We are dealing with mad dogs i.e Generals of the Pakistani army


MPA (400+ posts)
ISI and Pakistani army generals have become completely like a mad dog. They will burn whole Pakistan to save themselves, we have to be patient in dealing with them. We are slowly moving towards the goal post, inch by inch, but i think moving in right direction. I have personally seen army captains ( engineering core ) who resigned from the army recently because of the brutal terror the army is doing on its citizens, also they know tanks have no petrol as Bajwa kutta said so why bother remain in the army. Information space and minds of people of Pakistan are with PTI and imran khan, lets see how long this army can sustain their terror on the people. I predict ( usually my predictions are wrong ) that army will burst from inside because of generals fighting for their own meat bones when US pulls the plug of aid and money. The only reason asim gang is ruling is because of US aid and loans.

Mad dogs are difficult to capture and kill, especially when they have 1 million army. But INSH ALLAH we are slowly moving in the right direction.

Salman Mughal

Minister (2k+ posts)
ISI and Pakistani army generals have become completely like a mad dog. They will burn whole Pakistan to save themselves, we have to be patient in dealing with them. We are slowly moving towards the goal post, inch by inch, but i think moving in right direction. I have personally seen army captains ( engineering core ) who resigned from the army recently because of the brutal terror the army is doing on its citizens, also they know tanks have no petrol as Bajwa kutta said so why bother remain in the army. Information space and minds of people of Pakistan are with PTI and imran khan, lets see how long this army can sustain their terror on the people. I predict ( usually my predictions are wrong ) that army will burst from inside because of generals fighting for their own meat bones when US pulls the plug of aid and money. The only reason asim gang is ruling is because of US aid and loans.

Mad dogs are difficult to capture and kill, especially when they have 1 million army. But INSH ALLAH we are slowly moving in the right direction.

Bajwa, Asim Munir & Company PAKISTAN ko Jala nahi dain ghe ALREADY Jala Chukay hain.


MPA (400+ posts)
correction we are dealing with MAD PIGS not dogs, Dog is a damn loyal animal.

Mad dogs are very very different then normal dogs. A good example is asim munir and nadeem anjum, faisal naseer and generals of the army. All of them now started attacking pakistanis, only solution is killing them like we kill mad dogs.