US and Its Parasite India in a Fix Over Withdrawal from Afghanistan- Oriya Maqbool Jan


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
then lets see who gets screwed,i told you what i have been reading in international papers and are free to live in dellusions.
if usa gets out of afgh then who will control iran from there and if they will leave then it will be china who will have foothold which they dont want at any cost.

and pakistan will be pissed like it is going now(cry)(cry)

and russia as enemy of usa??even they are together on many issues...
even russians also want usa to confront the chinese,so that chinese power can be reduced adn russia can gain momentum against china again.
thats gr8 game which ur mind cant read and see...u r feeded with and u r high on doubts...(bigsmile)(bigsmile)

Have U heard about "SCO"?

USA Is/was preparing India as Buld.og against China. But India time again proves to be a sitting duck against China. Since Hindu has never tasted the sense of being ruler since almost 240 B.C. Recently they got their tail free after 1000 years rule of Muslims. Now Amrica is realizing that it is barking on the wrong tree.


Minister (2k+ posts)

structure, governess, education etc. does not matter much as it usually takes a couple of years to rebuild ( WWII examples where Japan, Germany and Italy all were rebuild by 1950s ), what matters is the collective will of the nation . . . . If they are lucky than we are lucky too as we have the mountains, Deserts, A huge population, A standing Army and than the Trump card i.e. Nukes . . . . And by the way as per my confirm knowledge all there resistance leaders including Mullah Omer are in Afghanistan . . . . An organization can not fight a Guerrilla War with its leaders sitting out side . . . . And these are the fundamentals of not my self but Tsun Zu . . . . . Our problem is not the Snake but our willingness to sleep in bed with that snake . . . .

You seem quite optimistic, well lets see what happens.


Minister (2k+ posts)
1)we thrown usa out of the mmrca deal..and selected the european carnards..
2)yanks are begging to open indian eco for their investors..

and u???

1)left davis out...
2)drone attacks
3)35000 killed..
4)more terror from afghanistan...

still kissing usa *** for their dollars and f-16's...hahahaha

All this value and trust that west has on you is on the bases of your enemity with us and advantage of being a non muslim state(please don't start telling me how many muslim there are in india), that's why they promote you on international forum, you must have heard enemy of my enemy is my friend, well that is the formula they are using.

we are in war, all the things can hardly be fair.
Atleast we are brave enough to face everything from front, our enemies claim to be super powers and attack us from behind. By enemies I don't just mean India.
so is any single one of our enemies is succeful in their tactics? if they were they wouldn't have to do propaganda against us day and night.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
U stupid jerk do not use abusive language, u r a filthy mouth neanderathal who need to be put in his place. Jerk

But most of all u donot belong on a civilised forum so I recommend that u b banned for ever to put u out of ur misery
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Well can you tell who and when did anybody give deadlines for your survival and talked about 'Akhand Bharat', it is just a hoax created to establish a security state where a particular class is benefited. India has never attacked pakistan in any of the wars and was never interested in capturing any territory.
Kashmir is disputed, but again pakistan was the aggressor and made the blunder of attacking kashmir in '47 in disguise of guerillas.
And pakistan signed SEATO AND CENTO mainly for dollars and you know US never came to your help in any of the wars inspite of you being a member of these two treaties.

I have always read about it from authentic sources 'history books' and non authentic 'media and politician'. I have seen leadership in your country and your stars describing 'partition as a big mistake in history'. I have met indias who describe it as a blunder and the root cause of all problems whereas we think of it as the greatest achievement in our history although we were not given a chance to live in peace.
When you say this hoax has been created, than what is the reason for that? Is india really that peace loving (World knows india's historical relationships with other neighbouring countries).
Ok so lets say fo the sake of arguement that india never officially attacked pakistan but it had interfered in pakistan's internal affairs biggest examples are 1971 and currently Balochistan.
But why has that happened, the main reason behind these is kashmir, 1947 was not a blunder but its actually the best thing they ever did by helping the jihadi's who refused to be the part of india when it was clearly their right like all the others to choose which way they wanted to go. If that had not happen we wouldn't have had a case in UN and you would not even be considering it as 'disputed', you are also trying to give an impression that it was only pakistani's who attacked and kashmiri's were not involved which is not true (pakistan has only done that cus kashmiris were activitely involved otherwise there was hundreds of other small muslim states on india-pakistan border which should have been in pakistan but they are not because of unfair division, don't worry we are fighting only for Kashmir and you have made it an ego problem).

So US was never true in its words even they had signed treaties with us, so why do they complain today when we don't even have any signed treaty to be in their war, and you are so madly backing US point of veiw.
This only proves that all the cases against us are morally, ethically and legally not right. They are only pressurising to get their way.


All this value and trust that west has on you is on the bases of your enemity with us and advantage of being a non muslim state(please don't start telling me how many muslim there are in india), that's why they promote you on international forum, you must have heard enemy of my enemy is my friend, well that is the formula they are using.

we are in war, all the things can hardly be fair.
Atleast we are brave enough to face everything from front, our enemies claim to be super powers and attack us from behind. By enemies I don't just mean India.
so is any single one of our enemies is succeful in their tactics? if they were they wouldn't have to do propaganda against us day and night.

1)if u would have been brave then u couldnt have let 35000 killed..
2)same goes for drones..
and list goes on..

and how many times tactics??

71 u failed,thousand cuts for bleeding india-->u failed..same terror backfired on u...,kashmir u failed...tried 4 times...

so wat u need??


Minister (2k+ posts)
1)if u would have been brave then u couldnt have let 35000 killed..
2)same goes for drones..
and list goes on..

and how many times tactics??

71 u failed,thousand cuts for bleeding india-->u failed..same terror backfired on u...,kashmir u failed...tried 4 times...

so wat u need??

oh you remember 71 but you don't seem to remember 47 and 65 and kargil(no you didn't win that either you have been told a lie about ground reality). and who says we failed on kashmir, these are not juhadi's who are causing mischief in our country its criminals created by you and your allies,
real jihadi's are waiting for another chance, are you hundred% sure they will be unsuccessful this time as well. You really think people on both sides of kashmir have given up,
You can only dream about that.
Diplomatic solution would be the best of course if not than if it means fight another 40 wars than be it. I say this because this is our right un's resolutions prove that, If any government ever tried to compromise that they will never be forgiven.
I think I have said what I wanted to say on this issue I don't want to discuss this anymore.
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oh you remember 71 but you don't seem to remember 47 and 65 and kargil(no you didn't win that either you have been told a lie about ground reality). and who says we failed on kashmir, these are not juhadi's who are causing mischief in our country its criminals created by you and your allies,
real jihadi's are waiting for another chance, are you hundred% sure they will be unsuccessful this time as well. You really think people on both sides of kashmir have given up,
You can only dream about that.
Diplomatic solution would be the best of course if not than if it means fight another 40 wars than be it. I say this because this is our right un's resolutions prove that, If any government ever tried to compromise that they will never be forgiven.
I think I have said what I wanted to say on this issue I don't want to discuss this anymore.

i could discuss 65 or kargil(although i was looking to write it but i didn't).let me discuss..


1)In 62,india got defeated by china.
2)ur president thought ,its a best oppurtunity to get the kashmir from they attacked the kashmir and put the most of the force on the kashmir border but forgot to cover the punjab.indians on the other hand didnt attack the kashmir border,they knew massive artillers and cavalry waiting for them.They chose punjab border and this backfired to pakistanis...even they couldnot sustain war in kashmir even after having advanced american tanks.ur operation gibraltor got failed..and after that ur president said--this was the last chance to get kashmir and we lost it.."
3)Today in pakistan,u ppl celebrate it as defese day coz u ppl defended ur borders from india...but how can india attack first even after defeat by china b4 3 yrs...but here again u ppl shown as aggressors.....again blunder told to u ppl..and till now it is taught...


ur own prime minister told that more than 4k soldiers killed..initailly u said they are kahmiri mujahid..later on they were caught as pak soldiers..even u refused to take ur bodies of they were mujahid but later on after 10 yrs u gave nishan -e haidar to 400 + soldiers died..other lie caught....ur own leaders accepted as ashamed pakistan in front of whole world..

on topic---

just tell me,if this jihadis are created by us then who provide them ak-47 rifles and grenades...again dellusional pakistani...
kashmir is integral part of watever u can..we r ready to defend it till earth exist..where as firstly u have to save ur self from western next few years ar important for u ppl.

and ur govt cant do anything...tell me..from 47,wat ur govt have done instead of promoting terror??:lol:
how much time they reached delhi??

even i dont want to discuss this thats y i didnt include 65,kargil etc..


You seem quite optimistic, well lets see what happens.

Dear I am optimistic because I have opted to stay here no matters what happens . . . I know the hardships which we ll going to face very soon . . . . And I dont know about the others but I am ready to face the worst . . . . And this is the reason of my self being optimistic because no one can fight a war being passimistic . . . And remember as the future war will not only be against an outsider but the bigger threat from insiders in shape of Munafiqeens . . . Product of the Musharraf's Era of Modearation . . . .


I ve already quoted that I am not among these . . . Therefore be aware of me as I am not this Amman Ki Asha but like a Falcon searching for a fight . . . . If you are so against the honey moon of your Bharat with Americans why not you denounce this relation . . . . Or you ve started liking this illegal relation ship of yours . . . .
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
1)In 62,india got defeated by china.
2)ur president thought ,its a best oppurtunity to get the kashmir from they attacked the kashmir and put the most of the force on the kashmir border but forgot to cover the punjab.indians on the other hand didnt attack the kashmir border,they knew massive artillers and cavalry waiting for them.They chose punjab border and this backfired to pakistanis...even they couldnot sustain war in kashmir even after having advanced american tanks.ur operation gibraltor got failed..and after that ur president said--this was the last chance to get kashmir and we lost it.."
3)Today in pakistan,u ppl celebrate it as defese day coz u ppl defended ur borders from india...but how can india attack first even after defeat by china b4 3 yrs...but here again u ppl shown as aggressors.....again blunder told to u ppl..and till now it is taught...

Ans. U R totally wrong, Indian acted in defiance of international law and not fighting like a brave people, instead they chose to sneak across Lahore border, and than gen. of India boasted about Having tea in gymkhana Lahore to which he was embarrassed for being stopped on border of Lahore. who told you that 4k soldiers were killed, why don't you tell us how many of your soldiers were killed during that campaign, Besides what does a politicians know abour war as compare to a gen. who fought it so read this link and know real the truth, dude.

3)Today in pakistan,u ppl celebrate it as defese day coz u ppl defended ur borders from india...but how can india attack first even after defeat by china b4 3 yrs...but here again u ppl shown as aggressors.....again blunder told to u ppl..and till now it is taught...

ans. Aggression is a concoction by you, Pakistan and was one at one time and we know your way of fighting, your way of thinking and your way of double talk, but we thought that Kashmir being a disputed territory u will at least not cross international border and stand and fight like a man in Kashmir but you chose to attack Lahore like a coward and result was that you could not go beyond Lahore border, let alone drinking tea in Gymkhana as boasted by your Gen. read above facts.

just tell me,if this jihadis are created by us then who provide them ak-47 rifles and grenades...again dellusional pakistani...
kashmir is integral part of watever u can..we r ready to defend it till earth exist..where as firstly u have to save ur self from western next few years ar important for u ppl.

and ur govt cant do anything...tell me..from 47,wat ur govt have done instead of promoting terror??
how much time they reached delhi??

even i dont want to discuss this thats y i didnt include 65,kargil etc..

Ans. You over inflated egotistic maniac do not know the facts of fighting wars, they are not fought with weapons they are fought with courage and you guys lack it all the way around, you are only good in making mischief and do annoying things but those things last only for some times and when reality will hit it will be those with courage and conviction who have the day,.

War is a dirty business, Pakistan rather discuss every problem and solve it by mutual discussions but if it will have to be fight than let me tell you that we fight with conviction be it mujaheddin or not and you fight with cunning and back stabbing dirty methods, so be prepared next time for a real fight because we know you and all your dirty tricks.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
i could discuss 65 or kargil(although i was looking to write it but i didn't).let me discuss..


1)In 62,india got defeated by china.
2)ur president thought ,its a best oppurtunity to get the kashmir from they attacked the kashmir and put the most of the force on the kashmir border but forgot to cover the punjab.indians on the other hand didnt attack the kashmir border,they knew massive artillers and cavalry waiting for them.They chose punjab border and this backfired to pakistanis...even they couldnot sustain war in kashmir even after having advanced american tanks.ur operation gibraltor got failed..and after that ur president said--this was the last chance to get kashmir and we lost it.."
3)Today in pakistan,u ppl celebrate it as defese day coz u ppl defended ur borders from india...but how can india attack first even after defeat by china b4 3 yrs...but here again u ppl shown as aggressors.....again blunder told to u ppl..and till now it is taught...


ur own prime minister told that more than 4k soldiers killed..initailly u said they are kahmiri mujahid..later on they were caught as pak soldiers..even u refused to take ur bodies of they were mujahid but later on after 10 yrs u gave nishan -e haidar to 400 + soldiers died..other lie caught....ur own leaders accepted as ashamed pakistan in front of whole world..

on topic---

just tell me,if this jihadis are created by us then who provide them ak-47 rifles and grenades...again dellusional pakistani...
kashmir is integral part of watever u can..we r ready to defend it till earth exist..where as firstly u have to save ur self from western next few years ar important for u ppl.

and ur govt cant do anything...tell me..from 47,wat ur govt have done instead of promoting terror??:lol:
how much time they reached delhi??

even i dont want to discuss this thats y i didnt include 65,kargil etc..

I'm sure all these things that you are telling me are distorted facts and NO you did not win any of these wars like ASQR1\has mentioned above so stop trying to distort facts specially about 65 war.
secondly it doesn't matter what our politicians said on media at the time of war no war on Kashmir is the last war unless this issue is resolved and its so not india's internal matter.
And don't tell me about the collateral damage in kargil war, Nawaz shareef mishandled it because he disliked Musharaff, but sharif was not in the battle field Musharaf was, and his story is completely different from what you say or Shareef said. If india was winning the war so proudly than why did they have to threaten us of atomic war and bring international pressure in it.
Besides I'm not sat here as government's spokes person (even ex governments those who were american puppits)so not interested to defend their statements but only want to talk about the real issue and our stand on this issue as a nation and this issue is so not india's internal matter ACCEPT THAT!!!!!!