Was Pakistan made in the name of Islam? revew based on Munir Report 1953


For some time, I have seen the question regarding Pakistan creation based on Religion to be abstract.

Pakistan was created for Muslims ? Or was it created to Industlize an Islamic force to recon with? read below.

Below is an Article by by Yasser Latif Hamdani July 11, 2004.

The Mullah and the Munir Report

Never again did any judicial officer in Pakistan speak his or her mind so clearly and so eloquently.

Never again did any judicial officer in Pakistan speak his or her mind so clearly and so eloquently.

In 1953, when Pakistan was very young and when Judges still could not be bought, a commission comprising two eminent Justices of the Federal Court submitted a report, fated to be called the Munir Report, that in my opinion should be mandatory reading for every Pakistani and if possible every Muslim all around the world. The Justices who wrote this report were Justice Muhammad Munir and Justice Kiyani. Never again did any judicial officer in Pakistan speak his or her mind so clearly and so eloquently.

The problem started with the Mullahs, most of whom had opposed the creation of Pakistan tooth and nail but now had becomes the chachas of Pakistan, started asking the state to declare the Ahmaddiya Muslim sect Kafir. Leading amongst them was that bigoted doctor of reaction, the much admired Maulana Abu Ala Maudoodi. Their target was Ch. Zafrullah Khan, one of the stalwart of the Pakistan Movement and a great patriot who happened to be an Ahmadi. This was when Maudoodi wrote his famous Ahmadi Problem. In 18 days that disgusting book sold close to 60 000 copies before the book was banned by the state. This followed a court case in which Maudoodi was tried for treason and sentenced to death, a sentence that was sadly never carried out. Mumtaz Daultana, the then Chief Minister, also had his role in fanning the flames for his own Machiavellian political reasons. He was forced to resign by the Government of Pakistan and that brought his career to a close.

Justice Muhammad Munir and Justice M R Kiyani were appointed to the inquiry commission that investigated this issue. The report they issued after interviewing all sides ran to something like 350 pages. In this the two justices warned against the institution of an Islamic state in Pakistan. They came out and said any such attempt would lead to a perfect disaster. They lashed out against the Mullahs and proved conclusively that any appeasement on the part of the Government will lead to a situation that will unravel Pakistan. They pointed out the contradictions in the arguments of the Mullahs. They warned that if exclusion was made a principle, then today it would be Ahmadis, tomorrow it could be someone else. The Mullahs were not in agreement on anything, not even on the definition of a Muslim. They write:

The result of this part of inquiry, however has been anything but satisfactory and if considerable confusion exists in the minds of our ulama on such a simple matter, one can easily imagine what the differences on more complicated matters will be. Keeping view the several different definitions given by the ulama, need we make any comment except that no two learned divines are agreed on this fundamental. If we attempt our own definition as each learned divine has done and that definition differs from that given by all others, we unanimously go out of the fold of Islam. And if we adopt the definition given by any one of the Ulama, we remain Muslims according to the view of that alim, but kafirs according to the definitions of everyone else. (Page 215, 218)

They go on to say that if Deobandis are in charge, all non-deobandis would become Kafirs, and if Barelvis are in charge all non-Barelvis would be declared Kafir. Depending on the sect, the definition of a Muslim changes, and so everyone else becomes a Kafir. They warned that if Pakistan as a state was to get involved in such pettiness, it would lead to a most fantastic disaster. Their prescription was to follow the routine of any normal democratic secular state and stay away from this mess. They refuted the assertion of the Mullah that Pakistan was made in the name of Islam, rejecting it outright as a basis. They point to the Fatwa from DarulUloom Deoband in India presented in front of the inquiry commission as Ex.DE 13 , which declares all Shiites as Kafirs and Murtids, and says that every fatwa is exclusionary in nature. They continued:

If the constituents of each of the definitions given by the Ulama are given effect to and subjected to the rule of combination and permutation and the form of charge in the inquisitions sentence on Galileo is adopted mutatis mutandis as a model, the grounds on which a person maybe indicted for apostasy will be too numerous to count. (Page 219)

The report was remarkable in its boldness and its farsightedness. It was an echo of Jinnah, who had warned Pakistanis against theocratic rule by priests with a divine mission. It was a brilliant defense of secularism, against Mullahdom and fanaticism. It was a patriotic document that declared outright that Islam should not be allowed in governance, and that if we allow its intervention we would stop any and all political progress in Pakistan. Some 21 years later, Pakistan forgot the Munir Report. A modernist party with a democratically elected secular leader ruled Pakistan. Yet pandering to the Mullahs, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, despite his apparent enlightenment, sacrificed tolerance at the altar of personal power. Pakistan declared the Ahmadis to be non-Muslims, and with that the project of the Mullahs came to a completion. They got the theocracy they wanted all along.

Its been 51 years since that report came out. All that it had predicted has come true. The Government of Pakistan had an excellent opportunity to purge the nation of fanaticism. It was warned, but Pakistan sadly was not high on the priority list. Political expediency was. Today the macabre monster called Mullah has grown so big that it threatens to eat its own benefactors. Will we still not learn a lesson?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
the answer is pakistan was not created for islam but was created as a muslim majority country.. both are two different things.. its the same debate of a muslim state or a state of muslims


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
the truth is that pakistan was made for islam and islamic law implementation
jinah said this himself many times,secular people are slaves of satan so they lie but they cant change the facts
jinah said that pakistans law would be from quran plus if islamisation was not the purpose of pakistans creation than there remains no purpose for pakistans creation
thats what seculars want to erase pakistan from world map,by attacking its ideology
but these slaves of satan wont succeed as this land belongs to islam,people here agree or not this islamisation has to happen one day,the thing is if they agree to it they will live otherwise allah will erase them
anyway now starts the year in whch mashalah and inshalah many hijabs will be uncovered,so no more need to eloborate and waste effort in changing the hearts who already belong to satan


Senator (1k+ posts)
I think we need a tolerant society in our country, we have many sects of muslims in our country and everyone is trying to prove others wrong.
Why not tolerate each other and move forward ? Doesn't matter how Islamic or secular our country is we can not move forward if we don't have a big heart and are intolerant.
We need to learn to respect the beliefs and practices of others. What 'll be next if this country becomes Islamic or secular and our behavior remains the same ? The next thing 'll be aaahhhh you are not a good secular, mmmm you are a very average muslim, oohhhhh your are a very bad muslim+secular, shame on you you are both secular and muslim etc......
We need to grow up now as an individual and as a nation and change our overall attitude.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Is this Hamdani authority on something? Am I missing something here?

The problem started with the Mullahs,
started asking the state to declare the Ahmaddiya Muslim sect Kafir.

His sympathies and probably affiliations are quite clear, he is using the terms which are commonly used by the Qadianis.

In this article and in another article he praised Zafarullah Khan and claimed he was the greatest Pakistani after Jinnah.

A person, who calls Zaffarullah Khan great and consider his contribution one of the greatest, could only be called two things, either he has lost his marbles or he is writing with an agenda and a slant.

If he is ignorant, then his not a reliable source or authority on anything. If he cared to investigate then he will find the reality is different. Zafarullah Khan was the greatest enemy of Pakistan and Muslims around the World. He is one of the prime character in the creation of Kashmir dispute, which has cost hundred of thousands Kashmiri Muslims lives. Zafarullah Khan was an agent of the British and was also working hands and gloves with Americans. Thats why he was appointed to international court of Justice by his masters.

Zafarullah was not an honest and credible man; I have exposed his deliberate lies in translations of Tadkirah the holy book of the Qadianis.

Read these articles;


and follow it up with this article to understand fully the lies and fraud of Qadianis, in which Zafarullah was involved knee deep.


I gave this challenge to Qadianis and to anyone who is connected to Zafarullah Khan including his progeny, if they think; they can prove Zafarullahs credibility in Tadkirah and prove me wrong. Based on my comments they can issue me court writs on libel and slander. I can guarantee I will successfully defeat them in a court of Law on the evidence available from tadkirah.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Justice Munir's Judgement in Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Case sealed the fate of democracy in Pakistan.Unfortunately what ever we are facing today is the result of that judgement.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear friends we can discuss and debate all we like about pakistan as to what was purpose of its creation but the truth as I understand it is that paksitan was created for various reasons eg give protection to as many muslims as was possible in a piece of land of their own. To create a state in the name of islam and to make it a reality as it was visualised by iqbaal and jinnah according to their understanding of islam ie an examplary state. I have explained what islam is in my other threads and that islam was very same as mullahs' information of islam but the putting together of that informationm of islam was nothing like mullahs' putting together of islam.

That is the islam that was preached by the prophet, the islam that brought togehter enemies into brotherhood not the islam of mullahs who are trying their best to divide us in the name of their so many different islams. So different that instead of living for each other we are living on each other.

So let us wrap up this discussion and understand that islam is not anti secularism=worldly prosperity of humanity, working together as a single family. All people in the world who have humanity in their hearts as foundational principle for living are our brethren. The problem is not with us who are human beings rather it is with those from amongst us who behave like animals and try to use and abuse us as our masters taking us as their slaves for granted. Those are the people who's secularism and emocracy is really the problem because their secularism and democracy is all about oppressing and suppressing, enslaving and killing others who cannot stand up to them. The enemies of their own very roots ie KUFU KE VARY HEN YEH LOG=insaan ho kar insanioyat ke dushman.

Unless we unite ourselves and try and unite rest of humanity on same basic principles, it is unlikely that we are going to succeed because together we stand, divided we fall one by one. They will take each of us starting with a weaest first because that is the easiest target. Therefore if we do not stand with that weakest person today, tomorrow will be the turn of the next one in the same line. And believe you me it will not be very long before none will be left to speak for the very last one of us.

Let me explain it a bit, has anyone seen the families who are working so hard altogether with sevarel years old kids working along their parents and after very hard work for whole day they hardly manage to get their food on the table. Is this freedom, just, fair play?

See when any of us needs a worker, we look for a person who would do most work for us but would charge us least money. Who are we trapping? The hungery, the needy. The more desparate one is the less he will be willing to work for. Can you my brothers and sisters imagine the agony of this thought.

Yo see we choose the richest and most powerful to the office of prime minister and president or choose such like people into parliament. We do the same for local authorities. Then we complain, O look! what they are doing to us? How stupid!

Can our land not efford to provide us with our needs? All we need to do is start learning how and plan better and share whatever we have and start building on it. APNI CHAADAR MAIN REHNE KI ZAROORAT HAI.

I do not want to start a lecture but just want to say that we must start planning how to take control back from these vultures who are eating uis alive.

Pakistan is there now regardless why it was created, let us make it our paksitan that we can be proud of. The best principles for living in this world are in the quran and the best rules are in the quran so let us built on that. I am not saying these things just out of faith please debate islam with me if any of you think I am talking nonsense or emotional. I am very much a rational person. But as a human being I am not free of emional feelings.

The reason I joined this forum was because I do not like what is happening to pakistan and it is all because we are mosly ignorant and may be uneducated as well or may be we have been put in to such situations that we have no time to think beyond earning our daily needs. In fact this is yet more reason for us to take steps the while we can breath freely and move before we end up strangled to death by situation an dcircunstances that are being created all around us to to end our existence.

Sorry for the rant, regards and all the best.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

You may be right in some of your analysis, but there is no point of ranting (your wording) about so called Mullahs. I hate this term because it had been badly abused by the Qadianis for their own propaganda.

The fact of the matter is most of the so called sects in Islam, especially in the sub-continent are created by the British for their own political agenda. Except the Shias. Even the so called Wahabis are relatively new creation, helped and funded by the house of Saud. We also know that house of Saud in turn was helped by the western sources against the ottomans.

As much as I am concerned there should be no sects in Islam, they are strictly forbidden by the Decrees of Allah SWT in the Holy Quran.

Please read this article, in which I have explained it in details.
