We accepted Judicary's verdict but History and People of Pakistan will not accept it - Shahid Khaqan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: We accepted Judicary'sverdict but History and PEople of PAkistan will not accept it - Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

History will not only accept it, they will applaud it. As far as the people are concerned- the jahil Nooras programmed by Jahil Geo wont understand but as the people showed they couldn't give a shiit about the gormless twaat.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: We accepted Judicary'sverdict but History and PEople of PAkistan will not accept it - Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

تاریخ تو پورے شریف خاندان کو حرام کھانے والے .... حرامی ... لکھے گی
تو بھی لکھ کر رکھ لے .... تو خود بھی ایک حرام خور ہی ہے

Cape Kahloon

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
PM Sahab pure Pakistani qoum nay faisla dil sey oor Bari khushi kay sath qabool ker leya ha
Srif nooray oor Maryam nay qabool ne keya


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
All Pakistanis have accepted the decision of SC.In fact people are lauding the decision because this is the first time the courts showed impartiality and made decisons based on law.A lot of people believe the courts let off Nawaz lightlt.He deserves to go jail.