On critical insight it will be realized that Dr. Zakir Naik and the Islamic Research Foundation does not promote or justify terrorism at all, as it is against the basic Islamic tenets and faith as well as doing good deeds in this world. As Dr. Zakir Naik often quotes from the Quran (Chapter 5, Verse 32): If any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.

If you carefully and critically further analyse the world around us you will realize that it is some people, corporates or governments with narrow, profit oriented and political agendas who foment and support terrorism or dole out unjust favours for achieving their vested goals. It certainly is not persons like Dr. Zakir Naik and organizations like Islamic Research Foundation who promote faith based on authentic sources, logic, reason and scientific approach.

To conclude, excluding Dr. Zakir Naik from entering the UK is a biased and politically motivated decision and against the Justice and Free Speech guaranteed by the UK constitution and a just society.


For Islamic Research Foundation,

Maqbool Barwelkar
Public Relations Manager