WE THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN: In Need to Make Fundamental Change & Reshaping of the Narrative: Writings


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WE THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN: In Need to Make Fundamental Change & Reshaping of the Narrative

They say people get leaders they deserve. Looking at the leaders we have, what do you see?

Pakistanis have been saying for past 68years that we need change, a revolutionary change. However, have we taken concrete steps on that path? The answer is vehemently, No!

Unfortunately, the things instead of improving are going backwards. The situation is bleak.

We celebrate Aug 14[SUP]th[/SUP], our independence day as if there is no tomorrow. However, if we get an opportunity to steal something from our beloved country we will not hesitate. We lack sincerity towards Pakistan. Exceptionalism in reality is replacing nationalism.

Hardly a few percent pay income tax. Businessmen do everything possible to pay least amount of customs import duty.
Corruption is rampant from top to bottom. We cannot get our rights unless we bribe someone. Not just super rich, middle class or the poor, the whole nation’s attitude is corrupt. We must accept the reality.

“Shareef (noble) is one only who didn’t get a chance” (with exception of very few).

Education standard has gone down. Our teachers, who are supposed to be the builders of nation get their attendance registered while they remain at home. They rather teach in private tuition centers to make extra money.

Contractors who are awarded projects use substandard materials to cut cost so they can pocket more money. They are indifferent that it might kill a fellow citizens because of their bad work.

People in a very responsible institution are willing to issue National ID cards for money, to non-Pakistanis and on top who are terrorists.
Political parties rely on corruption to come in power. They use the money they loot using corrupt means to stay in power, by distributing this wealth amongst political workers and by feeding them “khapae”. Just analyze our state of mind; that we are willing to vote for and bring in power political leaders or political party who fed us good food!

We want to bring in power political party who gives us jobs in institutions where we do not have to work. It does not matter we ruin these state owned institutions in the process causing billions of rupees loss to Pakistan.

Cheating and lying has, unfortunately become our national trait. There is no such thing as thinking about integrity when it comes to illicit activities. Because of this we as a nation has become so cynical that we don’t trust who we should.

Value of life has become just negligible. We are willing to ignore a patient and let him/her die rather than do away with our protocol. Our leaders say things those are simply unfathomable. “Kids die every day in Pakistan, so what a few die in Thar”. Simply incredible!

We suppress our conscience in order to do what our heart desires which in most cases is bad. Bad for the society and the country.
Unfortunately we are on top of many world indices such as level of corruption, uncleanliness, nation who pays the least tax, least law abiding etc.

Our attitudes and behaviors have rendered us weak and vulnerable. So much that others dictate us their terms and we find ourselves in situations that we do not have a choice but to abide by. We have become dependent on others.

It is our common rhetoric to blame others for everything we face. We must blame ourselves before others. We are turning ourselves into conspiracy theorists, rather than focus on our own faults and weaknesses.

We need to get out of self denial and must own our shortcomings and mistakes we the people of Pakistan have made over the past years and are constantly making.

We need to pause and think do we continue on this path or make fundamental and concrete change in ourselves, in our attitude towards our fellow countrymen and the country itself.

If we induce change in ourselves we can eliminate extremism/terrorism, fix our economy and our social issues.

We need to make Pakistan our identity and ensure to actually celebrate its existence!
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