We Make it the Mighty Dollar - My Article at TheNews Blog


Senator (1k+ posts)
Typical defeatist mindset................

Little over ten years ago there were seven countries whose central banks were not under control of international bankers. Since then three have fallen, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Did you notice that within weeks the Libyan rebels established their own central bank. Having said this, let me assure you if Pakistan tries to be smart and start accepting PKR instead USD, economic sanctions will cut the value of PKR in half before you can realize what hit you, like it's happening to Iran Riyal.

Asif Ameer, what you are saying is all true but it is not doable in todays world. In todays world what Adnan_apml is saying is more true, Saudi Arabia will never accept credit from any other country other than USD for oil, because they are the gurantor of keeping the USD as world reserve currency. So in other words any country that has any power to change the status of USD is Saudi Arabia. Thats just my opinion.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
for a second i felt i was reading my own comment.

During the 1st world war, there is a b/w video showing Arab armies with swords in their hand, running on horse after fly british planes. They didnt have military clue than. Today's wars are not military in nature. They are Economic War chess, using currencies and Forex Markets. And today we are too blind with our "Nuclear Assets".

India is doing everything in its powers to actually become a real economic power in this region (which in a way it already is) and this step indicates that if in the near future it is decided that each region should have its own foreign exchange policy and they should appoint their own reserve kind of a standard, india wants it to be the indian rupee. Now I am a patriot yet I am sorry to say that mates here stating that Pakistan is a hurdle in its way are again believing in something that doesn't actually exist to much extent. The very first reason for it is our officials being adamant enough not to take steps forward and do a single thing about our economy or prosperity and the second one is that india has already established itself as an economic power in this region and it is already past the phase of being just a market. The real contender is China here (and that too if China is willing to compete india as it has another front which is far larger than this one.

Another aspect being that despite our "beliefs" iran has the best of ties with india and doesn't look at us as anything but a problem in the region which should be "solved". We should try this with China and Russia who are already more than willing to do so yet nobody knows when this time will come.

This is the real war Asif is talking about here and even if we exist despite not realizing the gravity of it, imagine the state of a family (living in a street) which borrows everything from water to commodities from its neighbours on a daily basis and has nothing to offer in return but to send its sons and daughters to work as servants in the neighbouring homes while they are molested, treated badly and the boundaries of that home are invaded every now and then for the same purposes first secretly and then openly but they can't do anything about it but to look at the guns inside that big trunk time and again only (knowing that they can't eradicate all the families in that street, at most one or two and the others will eat them alive). Now think hard, isn't it already happening to some extent???


Senator (1k+ posts)
Let me elaborate. What is deficient in Pakistan resource wise that you need to import? Isn't this country blessed with arable land for food production? Don't we have gas in Balouchistan (Iran is ready)? Tell me the basic necessiities for a human to survive which you already don't have? Please leave consumerism out of this.
You have the Army with nuclear weapons to safeguard the nations interest. We have discussed Sunnah money previously in this forum. I'm tired of hearing the same old mantra it can't be done. It CAN be done if there is a will, but the sad state of affairs is that the leadership is reflection of it's people.

When you switch from CNG to LPG, you know straight away someone is pulling the strings!

Yeah right, like Sheikh Imran Hosein always says, you don't have to believe me, just wait and see!
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Let me elaborate. What is deficient in Pakistan resource wise that you need to import? Isn't this country blessed with arable land for food production? Don't we have gas in Balouchistan (Iran is ready)? Tell me the basic necessiities for a human to survive which you already don't have? Please leave consumerism out of this.
You have the Army with nuclear weapons to safeguard the nations interest. We have discussed Sunnah money previously in this forum. I'm tired of hearing the same old mantra it can't be done. It CAN be done if there is a will, but the sad state of affairs is that the leadership is reflection of it's people.

When you switch from CNG to LPG, you know straight away someone is pulling the strings!

Same way they defended the nation's interest on May 02, 2011?

Tell me what is Pakistan's source of income?
What is Pakistan's major export, and who is the biggest buyer?
Tell me where does Pakistan get it's most sophisticsted weapons from?

Pakistan is dependent on exports and Pakistani's living abroad, without these Pakistan is as poor as a chuch mouse.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
U guys are getting good! There is a difference b/w knowing what needs to be done and cant be done the way it needs to be done.

Look, I have American interests at heart. This place is home to me. Because of this imperialistic economic policies, our jobs are being offshored due to devalued exchange rates. This is killing Middle class here. If every country were to allow appreciation of their currency, it would benefit United States Citizens too.

With that said, you cant pick a fight with an "immature superpower" . I say make a 3 year plan to reduce exports to US to 20%, divert the rest to energy exporting Russia and Iran. Settle your BoP in PKR with those countries. Its always better to win without a fight.

Little over ten years ago there were seven countries whose central banks were not under control of international bankers. Since then three have fallen, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Did you notice that within weeks the Libyan rebels established their own central bank. Having said this, let me assure you if Pakistan tries to be smart and start accepting PKR instead USD, economic sanctions will cut the value of PKR in half before you can realize what hit you, like it's happening to Iran Riyal.

Asif Ameer, what you are saying is all true but it is not doable in todays world. In todays world what Adnan_apml is saying is more true, Saudi Arabia will never accept credit from any other country other than USD for oil, because they are the gurantor of keeping the USD as world reserve currency. So in other words any country that has any power to change the status of USD is Saudi Arabia. Thats just my opinion.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
[MENTION=5375]A.Ali.T[/MENTION] and [MENTION=23973]AdamA[/MENTION]

Guys, I dont think either one of you are wrong. You both are right. Ali is right because it cant be done now. Adam is right because it can be done LATER but in a very subtle way. This is nothing less than ECONOMIC WAR. And Art of War always comes in handy! Who's read it?
Same way they defended the nation's interest on May 02, 2011?

Tell me what is Pakistan's source of income?
What is Pakistan's major export, and who is the biggest buyer?
Tell me where does Pakistan get it's most sophisticsted weapons from?

Pakistan is dependent on exports and Pakistani's living abroad, without these Pakistan is as poor as a chuch mouse.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Pakistan is not self reliant. Simply look at the Trade Account Deficit. You cant argue numbers. Pakistan stands at 3.5 month of reserve to cover its import bill. IMF report projects it going down to 1.5months with OPTIMISTIC figures. There is no industrial base. There is no educated workforce, there is no academic infrastructure. Country is inherently unstable. There is no energy infrastructure. There is no transport infrastructure. War is suicide. War was never the GOAL!

But there is dignity in self-dependence. Thats what I am advocating here. I am no cyber-jihadi. Would like to see Pakistan 20 yrs down the road as India is today. It is possible. It really is.

Let me elaborate. What is deficient in Pakistan resource wise that you need to import? Isn't this country blessed with arable land for food production? Don't we have gas in Balouchistan (Iran is ready)? Tell me the basic necessiities for a human to survive which you already don't have? Please leave consumerism out of this.
You have the Army with nuclear weapons to safeguard the nations interest. We have discussed Sunnah money previously in this forum. I'm tired of hearing the same old mantra it can't be done. It CAN be done if there is a will, but the sad state of affairs is that the leadership is reflection of it's people.

When you switch from CNG to LPG, you know straight away someone is pulling the strings!


Senator (1k+ posts)
I have already answered this............leadership is reflection of it's people. There is not an iota of chance of you getting out of this mess without defaulting. Either you prepare for war now or later when you are balkanized.

Same way they defended the nation's interest on May 02, 2011?

Tell me what is Pakistan's source of income?
What is Pakistan's major export, and who is the biggest buyer?
Tell me where does Pakistan get it's most sophisticsted weapons from?

Pakistan is dependent on exports and Pakistani's living abroad, without these Pakistan is as poor as a chuch mouse.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Wishful thinking, they will never allow it to happen. It's not in their interest to have a strong and self-sufficient Pakistan. Remember they installed these dogs who have done more damage in the last 4 years than anyone in the last 60.

Pakistan is not self reliant. Simply look at the Trade Account Deficit. You cant argue numbers. Pakistan stands at 3.5 month of reserve to cover its import bill. IMF report projects it going down to 1.5months with OPTIMISTIC figures. There is no industrial base. There is no educated workforce, there is no academic infrastructure. Country is inherently unstable. There is no energy infrastructure. There is no transport infrastructure. War is suicide. War was never the GOAL!

But there is dignity in self-dependence. Thats what I am advocating here. I am no cyber-jihadi. Would like to see Pakistan 20 yrs down the road as India is today. It is possible. It really is.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Wishful thinking, they will never allow it to happen. It's not in their interest to have a strong and self-sufficient Pakistan. Remember they installed these dogs who have done more damage in the last 4 years than anyone in the last 60.

That is exactly what I am trying to say, it's too late in the game, they won't let it happen. They have all the cards. If you really want to turn the tables in your favor. Become self reliant, Try to live within your means. Avoid imports of luxury items. Use whatever you produce. Instead of relying on exports increase your internal consumption. Make your citizens more productive. Quit dependency on others. Educate your people, make their skills more marketable. Stop brain drain from your country. Get honest judiciary. Improve law and order in your country. Make your leaders accountable. Work 16 hours a day. Stop unnecessary expenditures. Take austerity measures. Curtail all expenses. Run a very tight ship, then you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Yup! Ur almost talking my language here dude! I have stated that Pakistan needs to default. Here's my article on that

But you can read the whole article at

I have already answered this............leadership is reflection of it's people. There is not an iota of chance of you getting out of this mess without defaulting. Either you prepare for war now or later when you are balkanized.


Who are we? Pakistani or aliens from Mars? Pakistan is poor and beggar like country, in matter of fact, so how come beggars strength dollar? My economic and philosophical reasoning numbs on this point, frankly.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Did you read my article? What part of it doesnt make sense? Beggars make great slaves. Aur qatra qatra ye darya banta hai. Hence the mighty dollar.

Who are we? Pakistani or aliens from Mars? Pakistan is poor and beggar like country, in matter of fact, so how come beggars strength dollar? My economic and philosophical reasoning numbs on this point, frankly.