Understanding the Quran: Why Believing in Hadith is Essential


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Do you know qaidianis are full whole hearted believers of all the sunni hadiths? Shias on the other hand reject majority of all sunni hadith. So this statement of yours is 100% wrong.

There is more difference in shia belief and practice with the sunnins then there is with the qaidianis. I had a friend from Mauritius for many years and very "practising" Muslim too, for years I didn't even know he was a Qaidiani. While with my Shia friends doesn't take long to find out they are Shia.
That's why you are a qayadi because Ahmadies do not belive in hadiths of sunni if they did then thier Mirza will be naked infront of the world

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Why can't you answer what Quran Sura 80 is about. I did not use the Hadith word at all. I am only using Quran. No mention of Hadith.

What does the Sura mean "He frowned " Who is He? Allah never mentioned the name. Who forwned? Why did he frown? who did he frown upon?
😂 So we are now down to throwing temper tantrums like little children.

OK. Two can play that game 😀. You already have a list of pending questions from me from previous threads that you still haven't answered, once you have answered those I will gladly answer this and any other questions you might have. Deal?

As a reminder just in case you have forgotten, here they are again.

1. Have you even read a single collection from the "saha satta"

2.Will you drink from a bucket of Milk if its been contaminated with just a single drop of urine. If not then why do you follow your hadith when it is littered with 100s if not 1000s of fabricated hadith as classified by your own moulvis.

3. Why even if so many hadith have been classified as fake and fabrications, why are they are still printed and published today with the classification of Sahih and called the most authentic after the Quran and still considered the part of the Siha Sitta

4. Quote one hadith out of the claimed "many hadith" "clearly" mentioning how to pray.

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
  • Hadith Context: These verses were revealed when Prophet Muhammad was engaged in discussion with leaders of the Quraysh, neglecting a blind man, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum, who sought guidance about Islam. The Quran highlights the Prophet's action, but it's the Hadith that explains why this incident occurred, teaching us about the Prophet's priorities and the importance of equitable treatment for all, regardless of social status.
Again, where and how did the hadith fabricator come to this conclusion?

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
Here are a few examples that demand thoughtful consideration:

And whose HADITH is more truthful than God’s? 4:87

Then in which HADITH after this will they believe? 7:185

This is not a fabricated HADITH, but a confirmation of what is before it, a detailed explanation of everything, and a guide and a mercy to a people acknowledging. 12:111

And among the people there are those who purchase baseless HADITHS to divert from the way of God without knowledge, making a mockery of it. 31:6

God has been sending down the best
HADITH, a Book, fully consistent. 39:23

These are God’s messages that We recite unto thee in truth. So, in which HADITH after God and His messages will they believe? 45:6

Then in which HADITH after this will they believe? 77:50

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
That's why you are a qayadi because Ahmadies do not belive in hadiths of sunni if they did then thier Mirza will be naked infront of the world
LOL Are you having comprehension problems I just told you they 100% believe in your sunni hadith.

P.S : Qaidianis and Ahmadis are the same thing, this just show how ignorant you are on this subject, thinking that Ahamdis and Qaidianis are two seperate belief systems! I think its better to stay quite from now on and not reveal your ignorance any further! 😉

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
LOL Are you having comprehension problems I just told you they 100% believe in your sunni hadith.

P.S : Qaidianis and Ahmadis are the same thing, this just show how ignorant you are on this subject, thinking that Ahamdis and Qaidianis are two seperate belief systems! I think its better to stay quite from now on and not reveal your ignorance any further! 😉
Leave the kid alone.

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
Any 5 class student will see the relevance in the incident which took place when the Prophet Muhammad frowned upon a Nabina Sahabi and the revelation coming after the incident.
Okay, I take your word for it, now try to give me the exact unified method of Namaz from your beloved ahadith.

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
Here read the rest of the verses.

80:1 He frowned and turned away
80:2 when the blind man approached him.
80:3 For all you know, he might be seeking to purify himself.
80:4 or to be reminded and be helped by being reminded?
80:5 As for him who was indifferent,
80:6 you [Prophet] gave him your attention.
80:7 Though it is not up to you whether or not he is purified.
80:8 As for him who came to you eagerly
80:9 with God's fear in his heart
80:10 from him you are distracted.
80:11 Indeed this is a reminder;
80:12 So, whoever wills may remember it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Okay, I take your word for it, now try to give me the exact unified method of Namaz from your beloved ahadith.
On this thread I will not discuss anything else I have made my point. Nobody who denies Hadith can explain Quran, as you could not answer what the title and the content of Sura Abas is about. This is just one Sura. I can give you over 50 examples from Quran where you will not have any idea what they mean without Hadith.

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
On this thread I will not discuss anything else I have made my point. Nobody who denies Hadith can explain Quran, as you could not answer what the title and the content of Sura Abas is about. This is just one Sura. I can give you over 50 examples from Quran where you will not have any idea what they mean without Hadith.
I knew you would not be able to provide the details of Namaz and that you would try to evade the question. Nevertheless, it indicates to me the depth of your knowledge about the Quran is abysmal.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Here read the rest of the verses.

80:1 He frowned and turned away
80:2 when the blind man approached him.
80:3 For all you know, he might be seeking to purify himself.
80:4 or to be reminded and be helped by being reminded?
80:5 As for him who was indifferent,
80:6 you [Prophet] gave him your attention.
80:7 Though it is not up to you whether or not he is purified.
80:8 As for him who came to you eagerly
80:9 with God's fear in his heart
80:10 from him you are distracted.
80:11 Indeed this is a reminder;
80:12 So, whoever wills may remember it.

Read the incident and see the relevance - - -

The Incident​

The incident that led to the revelation of Surah Abasa involved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and a blind man named Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum. The story is as follows:

  1. Context: Prophet Muhammad was engaged in an important conversation with some of the prominent leaders of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. He hoped to convey the message of Islam to them, as their conversion could potentially influence many others to embrace Islam.
  2. Interruption: While the Prophet was deeply involved in this conversation, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum, a blind Muslim, approached him. Abdullah was eager to learn more about Islam and asked the Prophet to teach him.
  3. Reaction: The Prophet, focused on his conversation with the Quraysh leaders and perceiving Abdullah's interruption as untimely, frowned and turned away. His reaction was due to the importance he placed on converting the influential Quraysh leaders.
  4. Revelation: In response to this incident, Allah revealed the verses of Surah Abasa. The Surah begins with:
He (the Prophet) frowned and turned awayBecause there came to him the blind man, [interrupting].But what would make you perceive, [O Muhammad], that perhaps he might be purifiedOr be reminded and the remembrance would benefit him?(Qur'an 80:1-4)

Explanation of Surah Abasa​

Surah Abasa, which translates to "He Frowned," addresses the incident directly. The Surah can be understood in the following points:
  1. Correction of the Prophet: The initial verses gently but firmly remind the Prophet that turning away from someone seeking guidance, regardless of their social status, is not appropriate. It emphasizes that every individual seeking knowledge and purification should be given attention and respect.
  2. Value of Sincerity: The Surah highlights that sincere seekers of truth, like Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum, are valuable in the sight of Allah. Their eagerness to learn and improve themselves spiritually is of great importance.
  3. Divine Guidance: It underscores that guidance and faith are matters of the heart and are granted by Allah. The Prophet is reminded that his role is to convey the message to all, irrespective of their social standing.
  4. Inclusivity: The verses teach a lesson of inclusivity and equality in Islam. Every person has the right to access the message of Islam, and no one should be overlooked or marginalized based on their physical or social conditions.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I knew you would not be able to provide the details of Namaz and that you would try to evade the question. Nevertheless, it indicates to me the depth of your knowledge about the Quran is abysmal.
You couldn't explain the very well-known Sura of the Quran and my knowledge of the Quran is abysmal. I like your sense of humour. I am off to bed with a smile on my face thanks to you. :-) Good night. I will respond to your future unsuccessful threads tomorrow morning :-)

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
You couldn't explain the very well-known Sura of the Quran and my knowledge of the Quran is abysmal. I like your sense of humour. I am off to bed with a smile on my face thanks to you. :-) Good night. I will respond to your future unsuccessful threads tomorrow morning :-)
I did explain, go back and read the other verses. As per your ahadith, it did not provide any evidence or details of those verses.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
You couldn't explain the very well-known Sura of the Quran and my knowledge of the Quran is abysmal. I like your sense of humour. I am off to bed with a smile on my face thanks to you. :-) Good night. I will respond to your future unsuccessful threads tomorrow morning :-)
I suggest before you start making more bongis and start to embarass your self any further, short of reading actual hadith which you wont do, start to at least learn about hadith.

Start with reading about the history of hadith in this thread and how the early Muslims were so anti hadith, and why there were no "hadith books" in that period.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Believing in Hadith, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is crucial for understanding and applying the teachings of the Quran effectively. Here are compelling reasons supported by Quranic verses and their Hadith contexts:

I will start with Surah Abasa, Can you understand what the Quran means when it says " He frowned" Sura Abasa? Who frowned? The Quran never mentions the name of who frowned and why he frowned.
  1. Surah Abasa (Quran 80:1-4)
    • Quranic Verses: "He frowned and turned away when the blind man came to him. For how do you know? He might purify himself, or be reminded, and the message might benefit him." (Quran 80:1-4)
    • Hadith Context: These verses were revealed when Prophet Muhammad was engaged in discussion with leaders of the Quraysh, neglecting a blind man, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum, who sought guidance about Islam. The Quran highlights the Prophet's action, but it's the Hadith that explains why this incident occurred, teaching us about the Prophet's priorities and the importance of equitable treatment for all, regardless of social status.
  2. Surah Al-Masad (Surah 111)
    • Quranic Verses: "May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he..." (Quran 111:1-4)
    • Hadith Context: This surah condemns Abu Lahab and his wife for their opposition to Islam. The Hadith provides historical context, detailing Abu Lahab's hostility towards the Prophet Muhammad. Understanding this Hadith enriches our understanding of the Quran's condemnation of those who oppose the message of Islam and emphasizes the consequences of their actions.
  3. Surah Al-Ma'idah (Quran 5:38)
    • Quranic Verse: "And [as for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands..." (Quran 5:38)
    • Hadith Context: The Hadith specifies the conditions under which the punishment of amputation applies for theft, ensuring justice and deterrence. It clarifies the implementation of this Quranic command, emphasizing the practical application of Islamic law in a just and fair manner.
Conclusion: Believing in Hadith is not merely complementary to the Quran but essential for a comprehensive understanding of Islam. Without Hadith, we may not fully understand what the Quran is trying to convey. Hadith provides context, explanations, and practical applications that enrich our understanding of Quranic teachings. It ensures that we interpret and apply the Quran's timeless guidance in our lives today based on the Prophet Muhammad's example and teachings.

Therefore, embracing Hadith alongside the Quran is essential for Muslims striving to follow the complete guidance of Islam, ensuring a balanced and informed approach to faith and practice.

It is my understanding those who reject Hadeess simply don't understand the Quran as well. If you ask them what does Quran mean when it says " He frowned" in Sura 80. Who frowned? they will not be able to explain who Allah is talking about unless they read Hadees and understand that this incident in the Quran is about
a Nabina Sahabi, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum. Most of the Quran is unexplainable without Hadees. For Example, when Hazrat Aisha was wrongly blamed, the Quran came to her defence. Now unless you have read Hadees and understand the story behind it, you won't understand why the Quran told us about her good character.
Just remember, if Allah closes someone’s mind, noone can open it. You are arguing with morons that believe in the religion like its a restaurant, take what you like and ignore what you don’t.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Just remember, if Allah closes someone’s mind, noone can open it. You are arguing with morons that believe in the religion like its a restaurant, take what you like and ignore what you don’t.
It doesn't matter to me if they admit or not that Quran can't be understood without Hadith. The main point is , I have given enough reasons to make them understand that their belief is erroneous. They will not admit to avoid embarrassment. The funny thing is when I asked them what the title of Sura Abas means, they kept saying, what about , this, what about that.They could not admit that they have no idea what the title means.
It's like a kid who is given a question in exam and he writes answer of some other question in response to a question he doesn't know about.

What do these two guys pray in Namaz? Quran doesnt tell you what to pray in Namaz. If you don't believe on hadith you can't pray Namaz. You can't understand Quran. You can't fast.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It doesn't matter to me if they admit or not that Quran can't be understood without Hadith. The main point is , I have given enough reasons to make them understand that their belief is erroneous. They will not admit to avoid embarrassment. The funny thing is when I asked them what the title of Sura Abas means, they kept saying, what about , this, what about that.They could not admit that they have no idea what the title means.
It's like a kid who is given a question in exam and he writes answer of some other question in response to a question he doesn't know about.

What do these two guys pray in Namaz? Quran doesnt tell you what to pray in Namaz. If you don't believe on hadith you can't pray Namaz. You can't understand Quran. You can't fast.
I have had same discussion with these mindless people. They have admitted before they don’t do Namaz, or fast or anything else that quantifies as rules and laws prophet Muhammad told us in front of thousands of witnesses.

But at the very least the call themselves Muslims, so rest is up to Allah