WikiLeaks: ISI allowed attacks in India


Councller (250+ posts)
America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

Zeenews Bureau

New Delhi: Proving Indias oft repeated contention that Pakistans ISI was behind the Mumbai terror attacks, the US government, Monday, named five terrorists including one officer of the spy agency as being involved in the 26/11 attacks.

The agencys involvement in terrorism was made public days before the start of the Mumbai attacks trial in a Chicago court for the murder of six Americans, who were amongst the 166 killed.

The second chargesheet filed in the court in the Tahawwur Rana case has named Said Mir, Abu Qhafa, Mazhar Iqbal, Lashkar member D and Major Iqbal.

All accused were charged with one count of conspiracy to murder and maim in India, while Abu Qahafa, Mir and Mazhar Iqbal have been additionally charged with conspiracy to bomb public places in India. None of them is in US custody.

India has consistently maintained that Major Iqbal worked on behalf of the ISI to plan and execute the 26/11 terror attacks. Major Iqbal is also said to be Headleys handler and had allegedly introduced him to a Lt Col Shah, gave him months of training before sending him to India.

Said Mir was thought to have manned the Lashkar control room during the 26/11 attacks, while Abu Qahfa was the one who imparted GPS-handling and map-reading techniques to the attackers.
Mir is also accused of working with Headley to plan a terrorist attack on a Danish newspaper, which in 2005 published cartoons on Prophet Mohammed.

The new indictment says that "during the course of attacks in Mumbai, the attackers were in telephonic contact with defendants Sajid Mir, Abu Qahafa and Mazhar Iqbal, all of whom were then located in Pakistan".

The indictment comes before the scheduled May 16 trial of Rana, a Canadian citizen who is accused of using his immigration services business to provide cover to Pakistani-American David Coleman Headley, to scout targets for the Mumbai attack.

Headley, the son of an American mother and Pakistani father, pleaded guilty in March 2010 to 12 criminal counts, including aiding and abetting the murder of Americans in Mumbai, and agreed to cooperate with the prosecution in a plea deal to escape the death penalty.

In the first chargesheet, Harkat ul Jihad al Islami leader Ilyas Kashmiri and retired Pakistani military man Abdur Rehman Hashim Syed were indicted but they remain untraceable.

The US federal prosecutor said that in July 2006, Major Iqbal provided to Headley approximately USD 25,000 to, among other purposes, establish and operate the Mumbai office of First World and pay for living expenses while Headley carried out his assignments for Lashkar.

In September 2006, February 2007, September 2007, April 2008 and July 2008, Headley travelled to Mumbai for extended periods for the purpose of conducting surveillance of possible targets of attacks by LeT, using his association with First World as cover for his travels.

Prior to Headley's departure for each of these trips, Mir and Major Iqbal along with others instructed Headley regarding locations where he was to conduct video surveillance in and around Mumbai, as well as other locations in India.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

And who are you? an idiot with the flag of Pakistan? Neither ZNEWS nor united stated have any credibility to break such a news.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

India is always welcome.But Leave this hypocrisy and change ur flag to ur own.If India was capable of doing any harm to Pakistan,they would have done till now.So bring it on.

Jack Sparrow

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

26/11 hmm my foot , Indian media is living on Pakistan.They have nothing but to discuss Pakistan 24/7. 900 saal ke ghulami itni asaani say nahi bholti.


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

Pakistan spy agency's alleged role in Mumbai terrorist attacks to be revealed

Witness in US trial expected to say ISI officers were complicit in the 2008 terrorist attacks that killed more than 160 people

The apparent involvement of the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), Pakistan's premier spy agency, in international attacks carried out by Islamic militants is to be revealed in a trial starting next week in the US.

A former member of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a violent Pakistan-based extremist group with close links to the Pakistani military, is expected to tell a court in Chicago that ISI officers were complicit in the November 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India's commercial capital, in which more than 160 people died.

The trial comes at a critical time, with relations between Islamabad and Washington at a new low following the death of Osama bin Laden.

The hearings could acutely embarrass the ISI, which is suspected by many in the US and elsewhere of protecting the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

The trial is also likely to fuel pressure in the US for the high levels of financial aid to Pakistan to be cut.

Official court documents in the case have so far played down the role of the ISI, still officially considered by the CIA and other American agencies as a key ally in the hunt for al-Qaida operatives in Pakistan. They avoid mentioning the Pakistani spy service by name, for example.

Spokesmen for the ISI have repeatedly denied any involvement in the Mumbai attacks to the Guardian.

The key witness in the hearings will be David Headley, an American-Pakistani LeT militant who has already told Indian intelligence services that he carried out the surveillance for the Mumbai operation while working for the ISI.

A report on Headley's interrogation last June by Indian investigators obtained and published by the Guardian in October revealed that the 51-year-old double agent gave his questioners a detailed picture of close co-ordination between at least lower-ranking officers in the ISI and the LeT militants.

Headley claimed he was trained by an ISI non-commissioned officer in clandestine techniques and that he kept his handler – named as "Major Iqbal" – up to date with planning for the raid. The ISI also provided training and facilities to the attack team as well as funding his own surveillance operations, said Headley, who changed his name from Dawood Gilani.

American prosecutors have now indicted "Major Iqbal" along with three senior members of LeT and an American alleged to be involved with the group.

Headley, a former bar manager who was arrested in October 2009 in Chicago while returning from Europe, has since co-operated with US authorities in return for a reduced sentence.

LeT – whose name means "war party of the pure" – has had a close relationship with the Pakistani security establishment since it was founded around 20 years ago. Militants from the group brought a new edge of extremism and brutality to violence in Kashmir and since 2001 have been found fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, though in small numbers.

Following the Mumbai attacks and under great international pressure, Islamabad ordered the arrest of a series of senior LeT figures. But successive Pakistani leaders have refused overseas demands to shut down the group.

In the secret report, Headley is said to have told the Indian investigators he was recruited by the ISI in 2005 and that his handler had expressed enthusiasm when told which targets had been chosen for the Mumbai operation. Headley said too that he had informed his ISI handler about his involvement in operations that breakaway LeT factions planned to launch in Europe.

The only man named in the recent American indictment who will be on trial in Chicago is Tahawwur Rana, a Chicago-based immigration consultant who is charged with material support of terrorism. He denies the charges against him.

Two weeks ago the Guardian revealed that the ISI had been categorised with al-Qaida, Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah and other militant Islamic groups in a 2007 "threat matrix" compiled to help interrogators at Guantnamo Bay.

Links with all these entities were indicative of involvement with terrorism, the document said. Intelligence reports used for assessments of detainees in Guantnamo Bay reveal scores of references by captured militants to ISI support for the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Documents dating from 2002 to 2005 qualify many of these references with the warning that any such assistance to insurgents fighting western troops was thought to be the work of "rogue" ISI operatives. From 2006, there are no such caveats as US analysts appear to have decided that assistance for some militant factions was official policy.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

Pakistan spy agency's alleged role in Mumbai terrorist attacks to be revealed

Witness in US trial expected to say ISI officers were complicit in the 2008 terrorist attacks that killed more than 160 people

The apparent involvement of the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), Pakistan's premier spy agency, in international attacks carried out by Islamic militants is to be revealed in a trial starting next week in the US.

A former member of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a violent Pakistan-based extremist group with close links to the Pakistani military, is expected to tell a court in Chicago that ISI officers were complicit in the November 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India's commercial capital, in which more than 160 people died.

The trial comes at a critical time, with relations between Islamabad and Washington at a new low following the death of Osama bin Laden.

The hearings could acutely embarrass the ISI, which is suspected by many in the US and elsewhere of protecting the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

The trial is also likely to fuel pressure in the US for the high levels of financial aid to Pakistan to be cut.

Official court documents in the case have so far played down the role of the ISI, still officially considered by the CIA and other American agencies as a key ally in the hunt for al-Qaida operatives in Pakistan. They avoid mentioning the Pakistani spy service by name, for example.

Spokesmen for the ISI have repeatedly denied any involvement in the Mumbai attacks to the Guardian.

The key witness in the hearings will be David Headley, an American-Pakistani LeT militant who has already told Indian intelligence services that he carried out the surveillance for the Mumbai operation while working for the ISI.

A report on Headley's interrogation last June by Indian investigators obtained and published by the Guardian in October revealed that the 51-year-old double agent gave his questioners a detailed picture of close co-ordination between at least lower-ranking officers in the ISI and the LeT militants.

Headley claimed he was trained by an ISI non-commissioned officer in clandestine techniques and that he kept his handler – named as "Major Iqbal" – up to date with planning for the raid. The ISI also provided training and facilities to the attack team as well as funding his own surveillance operations, said Headley, who changed his name from Dawood Gilani.

American prosecutors have now indicted "Major Iqbal" along with three senior members of LeT and an American alleged to be involved with the group.

Headley, a former bar manager who was arrested in October 2009 in Chicago while returning from Europe, has since co-operated with US authorities in return for a reduced sentence.

LeT – whose name means "war party of the pure" – has had a close relationship with the Pakistani security establishment since it was founded around 20 years ago. Militants from the group brought a new edge of extremism and brutality to violence in Kashmir and since 2001 have been found fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, though in small numbers.

Following the Mumbai attacks and under great international pressure, Islamabad ordered the arrest of a series of senior LeT figures. But successive Pakistani leaders have refused overseas demands to shut down the group.

In the secret report, Headley is said to have told the Indian investigators he was recruited by the ISI in 2005 and that his handler had expressed enthusiasm when told which targets had been chosen for the Mumbai operation. Headley said too that he had informed his ISI handler about his involvement in operations that breakaway LeT factions planned to launch in Europe.

The only man named in the recent American indictment who will be on trial in Chicago is Tahawwur Rana, a Chicago-based immigration consultant who is charged with material support of terrorism. He denies the charges against him.

Two weeks ago the Guardian revealed that the ISI had been categorised with al-Qaida, Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah and other militant Islamic groups in a 2007 "threat matrix" compiled to help interrogators at Guantnamo Bay.

Links with all these entities were indicative of involvement with terrorism, the document said. Intelligence reports used for assessments of detainees in Guantnamo Bay reveal scores of references by captured militants to ISI support for the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Documents dating from 2002 to 2005 qualify many of these references with the warning that any such assistance to insurgents fighting western troops was thought to be the work of "rogue" ISI operatives. From 2006, there are no such caveats as US analysts appear to have decided that assistance for some militant factions was official policy.

Why are you wasting time in diplomatic rows? Attack Pakistan. We are all waiting for that nail biting contest. are you waiting for your master to attack first so that you can see a slight chance of wining? If you only had guts!!


New Member
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

Why are you wasting time in diplomatic rows? Attack Pakistan. We are all waiting for that nail biting contest. are you waiting for your master to attack first so that you can see a slight chance of wining? If you only had guts!!

Indians didn't hate common people in Pakistan...we only hate the govt which funding terrorist and the ISI which is happily doing all the killings...

Don't you feel ashamed for the Mumbai attack ? Are you still going to say it not done by pak ?

If you believe god then you should believe in truth and humanity.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: America confirms ISI hand in 26/11 attacks

Makes no difference because India doesn't have the balls to do anything other then complain to the USA like babies!. First tell us who killed Hemant Karkare and punish those responsible for killing Pakistanis on the samjhauta express.

Stop supporting terrorists in Balochistan too otherwise it'll just get increasingly bloodier because Pakistan is not afraid of India and never was!

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Washington: The ISI facilitated militants to cross the border to carry out strikes on Indian targets chosen by the Pakistan Army, several detainees at the Guantanamo Bay facility told US interrogators, according to a fresh set of American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

The interrogation reports quoted a detainee as saying that ISI "allowed" militants to travel to India where they conducted bombings, kidnappings and killing of Kashmiri people and the targets were picked up by the Pakistani Army.

The revelations add to Pakistan's embarrassment after Osama bin Laden was found living at a million-dollar mansion in the garrison city of Abbottabad.


The US was long aware of the presence of anti-India terror training camps in Pakistan with several inmates telling investigators how ISI allowed militants to carry attacks in India.

The disclosures are part of 779 interrogation reports from the facility of detainees from all over the world and show how a number of detainees were linked to anti-India Lashkar-e-Taiba and had received terror training in Pakistan.

The reports quote detainees from countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Pakistan as telling interrogators about their recruitment and subsequent travelling to Pakistan for terror training before their actual deployment to launch attacks against India and also Afghanistan.

An Algerian detainee Abdul Azia admitted he was a member of LeT for which he noted that "their mission (was) to kill Indians in India", says a detailed report of his interrogation, released by the whistleblower website.

"Detainee is assessed to have recruited in Saudi Arabia and received training from the LT in Pakistan. The detainees is further assessed to have participated in combat in Kashmir, and then travelled to Afghanistan where he was injured," says a note about Azia.

Records of a Pakistani prisoner named Mohammad Anwer showed that he travelled to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir where he attended an LeT training camp for 21 days in 1998 and later served in Afghanistan.

"Detainee has been identified through sensitive reporting as a Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence Dirctorate agent," the document says.

One of the reports quotes Chaman Gul, an Afghan militant as telling investigators about Mast Gul, a former Major of the Pakistani Army, who was "a notorious terrorist who fought in Kashmir and planned terror attacks against a number of targets in Kabul.

Gul is closely alligned to Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an al Qaeda linked group and ISI Directorate.

The detainee claimed that Mast Gul controlled all guerilla activity in Kashmir from his home base in Muzaffarabad.
Chaman also said that militants were deployed for three to four months and then asked to return.

He also said as member of Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, he was part of a plan to assassinate Karzai and the US ambassador.

While one detainee Yacoub claimed that he had got a security job with the Hamid Karzai government, another said he was an informant of British intelligence service.
In another such assessment report, a senior al Qaeda operative was said to be planning to use Indians for terror attacks because of the low-level of scrutiny Indians are subjected to in the western nations.

"Detainee admitted that he had considered using India as a platform to send operatives to the US or UK because of the large Muslim population there and the low level of scrutiny given to travellers of Indian nationality," the document on Abu al-Libi says.


MPA (400+ posts)
What a piece of Crap !!

Washington: The ISI facilitated militants to cross the border to carry out strikes on Indian targets chosen by the Pakistan Army, several detainees at the Guantanamo Bay facility told US interrogators, according to a fresh set of American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

The interrogation reports quoted a detainee as saying that ISI "allowed" militants to travel to India where they conducted bombings, kidnappings and killing of Kashmiri people and the targets were picked up by the Pakistani Army.

The revelations add to Pakistan's embarrassment after Osama bin Laden was found living at a million-dollar mansion in the garrison city of Abbottabad.


The US was long aware of the presence of anti-India terror training camps in Pakistan with several inmates telling investigators how ISI allowed militants to carry attacks in India.

The disclosures are part of 779 interrogation reports from the facility of detainees from all over the world and show how a number of detainees were linked to anti-India Lashkar-e-Taiba and had received terror training in Pakistan.

The reports quote detainees from countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Pakistan as telling interrogators about their recruitment and subsequent travelling to Pakistan for terror training before their actual deployment to launch attacks against India and also Afghanistan.

An Algerian detainee Abdul Azia admitted he was a member of LeT for which he noted that "their mission (was) to kill Indians in India", says a detailed report of his interrogation, released by the whistleblower website.

"Detainee is assessed to have recruited in Saudi Arabia and received training from the LT in Pakistan. The detainees is further assessed to have participated in combat in Kashmir, and then travelled to Afghanistan where he was injured," says a note about Azia.

Records of a Pakistani prisoner named Mohammad Anwer showed that he travelled to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir where he attended an LeT training camp for 21 days in 1998 and later served in Afghanistan.

"Detainee has been identified through sensitive reporting as a Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence Dirctorate agent," the document says.

One of the reports quotes Chaman Gul, an Afghan militant as telling investigators about Mast Gul, a former Major of the Pakistani Army, who was "a notorious terrorist who fought in Kashmir and planned terror attacks against a number of targets in Kabul.

Gul is closely alligned to Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an al Qaeda linked group and ISI Directorate.

The detainee claimed that Mast Gul controlled all guerilla activity in Kashmir from his home base in Muzaffarabad.
Chaman also said that militants were deployed for three to four months and then asked to return.

He also said as member of Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, he was part of a plan to assassinate Karzai and the US ambassador.

While one detainee Yacoub claimed that he had got a security job with the Hamid Karzai government, another said he was an informant of British intelligence service.
In another such assessment report, a senior al Qaeda operative was said to be planning to use Indians for terror attacks because of the low-level of scrutiny Indians are subjected to in the western nations.

"Detainee admitted that he had considered using India as a platform to send operatives to the US or UK because of the large Muslim population there and the low level of scrutiny given to travellers of Indian nationality," the document on Abu al-Libi says.


Senator (1k+ posts)
and we don,t need wikileak's stamp to believe the indian role in pakistan's unrest.........


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
These stories are now obvious as ISI has kicked CIA on face so they will retaliate and now dont know what to say so came up with this story to gain some favor of indian fools. Pathetic...


Minister (2k+ posts)
MKL BC, Zionist, does it not surprise you that wikileaks website has no mention of INDIAN LEAKS? barey hi tum "PAVITR" ho, susu mein nahanay waley.
Washington: The ISI facilitated militants to cross the border to carry out strikes on Indian targets chosen by the Pakistan Army, several detainees at the Guantanamo Bay facility told US interrogators, according to a fresh set of American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

The interrogation reports quoted a detainee as saying that ISI "allowed" militants to travel to India where they conducted bombings, kidnappings and killing of Kashmiri people and the targets were picked up by the Pakistani Army.

The revelations add to Pakistan's embarrassment after Osama bin Laden was found living at a million-dollar mansion in the garrison city of Abbottabad.


The US was long aware of the presence of anti-India terror training camps in Pakistan with several inmates telling investigators how ISI allowed militants to carry attacks in India.

The disclosures are part of 779 interrogation reports from the facility of detainees from all over the world and show how a number of detainees were linked to anti-India Lashkar-e-Taiba and had received terror training in Pakistan.

The reports quote detainees from countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Pakistan as telling interrogators about their recruitment and subsequent travelling to Pakistan for terror training before their actual deployment to launch attacks against India and also Afghanistan.

An Algerian detainee Abdul Azia admitted he was a member of LeT for which he noted that "their mission (was) to kill Indians in India", says a detailed report of his interrogation, released by the whistleblower website.

"Detainee is assessed to have recruited in Saudi Arabia and received training from the LT in Pakistan. The detainees is further assessed to have participated in combat in Kashmir, and then travelled to Afghanistan where he was injured," says a note about Azia.

Records of a Pakistani prisoner named Mohammad Anwer showed that he travelled to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir where he attended an LeT training camp for 21 days in 1998 and later served in Afghanistan.

"Detainee has been identified through sensitive reporting as a Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence Dirctorate agent," the document says.

One of the reports quotes Chaman Gul, an Afghan militant as telling investigators about Mast Gul, a former Major of the Pakistani Army, who was "a notorious terrorist who fought in Kashmir and planned terror attacks against a number of targets in Kabul.

Gul is closely alligned to Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an al Qaeda linked group and ISI Directorate.

The detainee claimed that Mast Gul controlled all guerilla activity in Kashmir from his home base in Muzaffarabad.
Chaman also said that militants were deployed for three to four months and then asked to return.

He also said as member of Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, he was part of a plan to assassinate Karzai and the US ambassador.

While one detainee Yacoub claimed that he had got a security job with the Hamid Karzai government, another said he was an informant of British intelligence service.
In another such assessment report, a senior al Qaeda operative was said to be planning to use Indians for terror attacks because of the low-level of scrutiny Indians are subjected to in the western nations.

"Detainee admitted that he had considered using India as a platform to send operatives to the US or UK because of the large Muslim population there and the low level of scrutiny given to travellers of Indian nationality," the document on Abu al-Libi

biggest joke in this article"osama kived in a mansion"!!!!! 1 question:from which angle did it look to u guys like a mansion? we get it all the kasab and osama thing,now plz move on with ur lives


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Washington: The ISI facilitated militants to cross the border to carry out strikes on Indian targets chosen by the Pakistan Army, several detainees at the Guantanamo Bay facility told US interrogators, according to a fresh set of American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

The interrogation reports quoted a detainee as saying that ISI "allowed" militants to travel to India where they conducted bombings, kidnappings and killing of Kashmiri people and the targets were picked up by the Pakistani Army.

The revelations add to Pakistan's embarrassment after Osama bin Laden was found living at a million-dollar mansion in the garrison city of Abbottabad.


The US was long aware of the presence of anti-India terror training camps in Pakistan with several inmates telling investigators how ISI allowed militants to carry attacks in India.

The disclosures are part of 779 interrogation reports from the facility of detainees from all over the world and show how a number of detainees were linked to anti-India Lashkar-e-Taiba and had received terror training in Pakistan.

The reports quote detainees from countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Pakistan as telling interrogators about their recruitment and subsequent travelling to Pakistan for terror training before their actual deployment to launch attacks against India and also Afghanistan.

An Algerian detainee Abdul Azia admitted he was a member of LeT for which he noted that "their mission (was) to kill Indians in India", says a detailed report of his interrogation, released by the whistleblower website.

"Detainee is assessed to have recruited in Saudi Arabia and received training from the LT in Pakistan. The detainees is further assessed to have participated in combat in Kashmir, and then travelled to Afghanistan where he was injured," says a note about Azia.

Records of a Pakistani prisoner named Mohammad Anwer showed that he travelled to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir where he attended an LeT training camp for 21 days in 1998 and later served in Afghanistan.

"Detainee has been identified through sensitive reporting as a Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence Dirctorate agent," the document says.

One of the reports quotes Chaman Gul, an Afghan militant as telling investigators about Mast Gul, a former Major of the Pakistani Army, who was "a notorious terrorist who fought in Kashmir and planned terror attacks against a number of targets in Kabul.

Gul is closely alligned to Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an al Qaeda linked group and ISI Directorate.

The detainee claimed that Mast Gul controlled all guerilla activity in Kashmir from his home base in Muzaffarabad.
Chaman also said that militants were deployed for three to four months and then asked to return.

He also said as member of Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, he was part of a plan to assassinate Karzai and the US ambassador.

While one detainee Yacoub claimed that he had got a security job with the Hamid Karzai government, another said he was an informant of British intelligence service.
In another such assessment report, a senior al Qaeda operative was said to be planning to use Indians for terror attacks because of the low-level of scrutiny Indians are subjected to in the western nations.

"Detainee admitted that he had considered using India as a platform to send operatives to the US or UK because of the large Muslim population there and the low level of scrutiny given to travellers of Indian nationality," the document on Abu al-Libi says.

IP Address of this is ....
Location is .........................INDIA -MAHARASHTRA-MUMBAI

Now read what my newspaper is saying .......

Ground Zero - USA: The RAW facilitated militants to cross the border to carry out strikes on Pakistan targets chosen by the INDIAN Army, several detainees at the PAKISTANI JAIL told , according to a fresh set of diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

The interrogation reports quoted a detainee as saying that RAW "allowed" militants to travel to Pakistan where they conducted bombings, kidnappings and killing of BALOUCHI and Kashmiri people and the targets were picked up by the INDIAN Army.

The revelations add to INDIAN's embarrassment after BAL THAKRAY was found alive in MOMBAY.

Last edited:


biggest joke in this article"osama kived in a mansion"!!!!! 1 question:from which angle did it look to u guys like a mansion? we get it all the kasab and osama thing,now plz move on with ur lives

From pakistani angle.
Were you expecting beverly hill type mansions in abbotabad ?