
@ Read the interesting news about indian nuclear scandal

the link is ... andal.html

What if the kidnappers have used the Indian nuclear scientist Lokanathan Mahalingam to penetrate the Indian nuclear arsenal and use the material for a future attack on Washington or New Delhi?

Maybe. But you won't hear it on CNN, BBC or the rest of the Am-Brit media.

Why? Because it exposes India's low nuclear safety standards which in turn will embarrass Washington and London, two countries that are keen to use India's cheap soldiers to fight the Anglo-Saxon wars in Afghanistan and China.

Not a single major Am-Brit media outlet covered the story of the kidnapping and murder of a man that holds the key to the Indian nuclear arsenal.
There are no scare stories about Indian nukes falling in the wrong hands on either CNN or BBC.

Why? There are two funny reasons.

One is that the Am-Brit liar brigade spent much of its energy in the last two years trying to scare the world about Pakistan's nukes and how the poor Pakistanis are unable to protect them.

And suddenly this happens: a major nuclear security breach in India. And India is something that the Am-Brit liar brigade wants to protect at all costs. Mainly because India is the new slave-soldier of London and Washington and is being groomed to help in sustaining the occupation of Afghanistan and confronting China.

Also, the Americans have just broken all proliferation laws and decided that India is such a responsible nuclear power that it deserves to be given advanced nuclear technology.

Imagine if this incident had happened in Pakistan. The entire Am-Brit media would have been beating the drums of war, reminding the world how dangerous and unstable Pakistan is.

But now the entire Am-Brit enterprise is embarrassed. By the way, the Am-Brit enterprise includes biased British and American diplomats in addition to think-tank types and outright rude and dimwit journalists most of whom think they know more about your country than you do.

What if one of the 14 or so separatist movements and organizations in India kidnapped the scientist to gain access to Indian nuclear bombs?

What if the terrorists have actually gained access to an Indian nuclear facility as we speak, killed the scientist and are now waiting to carry out a major terrorist act?

What if any one of those Indian separatist groups fighting for the independence of 14 out of the 28 states that make up India have used the scientist to sell information or nuclear designs to groups or countries that end up attacking the United States? It is a scary business.

But the Am-Brit media won't cover it. Period.

NOTE: Nor would the Pakistani media, by the way. Pakistani media should have been beaming this story all over the world by now. But 80+ private news channels in the country and a giant state-owned media setup and tens of Press Ministers earning lavish benefits and still nothing to show for it. Ahmed Quraishi


Senator (1k+ posts)
[Another moronic piece written by Ahmed "Crazy" Quraishi. Its hard to believe that this man is a journalist who works for an esteemed media house like Geo TV.]

Source: ... 874-3.html
1. Late Shri. L. Mahalingam went missing on the morning of 8th June 2009.

2. His body was recovered from Kali river on 13th June 2009, and was identified by his family members.

3. Police believe he accidentally fell in the river while on his morning jog.

4. NPCL Director, Nageshwar Rao said, We wanted to clarify that this particular area where we are working is general purpose (not sensitive documents related) and we have operational experience, like on turbines, generators etc.
So he was not working in a sensitive area and did not have access to sensitive information.

a) I realise that "Crazy" Quraishi has written the above piece on a blog, but being a professional Journalist, he should write after doing some home work.

b) I wonder how did he reach to the conclusion that Shri. Mahalingam was kidnapped and murdered?

c) People like Ahmed Quraishi and Zaid Hamid are fascists, and it is very important that we confront them and refute them and their propaganda.


@ contra

Try to digest the reality, if some thing went wrong on your side u guys try to prove that it is not truth, you called every person fascist who talk
against your interests. First make you home clean and then talk about pakistan. You do not need to tell us wat we need to do.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Hey DumDum (grat)
this article is writen by AQ I understand he gets paid for writing this shit. u r the other person who just followiong him blindly. please open U R eyes and present facts. as for cnn bbc and pakistani media they report fact not fiction Or u r saying all the Pakistani & Western media And the whole world is dumb they didn't notice this big incedent.
i know u will say they are aginst pakistan Blah Blablah. how about ur army above all ur Friend China. So DUM DUM
Wake UP don't follow some one just blindly. get u r facts rightly
Thanks Contra for posting the facts.

Allah Tumeh Aqual De