War on terror as a cover for US terrorism.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Stop terrorizing the world Crusaders..

War on terror as a cover for US terrorism
It's ironic. It's hypocritical. It's a fraud. The "war on terrorism" branded by America is a propaganda cover for the worst terrorists in the world.

What was the invasion and occupation of Iraq but an act of terrorism? Everyone now knows that the faux war was born of a fraud. The deception had no legitimate purpose except to terrorize countries that (a) produce oil, (b) harbour Al-Qaeda or (c) threaten Israel.

Even the invasion of Afghanistan, considered a legitimate response to 9/11, could have been avoided. The Taliban appropriately asked the US to provide evidence of Osama bin Laden's complicity in the 9/11 affair before deporting him.

Instead, we attacked Afghanistan to the cheers of terrorizing avengers. "We'll show you what we do to those who terrorize America!" was the mantra. The USA is still terrorizing Afghanistan, thereby increasing Al-Qaeda cells.

The icing on the spread-fear cake has involved the USA terrorizing Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Not only are the countries America bombs terrorized. Every other country that might disobey our commands is threatened and made to fear for its existence.

Human life outside America and its stooges isn't worth a tinker's damn to terrorist America. Some 567,000 Iraqi children under the age of five died from American sanctions on Iraq. On 60 minutes in 1996, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said: "We think the price is worth it."

As of January 2010 and since the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, 1,366,350 Iraqi lives have been lost to terrorist slaughterers. "Never mind," you say? "The price is worth it. Beside, theyre only Muslims who want to multiply and take over the world."

Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram and rendition programmes have been nothing but terrorizing to plant fear in the hearts and minds of any Arab or Muslim with negative feelings toward America.

Something about being a terrorist of "lesser breeds tends to become a mindset that disregards national identities. Even Americans can become the objects of American terrorists. American Arabs and Muslims have been the objects of terrorism ever since 9/11.

According to Chris Hedges, An Arab American, Syed Fahad Hashmi, made provocative statements, including calling America the biggest terrorist in the world. That led to his arrest and prosecution on trumped up charges, in much the same way that Professor Sami al-Aryan lost his job and freedom for being an outspoken critic of US and Israeli policy.

Hedges relates the terrorizing effect of these prosecutions even of American citizens. The state, he says, can detain and prosecute people not for what they have done, or even for what they are planning to do, but for holding religious or political beliefs that the state deems seditious. The first of those targeted have been observant Muslims, but they will not be the last.

Chris Floyd points to incidents in countless towns and villages across America's terror war fronts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen where a multitude of grieving, angry Iraqis are further embittered against the American occupation by America's terrorist killings.

"You want to stop the 'radicalization' of young Muslims? Chris asks. "It's simple: stop killing innocent Muslims in wars of domination all over the world. Stop running covert ops in every nation of the world (as Obama's special envoy Richard Holbrooke admitted last week) murders, kidnappings, corruption and deception that make a howling mockery of the very civilized values these wars and ops purport to defend."

If America wants to stop terrorism, it needs to stop terrorizing the world.

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)

The Taliban, Jihadis and al-Qaeda were best buddies of America and the West in 80s and 90s, but soon after the collapse of communism, they became the worst of enemies. It was this treachery that made al-Qaeda more virulent against the US and others it considered the US's cronies. It gave an opportunity to President George W Bush to bash around and hit Muslims on the head with a claw hammer and invade Muslim countries with oil reserves and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslim men, women and children. Israel took advantage of Bush's doctrine and killed Palestinians in bold and barbaric fashion.

America became the enemy No 1 of al-Qaeda. And now, the same western financed, trained and educated terrorists are killing more Muslims in Pakistan and other Muslim countries than any where else in the world. They do not fight for the cause of Islam because 99.99% of peace loving Muslims condemn their philosophy of hate and violence. Islam has never been at war with the Christianity or Judaism because Muslims are descendant of the same ancestors, have the same prophets, share many things in our scriptures and venerates the same prophets but Jews and Christians have always refused to accept that the three religions are related by genetic similarities.

Muslims have been killed in hundreds and thousands; their countries been illegally invaded and destroyed to rubble; their homes been bombed with cruise missiles, smart bombs, mortars in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan and yet Muslims are accused of terrorism.

And the ignominy and the mendacity is that after the illegal invasion and occupation, these cabal of evil men expected a joy ride in Iraq and make it a funfare for merry go around. They objected to resistence by Iraqis after killing over two hundred thousand innocent Iraqi men, women and children, destroying their country to rubble and when they fought their illegal occupation, tyranny of shock and awe operations; they called them insurgents, terrorists, Islamic militants, and Jihadis. West called them Jihadis when they fought against Soviet Union and communism.

I believe that every developing Muslim nation with wealth and knowlege must progress enough to posses WMDS to keep these super-predators away from them and decimate neoncons market engineering-manipulation through hedge markets [/b. They should keep up their unrelentingly fight against the alien occupier to their last drop of blood to end their occupation and undo the same time their economic and political hegemony: the core vested objective which ought to finally buried together.

Honest, peace loving and true Muslims must sit to devise new system based on truth, justice for all and equal, oriented to divine ordained values by destroying neurons satanic hedonistic, lax and liaise faire ones. And, Muslims must never resort to terrorism and suicide bombing to kill innocent human beings in their pursuit of freedom and liberty. The path of Islam is based on the middle path, ummatum wassatum: the Muslim outwardly applies reason, justice, compassion, and all other virtues while inwardly he or she is in abandonment and submission, trusting that the outcome to any situation will be the appropriate one. Therefore, whosoever is in true and constant submission, in utmost awareness both outwardly and inwardly is on the path of pursuing the ultimate knowledge and fulfilling their purpose. That is the heart of Islamic message.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
This war is a war of our survival and integrity and this war will shape the future of Pakistan, it will determine whether we would be liberal progressive state or a medieval religious monarchy.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
US decided to give Pakistan Rs. 1 billion for the violence that took place in Karachi. Atleast we should try to consume the amount coming in the right places. We often become anti-west but we should realize the amount coming in is not utilized in the right places due to ourselves. We should call others powerful if we are weak within.