What do you think was the real goal of American invasion of Afghanistan?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
1. To uproot the crudest form of Islamic government model which could have been translated into its finest form as a threat to the Capitalism.

2. To occupy a land which is loaded with the wealth of Natural Resources.

3. Search of Usama bin Laden to avenge 9/11.


Voter (50+ posts)
the answer is to deny terrorists from using a failed state as launch pad for their nefarious activies and to hunt down bin laden.

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
Banyain ka Beeta kutch dekh kar he girta hay.

USA has nothing to do with Islam, Christianity or Jewish concerns, he is always behind the wealth of the universe (including moon and other planets) and using the religion as a tool to get it. The relevant arguments are applied for just a pretend to convince the world for this purpose. USA religion is named as WEALTH.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Few reasons

1- To keep an eye on Russia, & China
2- Be more close to iran to put trouble in there
3-Justify their war against terror.
4- Promote trouble in Pakistan, iran and central asian states.
5-Wealth may be a secondry option. but main is to secure isreali interests.
6- To show muslim that you are under our feet .
7- Promote india as a power against emerging china.
8- Infiltrate in bigger Central states market.
9- Get free baluchistan ( i.e break pakistan and iran and afghanistan )


MPA (400+ posts)

پاکستان اصل نشانہ ہے ۔ ۔ ۔
افغانستان تو بس بہانہ ہے
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

BBC Radio: "The purpose of the Afghan war" is to stop the "return of the Caliphate" - UK General


That's just one reason. There are many objectives they want to achieve by going in Afghanistan. For example;

(1) Reach on border with China, to make their military presence in that region to have a stand off with China
USA did the same thing by using Georgia. We saw this when Russia fought military conflict from Georgia some months back.

(2) Making or securing 14-24 or more military/air bases inside Afghanistan for use in future operations in this entire region

(3) Secure oil pipeline route from Caspian sea to sea ports of Pakistan for benefit of USA or western nations over-all
There are trillions of barrels of oil in Caspian Sea

Negotiations with Taliban didn't materialize favourable results for the west on this issue.

(4) Launch operations inside Pakistan to neutralize nuclear facilities, nuclear warheads inside Pakistan to ensure survival of Israel, to ensure there's no military threat to Israel

If Israel's survival is to be ensured, secondly, if Israel is to establish itself as the next ruling state in the world, then ALL possible military threats in the surrounding region need to be neutralized, which includes Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

(5) Spur internal conflicts, civil war inside Pakistan, break Pakistan, take control through American boots on the ground

(6) Maintain income from drugs in Afghanistan

British Colonials under control of Zionists started production of drugs in Afghanistan to balance trade with China, when subcontinent was one whole.

History of drugs goes far back to the British Colonial Era. Britain and China fought wars because of drugs. These wars were named 'Opium Wars'. Google it to find more on this.

(7) To give India the role of hegemon of this region

That is why USA has invested heavily in India. Its tit for tat i.e., interests of non-Muslims converge whenever there's campaign against Islam, against Muslims

(8) Forcefully stopping of re-establishment of Khilafat System / Islami Nizam in any Muslim nation state, worldwide

(9) To ensure Israel the role of next ruling state in the world in Middle East, after downfall of USA

Israel needs this to portray to the whole world that they are ALLAH ordained ones to rule the world, which is a lie

(10) To establish greater Israel, preferably encompassing ALL oil producing Muslim nation states of the Middle East, Turkey, etc etc

They will try to annex as much land as they can through war, when Israel establishes itself as the next ruling state in the world.

(11) Afghanistan is the heart of this entire region. Whoever has military presence/control as well as air power in Afghanistan can effectively operate in this entire region of Middle East And EurAsia. Be it;

(a) Afghanistan
(b) Pakistan
(c) Iran
(d) Iraq
(e) Caspian Sea
(f) China
(g) Uzbekistan
(h) Tajikistan
(i) Turkmenistan
(j) Kyrgyzstan
(k) Kazakhstan
(l) etc etc

they can contain many threats or potential rivals.

(12) If they succeed in capturing Middle East and EurAsia, then they'll have no problems in capturing Africa

(13) USA wants to control water ways, sea ports of this region, trade routes, etc etc in order to make this region earn more money for themselves, while at the same time depriving people of this region from the resource they were gifted by ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

(14) etc etc
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MPA (400+ posts)
to support Israel in its sinister plans..........ov becoming the world super power, by bringing down Pakistan and keeping an eye on any possible threat to Israel..........dont u see the massive number ov Israelites in American policy making??????
Osama, Mullah Omar or any Afghan could never have been a threat and Americanz always knew that they will never b able 2 draw out the mineral wealth of Afghanistan, they could not have stayed here for that long anyway..........P:akistan's nuclear technology and Iran's missile program(to some extent) is the only possible threat to the establishment ov Israel as the sole super power of the world........this will only be achieved if Pakistan is kept fighting with its own troubles.........and the so called masters ov the world can carry out their agenda n establish their big state............The greeater Israel.......from River Nile to the River Euphrates.........Sheikh Imran Hossein has summed it up brilliantly, if u see the link below, u will get all the missing links ov the puzzle


Councller (250+ posts)
Few reasons

1- To keep an eye on Russia, & China
2- Be more close to iran to put trouble in there
3-Justify their war against terror.
4- Promote trouble in Pakistan, iran and central asian states.
5-Wealth may be a secondry option. but main is to secure isreali interests.
6- To show muslim that you are under our feet .
7- Promote india as a power against emerging china.
8- Infiltrate in bigger Central states market.
9- Get free baluchistan ( i.e break pakistan and iran and afghanistan )

I agree with sarbakaf


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
the answer is to deny terrorists from using a failed state as launch pad for their nefarious activies and to hunt down bin laden.

................And station their Lay Paaliks like India and Israeel in Afghanistan to keep a watch on China.