What are the defects/flaws in Pakistani Political system


Minister (2k+ posts)
To know what are the defects/flaws in Pakistani Political system, we have to keep in mind some characteristics of Pakistani society:

a) Realistic literacy rate does not touch a double digit figure.
b) The society is divided on lignuistic, ethnic and religion (sect-wise) and caste lines;
c) since 1947 same Toola (Group) is governing the country in every form of government;
d) Everyone wishes to immigrate, by hook or by crook. The people will wish to do all type of menial jobs in a foreign country, but not in their own country. It is to say that there is no concept of "dignity of labour".
e) The society lacks the elements of "tolerance" and "sincerity" in every field, at all levels and in all its forms and manifestations.

So what are the defects of our political system?


Councller (250+ posts)
you are absolutely correct,these more provoked issues,
but if Media remain free like today,and our courts remain independent,and democracy will run 5-10 years,we will be no 1 nation in earth.
In 2 year time,and in present situation our awam got that much Political knowledge and
maturity,achievement is not far.
Don't be discouraged,hope is not far .

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

By looking at each of the points you have written, We can assume following :

1)Educational institutions have become a source of income for those who can afford to build. There is really no national policy on Education in Pakistan which is a coherent and fundamental block in every country.
2) The rulers have neglected the need of strengthening the educational institutions through out the country to combat the illiteracy rate in Pakistan.The state of some of the Government schools are so pathetic that no one admits there children in to these schools.The growing numbers of Muddarsas in the country is indicative of failed government policy on education.
3) There is no real national political party existed in Pakistan in which the citizen will be guided and act as one nation. There are numerous regional parties which propegate and spread the venom of athenticity and isolation. we have people who are intentionally divided in to different segments so the smart leaders can get their so called vote bank in to the pockets of urban and rural areas.
4) Because of the current broken system and totally controlled democracy and a very weak Election commision,the same leaders are ruling the masses since the conception of the country.If there is no reform in to the election commision and there is no set rules for a transparent election,Unfortunately we will continue to see the same faces come back to rule us till the end of the time.
5) The new generation do not see the light at the end of the tunnel for Pakistan.There is no future for them in their country.There is no justice for them in this country either.No wonder that everone is trying to flee. I will rather balme the system and corrupt political elite instead of blaming those who are leaving the country.
6) when a country doesn't provide the necessary resources for its citizens,or whenever there is a drought of resources, people will become more rigid and more selfish.They start to lose the tolerance and will not open to share their dwindling resources with others.It is a human psychology.By looking at the current state of affairs in Pakistan,no one can blame the citizens of this country for the behaviour they exhibit.

This my four cents of the analysis.

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
According to the one version of Islamic peripatetic thinkers like Al Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd etc in the past is that the prime objective of an ideal political elite class of any region is to actualise the dreams of economic, social, judicial and political equality for the common populace of that region or state and to gain the happiness which can result in the mental and physical prosperities of the inhabitants of that state which was termed Utopia by the great Plato himself in his monumental Republic. The likes of this Utopian state if we can ever imagine to visualise then we have to admit that it was the state of Medina due to the enlightening blessings of the greatest individual ever lived in this whole universe and that was Prophet Muhammad Salal Lahu Alihi Wasalam and not to forget his blessed followers & household.

Now having said that I would start from the leadership as its a proverbial saying that realistic and substantial change in any rotten and failed society can only be possible through a fearless, honest, morally upright and sincere leadership and from their devout and unwavering followers. The character building of an individual therefore is of primordial necessity as it is professed by almost every gigantic thinker of the past and present. Even our Prophet PBUH spent thirteen years of his precious life to build and personally train the characters of his followers and tried to inculcate the precepts of discipline, perseverance, patience and valour at the face of animosity and odds. And we have seen that on the basis of that character building to what extent that greatest revolution of Mankind had extended and what impact it gained from geopolitical, social, administrative, military and economic frontiers.

So first and foremost important thing is that we need to develop the innate good character of not only ours but to develop the same kind of characteristics in other individuals who have the potential to lead and carry forward the nation. Fir this purpose the necessity of attainment of valuable knowledge of religious and physical sciences is very important and then the spiritual guidance is also needed from the spiritual doctors and priests (Not the fake Peers and Shahs) to morally and intellectually enrich those handful of individuals and then to purify their souls from the base elements of Nafs (In subtle sense The Self).So in my opinion the biggest defect in Pakistans political system is the lack of honest and morally sound leadership and for this we all have to work very hard and with upmost devotion to try to create that conducive environment where this kind of leadership can be trained and nurtured in the best possible way.

Note: I will try to point other defects in my next posts


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
babadeena said:
To know what are the defects/flaws in Pakistani Political system, we have to keep in mind some characteristics of Pakistani society:

a) Realistic literacy rate does not touch a double digit figure.
b) The society is divided on lignuistic, ethnic and religion (sect-wise) and caste lines;
c) since 1947 same Toola (Group) is governing the country in every form of government;
d) Everyone wishes to immigrate, by hook or by crook. The people will wish to do all type of menial jobs in a foreign country, but not in their own country. It is to say that there is no concept of "dignity of labour".
e) The society lacks the elements of "tolerance" and "sincerity" in every field, at all levels and in all its forms and manifestations.

very good eye-openning post and the responses too.YES Paksitanis are now more politically educated than before.

I even learnt from Fauzia Wahab, dont invite her for interview :lol: :lol:
So what are the defects of our political system?

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
The greatest misfortune that has inflicted Pakistan for the last sixty three years has been that the big criminals, thieves, robbers, looters, feudal lords, dishonest and insincere politicians have never been punished by the law and are walking free to pollute our country.

Since these dishonest, criminals and choors are themselves the law makers, breakers and the biggest violators of law of the land. They are mujrims of Pakistan and for the first time in Pakistan's history no opportunity should be lost by the Supreme Court under the guidance and leadership of Chief Justice, Iftikhar Mohammed Choudary, the NRO convicted beneficiaries allowed to escape justice. They should be punished for their crimes against the state and nation and given the harshest sentences imaginable because their crimes are more horrendous and treacherous than a robber stealing your life's hard earned savings.

The NRO beneficiaries convicted by the courts of Pakistan must be told to return to the state and nation every penny that they have looted from our treasures.

Unless the law of the land, judiciary and litigation is untouchable and not ruled or dictated by the big pockets and fat wallets of these dishonest politicians and the filthy rich, Pakistan will suffer from the infectious disease of corruption and remain at the death bed. Criminals small and big must never be allowed to laugh at the law of the land and allowed to walk free.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Thanks to all for contributing to this thread.
What I stated in my first post were certain or few "characteristics" of our country. To maintain those "peculiar characteristics", our political system definitely has certain drawbacks, which need to be pointed out. Discussion may please be on the "faults/drawbacks".
One of the characteristics stated is that :
c) since 1947 same Toola (Group) is governing the country in every form of government;
To achieve and maintain this objective, the governing Toola(Group), without any exception, has permanently injected into our political system a way to ensure that the members of this Toola remain always in the government, whatsoever and whosoever it may be. As you are aware, in our country Politicians are entitled to contest on as much seats as they can afford. This should be immediately stopped. People do not realize that this is the most nefarious way of maintaining the status quo. A person contests elections on four seats. He will 90% won on one of them. So his objective is achieved. If he lost on all seats, then he is a Senator. Amazingly since it is beneficial to all, no party opposes or even talks about/against. This one drawback is the mockery of people's votes and hypocrisy/cheat of politicians.

Let us continue with the drawbacks. Thanks.


Senator (1k+ posts)
It is not he system but the people running it. All we need is a leader with guts who can lead from front and get rid of:
1) All the beauraucrats and their familys
2) All the politicians on the NRO list and ban these SOB's from public office
3) All the businessmen who benefited from NRO and their immediate families
4) All crimminals who committed crimes and have been responsible for any crimminal act plus their family memebers

1) Immediate land reforms and pass laws that punish these guys
2) Eliminate the provisional system
3) Divide Pakistan into District's

Then you will see the real change and attitude of the people

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Defective and Ineffective State Institutions

Pakistans volatile and miserable political system owes much to the defective, ineffective and mismanaged state institutions which relates to the legislative, executive and judiciary (Although the higher judiciary is making some inroads to quell this feeling of ineffectiveness but the large chunk of lower judiciary is still in its miserable condition and is perfectly under the influence of some corrupt but highly influential forces in the country). Unfortunately with the lack of morally upright political leadership of Pakistan along with the constant interference of military and civil dictatorships in the past and present, the efficacy of the above mentioned institutions has also suffered and no efforts have been made so far from any responsible personality / institution to put them in order and to make them more effective and vibrant according to the specifications of the constitution of Pakistan.

Contempt-full Behaviour towards the Constitution & Laws of the Land

Its a long standing open secret now that how much respect and importance is given to the sanctity of the constitution and laws of the land by the political and military elite of Pakistan and as a result because of there loose grip on the over sighting of these issues the majority of common citizens of Pakistan also pay no heed and importance to any rules and regulations which relates to their disparate fields of life. Especially the judiciary has to become independent in real terms from the influences of every notable force and an equally powerful & effective executive is also needed to implement its edicts.

Collusion of Military, Feudal & Autocratic Forces

Theres no doubt that the real power reins in Pakistan lies in the hands of the military establishment of Pakistan which has an overt objective of serving the exploitative forces of the world and especially (The chieftain of those hegemonic forces) the US. Therefore by ruling the state of Pakistan (Depends whether operate from behind or to actually take the control of the affairs from the helm) they have to use the local exploitative forces of this land as well like the feudals, civilian & military aristocracy and the owners of industrial & commercial cartels, which are the relics of the colonial era in the subcontinent, to forge a long lasting relationship on the golden principle of loot and distribute with mutual collaboration. Until and unless this evil nexus of these exploitative forces can be broken and made it ineffectual (Again a powerful campaign is required from the groups of enlightened civilians of the land under the influence of sincere leadership) the beautiful dreams of making a political viable and vibrant Pakistan would be a far fetched idea with no pith of realism and rationale.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Bret Hawk said:
Defective and Ineffective State Institutions

Pakistans volatile and miserable political system owes much to the defective, ineffective and mismanaged state institutions which relates to the legislative, executive and judiciary (Although the higher judiciary is making some inroads to quell this feeling of ineffectiveness but the large chunk of lower judiciary is still in its miserable condition and is perfectly under the influence of some corrupt but highly influential forces in the country). Unfortunately with the lack of morally upright political leadership of Pakistan along with the constant interference of military and civil dictatorships in the past and present, the efficacy of the above mentioned institutions has also suffered and no efforts has been done so far from to put them in order and to make them more effective and vibrant according to the specifications of the constitution of Pakistan.

Contempt-full Behaviour towards the Constitution & Laws of the Land

Its a long standing open secret now that how much respect and importance is given to the sanctity of the constitution and laws of the land by the political and military elite of Pakistan and as a result because of there loose grip on the over sighting of these issues the majority of common citizens of Pakistan also pay no heed and importance to any rules and regulations which relates to their disparate fields of life. Especially the judiciary has to become independent in real terms from the influences of every notable force and an equally powerful & effective executive is also needed to implement its edicts.

Collusion of Military, Feudal & Autocratic Forces

Theres no doubt that the real power reins in Pakistan lies in the hands of the military establishment of Pakistan which has an overt objective of serving the exploitative forces of the world and especially (The chieftain of those hegemonic forces) the US. Therefore by ruling the state of Pakistan (Depends whether operate from behind or to actually take the control of the affairs from the helm) they have to use the local exploitative forces of this land as well like the feudals, civilian & military aristocracy and the owners of industrial & commercial cartels, which are the relics of the colonial era in the subcontinent, to forge a long lasting relationship on the golden principle of loot and distribute with mutual collaboration. Until and unless this evil nexus of these exploitative forces can be broken and made it ineffectual (Again a powerful campaign is required from the groups of enlightened civilians of the land under the influence of sincere leadership) the beautiful dreams of making a political viable and vibrant Pakistan would be a far fetched idea with no pith of realism and rationale.

well said brett, loved every word of it. thanks


Minister (2k+ posts)
well said brett, loved every word of it. thanks
Yes I agree. The post is very good. Bret Hawk, please keep it up. thanks.

Another drawback in the political system:

This concerns to the demarcation of constituencies. The division of constituencies is made in such a way to maximum offset the urban cities votes. For example, a big city like Rawalpindi, Lahore, Gujrat etc have been sliced to be joined with villages in every directions. The reason is that voters in the cities are economically free from the clutches of Fuedals/and even Zamindaars. There is hardly any possibility of maneuvering in cities but all emphasis is put on villages. While the constituency name is given such as "Gujrat-53" or whatever, but in fact the deciding votes come from adjacent villages. The population in villages is divided into many casts depending upon their professions or even professions of their pre-forefathers. In a nutshell it is called "Kami system" and these poor classes are totally dependent upon the Zamindars/Feudals, who forced them to vote according to their wishes. Oh Folks, this is the biggest "racial discrimination" in a so-called Islamic Country imported from Hindu's society. There is no such concept of voluntarily and free voting from the village populations. This is a bitter fact. Unless these deprived sections of the society are freed from the clutches of Feudalistic thinking and control, bringing change is next to impossible.

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
First of all I would like to thank my brothers gazoomartian and babadeena for appreciating my effort and secondly Baba g I admire your minute observance when you mentioned about the demarcation issue of the rural and urban constituencies in your last post. Here are some of the more issues which I think can allude to our defective state of affairs in the politics of Pakistan

Inexperience of Governance & Zealot Mentality

Retrospectively speaking if we look at the last 1100 years of Indian history dating back from the conquests of Sindh and parts of Punjab in 712 C.E till 1857 C.E then one thing strikingly props up in my mind when I see the sorry state of affairs of Pakistan and that is the inexperience of the local indigenous people in the state governance. No doubt that Muslims rules the major chunk of Indian subcontinent for more than 1100 years but realistically speaking they were the foreigners and therefore the local indigenous populace who are converted to Islam didnt have the opportunity in real terms to experience the craftsmanship of the state and in the running of state institutions.

It might not have the direct correlation of the historical facts which Ive just alluded to but when I see view the miserable state of Pakistan in the last six decades and seventh in the running then I have to resort to this critical point. Same is true with the state of India and Bangladesh, though now Indian state has just started to make some strides in a good direction thanks to the continuity of a political process which they enjoyed since the day one of their independence from the British imperialists.

Then comes the occult worship of some personalities like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in the past than later her daughter Benazir and now Nawaz Sharif, which I think is the sorry legacy of our communion with Hindus for centuries and now we still havent come out of this nutshell mentality even after the advent of Islam in this region for centuries. This sorry fact point towards the wisdom of Islam which prohibits its adherents to mix and forge close relationships with the non monotheist and non Muslims so that the ripple effect of that dangerous communion should not spread into the sub consciousness of later Muslim generations. I think unless we come out of this Seeking Messiah type of mentality and seek good individuals instead to resolve and chalk out the new foundations of the stable political system we will continue to wander in the realms of darkness and despair.

Confusion and Resultant Dichotomy of Political System

This is another dilemma which has been facing by Pakistan, especially among the polarised sections of this state to say the least. For liberals and religious groups the founding base of Pakistani political system and its constitution should be based according to their own believed set of principles. Although in minority but very effective and powerful the liberal fascists want to impose their western concept of secularism and liberalism in Pakistan and so far by going through the whole constitution bar some of the clauses of Zia era and Objectives Resolution they seems to have an edge in this regard but facing stern opposition from the religious groups of Pakistan. I think the time has come now for Pakistans political leadership to bury this age old issue once for all and try to reach to the consensus now (Holding the referendum is one good option) to decide whether this country would be run by the principles of Islam or western concept of liberalism and secularism. This dichotomy of parallel judicial system and its ill effects on the executive and political setup of Pakistan is a big drawback in the stability of Pakistans political system.

Paradigm Shift from the Security to Welfare State

Pakistans political setup now have to decide to try to resolve all the major internal and external disputes with the relevant stakeholders and try to make a paradigm shift from a security cantered approach to the welfare one. These internal in-cohesiveness and escalating disputes on the western and eastern borders of Pakistan now have to be addressed by the political elite of Pakistan so that more resources need to be divert on the social and economic welfare of the Pakistani citizens. They have to realise that nations cant become strong by just building the strong bulwarks on its boundaries but by investing in the education, health care, social welfare, and economic viability for its inhabitants. Historical records of the past and present is sufficed to corroborate this point and I need no further explanation in this regard. Implementing this paradigm shift then can only guarantee the political setup of Pakistan to stabilise in the future no matter what would be its orientation (Parliamentary, presidential or dictatorship of any form)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Another drawback[/b]

To keep the power of an area concentrated in a particular "family" and generally in few "selected-ones" in all over the country, the strategy had been that individuals (brothers, sisters, cousins etc) from a family join different parties. One is in PPP, the other in Muslim League, the other one in Jamat-Islami etc etc. The "thinking" is that one of the many parties will be in power so all privileges etc shall remain protected. Although these same-family actors will pretend to be bitterly rivals of each other, but factually they scratch each other's back once the elections are over.


Minister (2k+ posts)

This is the main root cause which had not and will never allow the development of "institutions" in the country. It rather augments the "strong personalities cult". The discretionary powers at all levels starting from President to a Clerk are a prepetual cancer in our society. Just imagine, Governor's quota, PM's Quota, Minister's Quota, the list can be very long. The typical bureaucratic words "If however, the officer is satisfied he may grant the relaxation in these rules". The result is obvious, a person desiring to have a connection of electricity or gas will prefer to run after Minister than to apply like in any civilized society, to the concerned department. The Minister will be becoming day and day more stronger and the concerned Department neglected.

Waffen SS

If a drunken and shameless hypocrite Iftikhar Chaudry can become the CJ of Pakistan, then there is seriously something wrong with our constitution.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Waffen SS said:
If a drunken and shameless hypocrite Iftikhar Chaudry can become the CJ of Pakistan, then there is seriously something wrong with our constitution.

No if so called educated class can support a traitor sitting in London, then nothing short of Nasurallah Baber or Asif Nawaz can fix problems of Karachi


Minister (2k+ posts)
Waffen SS said:
If a drunken and shameless hypocrite Iftikhar Chaudry can become the CJ of Pakistan, then there is seriously something wrong with our constitution.

Oh Hitler lover, take a autoban from Frankfurt to somewhere, please do not de-rail the topic with non-sensicial things.