Who owns Indian Media? Why the War Hysteria?


Senator (1k+ posts)
The following are my findings on the ownership of the NDTV. The findings are followed by the reasons that caused me to do the research.


The NDTV is owned by Prannoy Roy. He is a Neoconservative (neocon). Click on the link below for his bio:


He is a member of the International Advisory Board (IAB), which is a neocon globalist think tank in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Click on the link below, which lists him as the member of the board. You will notice that there is also a Pakistani by the name of Syed Babar Ali there too. He is also in cahoots with the U.S. and has been holding high positions with the U.S. affiliated companies.


CFR is a think tank, established to help better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. Obviously, more emphasis is put on Unites States benefits.

Neocons are conservatives or republicans, which in recent history have been pro-war and have reaped financial benefits from going into wars. Some popular neocons include George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condaliza Rice, Richard Pearl and some say Tony Blair. So how do these neocons convince other people to go on war? They use other neocons who own TV channels and newspapers to spread rumors and lies.

For example, Fox News is a U.S. conservative TV channel and it beats the drum of the republican propaganda. Fox News spread out misinformation on the nuclear resources of Iraq and helped the Republicans and Bush to spread misinformation re how necessary it is to attack Iraq and how easy the war will be. The Fox news hired the analysts, which were pro-war and were on the US governments payroll as consultants for war on Iraq. Watch the documentary linked below. Its called Outfoxed. It explains how the Fox News Channel manipulates the information and spreads lies. The same channel helps the neocons (republicans) during the U.S. elections by spreading misinformation. Fox News Channel is owned by a neocon, Rupert Murdoch. He also owns Wall Street Journal in U.S., a very popular news paper. Be very careful while you read this paper, its very conservatively bias.


The same neocon, Robert Murdoch owns the SKY News in UK. He was also very close to Tony Blair. Blair was openly criticized of having his foreign polices influenced by Murdochs advices in England.

It seems that the Indian government and the neocons of the world have found their Rupert Murdoch in India. Its Prannoy Roy. Through NDTV (which is watched by the 31% of the Indians) he can mould their opinions in line with his and other neocons agenda. All he has to do is spread fear among the Indians through misinformation. Just like the Fox News did in the US.

War is not beneficial to most of the people. Although these Neocons have made a lot of money, but look where the US and world stand now. So many people have died for a false war and the US is on its knees, financially.

If you are an Indian, dont get exploited by the NDTV or other similar channels. Find out who owns them and their political inclination.


A thought always bothered me. Why is the Indian media war mongering? After all, both Pakistan and India are nuclear powers and the consequences of the war will be detrimental for both the countries. Neither country can afford a war.

It was only natural for the Indians to be very upset after the Mumbai attacks. Its only human to point the fingers to ones enemy after such an incident. I think that majority of the people in Pakistan saw the Mumbai attacks as a terrorist act and everyone condemned it. Also, majority of the Pakistanis, including our government, was pretty patient with the Indians scornful attitude towards Pakistan. Indians are human beings. They were upset. We know it takes a little time to cool down when such an unfortunate event happens. I expected things to calm down and reason to prevail after a week or so. They say in politics, a week is a life time. I expected that Indian people are relatively educated and would eventually figure out the obvious, that is, the terrorist are the culprits but their security system also failed miserably.

Usually the way it happens is that analysts will be invited on the TV shows and they will make comments while deeply analyzing the incident. It is very common that these analysts take both sides. So in our situation there will be one analyst who will be pro-war/surgical strike and the other one will tell the negatives of such a thing. In majority of the cases these analysts have previous governmental and diplomatic experience. What I noticed that all the analysts on the Indian shows were pro-war even a week after the Mumbai incident. I thought things will change with time. But they did not. Some war cautionary people started to show up on the shows but they were either cut-off by the host of the show, never given individually equal amount of time and were always outnumbered by the pro-war analysts. I assumed that the wound is taking more than usual time to heal. And moved on, hoping for better the next week. Meanwhile, majority of the Pakistani shows were calculating the negative consequences of the war to both Pakistan and India.

The Indian channels also held town hall meetings. This is a set up where some prestigious political guests are invited along with the normal citizens of India. Questions are asked by the common people and answered by the politicians. Everyone brain storms. Sounds like a good setup. However, anytime an individual took the conversation in the direction of the possibility of the internal terrorism or showed some sympathy for Pakistan, since Pakistan is also facing a lot of terrorism, the host cut-off the person. Either the host told the individual that his/her views are ridiculous or the host himself/herself believed that talking with Pakistan will be unfruitful or believed that Pakistans sincerity is deceitful. Hence no evidence was needed for anything. This attitude did not change over time.

The above stated facts surprised me. The reason being, Pakistan was bending its back for India. I thought that the educated people in India will figure it out eventually. Specially, the facts that the Pakistani government helped India in clarifying the air space violation against the popular opinion in Pakistan and did not follow upon it aggressively, should have pointed out to the intelligent Indians in the media that Pakistan does not want to confront India but actually wanted to help India when it asked India for a joint investigation.

Any reasonable analyst can draw a conclusion that no country will hand over people living on its territory to an enemy countrys government so that the other government can just change the topic from its securitys shortcomings to people who it had bat terms with it in the past. For example, Brits have never forwarded people who have sought asylum in UK, to their native countrys government. Specially, without any hardcore evidence. There was a case just like that between Britain and Russia.

I expected the Indian channels to understand that. Then I saw few Pakistani political shows that invited the editors of some Indian news papers. These editors pointed out the facts that the Indian channels are going overboard. They always like to make things sensational. In many cases they report their assumptions and beliefs rather than the facts. The editor was unveiling the fact that the Indian channels were reporting that the Indian Minority Affairs Minister Mr. Antualy (a Muslim) was embarrassed of his earlier comments for calling on investigation of the circumstances surrounding the death of the ATS Chief Karakare and has taken his statement back. However, nothing was further from the truth. The Indian editor informed the Pakistani viewers that the minister, under an extreme political pressure had submitted his resignation for a review but stood by his comments. A few days later, the Indian channels started to report exactly what the editor told he Pakistani channels. I also remembered that at the very beginning of this particular incident the Indian channels reported Antulays comments as an embarrassment to Indian Muslims. A few days later, it was noted that Antulays view was supported by non-Muslims as well. Starting from that point of time his comments were reported as an embarrassment to his party (Congress Party) rather than Muslims only.

This made me think from a different point of view. Is it possible that these TV channels have an agenda? This is exactly how the Rupert Murdochs Fox News misinformed the Americans to get into the Iraq war and supported the Bushs Republican political views. Hence, I started to ask myself a question. Who owns Indian TV channels? I decided to do a research on the ownership of NDTV. An Indian Channel which is also shown in Pakistan. It is seen by 31% of the Indians to obtain their daily news. A percentage that is good enough to convince a country for a war. To mould an opinion that a war/surgical strike is a good thing and can be fought easily without any dire consequences.

Sher Khan


you've done a commendable study and surely media is used to mould public opinion. But i would like to rectify you on the matter about which's nation's media created hysteria. In pak, the channels had Zaid Haid talkin so rudely and promoting war. whereas on Indian channels(zee,sahara samay,star,ajj tak,times now, cnn ibn, ndtv india, news 24, dd news, etc) the invitees always denied what the mediatried to put into their mouths. Media wantd a hot story but the analysts and present/ex-oficers always said that no war like situation was there.
Instead the pak authorities kept changing their statements and wanted to create confusion, it was pak ministers that kept provoking India by saying that they were prepared for war. as far as evidence is concerned, it will be given to the world, leave alone pak, once the investigation is done.


Senator (1k+ posts)
indian said:
you've done a commendable study and surely media is used to mould public opinion. But i would like to rectify you on the matter about which's nation's media created hysteria. In pak, the channels had Zaid Haid talkin so rudely and promoting war. whereas on Indian channels(zee,sahara samay,star,ajj tak,times now, cnn ibn, ndtv india, news 24, dd news, etc) the invitees always denied what the mediatried to put into their mouths. Media wantd a hot story but the analysts and present/ex-oficers always said that no war like situation was there.
Instead the pak authorities kept changing their statements and wanted to create confusion, it was pak ministers that kept provoking India by saying that they were prepared for war. as far as evidence is concerned, it will be given to the world, leave alone pak, once the investigation is done.

I agree with you on mixed statements that were given by the Pakistani government at the inception of this incident. Pakistan was at fault there. Our president and the PM were just playing the roles of appeasers. But it was our fault.

You are partially correct about Zaid Hamid. But I have 2 words for you. Bharat Verma. He is our Bharat Verma. Does the same thing as Bharat Verma does for India. However, Zaid is not promoting war. Instead, he is promoting Pakistan's defense.

As far as your statement reagrding the fairness of Indian TV channels is concerned, is it possible for you to post some clips to backup your view? I bet you will have a hard time doing so.

The fact that the Indian media brings in celebrities to these serious political discussions regarding the probability of war, reflects one truth. It is concerned with its ratings only. Furthermore, it wants to sway the opinion through the fans of the celebrities. Celebrities neither have the political depth nor the analytical skills to justify their participation in such discussions.

Pakistan media does not use the celebrities for political discussions or ask them questions if we should go to war or not. you know why? Because Pakistani media is better than the Indian one and behaves responsibly. It is not owned by the necons.

Sher Khan


cud you post some clips wher Indian media has invited celebrities as guest for talk shows regarding political issues?
if ther is 1 celeb among a mixture of people from various fields, it isn't objectionable . viewpoint of people of people from various backgrounds is being taken. it cant be said dat celebs dont have any understanding. or it cud be said dat citizens like u and me also have no understanding.
PS - by celebs , i assume , u mean filmstars/singers, sportspersons?


Senator (1k+ posts)
indian said:
cud you post some clips wher Indian media has invited celebrities as guest for talk shows regarding political issues?
if ther is 1 celeb among a mixture of people from various fields, it isn't objectionable . viewpoint of people of people from various backgrounds is being taken. it cant be said dat celebs dont have any understanding. or it cud be said dat citizens like u and me also have no understanding.
PS - by celebs , i assume , u mean filmstars/singers, sportspersons?

Watch the folowing link. The celebrity does not havethe political depth to analyze the issue:


Here is Shubha De who isvery angry after the attacks. she is bad mouthing the indian politicians. Why a celebrity? Why not a common upset Mumbai person? I tell u why. Ratings. I have also seen celebrities like Shoba De advising the Indian government to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan, while attending political pannel discussions of ranging upto 5 people. BTW Shobha's expertise Shobha's expertise is fashion.

Pakistan media never does that.
