Will UN also show its Consistence and move against The Arab Dictators Club?

A Khokar

Voter (50+ posts)
Arab lands are infested with more than dozen dictatorial regimes. Lately the class less, non violent and secular uprising Jasmine Revolution has brought a wide spread wind of change in the region. This uprising has broken the threshold of fear which kept the masses subjugated and enslaved for decades. It is not likely that same fear may be injected back.

Two of the Arab tyrants of Tunisia and Egypt are down. All the other dictators are shivering in their pants and no one wants to be marked as the third Arab dictator to go down like the earlier two. There is utter chaos seen in Arab dictators Club fearing losing their grip on the masses. All possible measures seem to be in practice as how to harness the change that this spring of 2011 has brought forth in Arab lands.

Arab lands produce most of the mineral oil which runs the economies of the world and all the advanced industrial countries in the west draw it from here. Ever since the Oil is discovered in this region the West which happened to be influential as the old colonial God father of the region had since devised the policy to install the regimes of despots in oil region who may stay under their command and rule and police the masses in the Arab streets as tyrants. The oil producing countries may it be Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, group of Emirates of Arabian gulf; even Egypt, Libya Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco are invariably dictatorial regimes serving their western masters who feel at ease while dealing with one despot atop than the plethora of government officials if they happen to be elected by the peoples. Hence emergency rules and laws of tyranny are common throughout Arab lands to curb any political activity or the call for human rights or the freedom of speech which may challenge their regimes. All such activities are totally banned.

The recent wind of change creating an uprising through non-violence, classless and secular and it may be jolting the regimes locally but it is proved to be most distressing for the western powers and their interests. They feel utterly frustrated as the new change is expected to leave them high and dry in the long run.

Out of all this set up of dictatorial regimes in Middle East and North Africa, Muammer Ghadafi although is a dictator in the list but is an odd man out that he does not like to obey the western masters command and prefer to remain out of Arab Dictators club. Hence in order to avert the Jasmine Revolution and thwart and frustrate the revolutionist and divert and ditch the fast moving wind of change in the region ------the Arab Dictators club has decided to single out the odd man out Muammer Ghadafi of Libya ----to be made a scapegoat.

Muammer Ghadafi on any accounts may not be graded a lesser or bigger evil than any of the other tyrants like in Saudi Arabia, Syria or in the princely states of emirates of Gulf. He is known for his blatant posture at home as he remains pitched against other smaller tribes in Libya and has many enemies in and outside Libya.

Treachery, perfidy and treason remain the old tool in the hands of the rogue elements in any nation to rebel against the regimes. Reportedly the Libyan tribes in the East around Benghazi city have fallen prey to the exploitation of western subversive forces in the east of Libya. France is in lead and finding it ripe to bring about a change in Libyan regime and install peoples of their choice in the country from where Europe draws most of its oil. France has instigated the tribes around Benghazi to rebel against Muammer Ghadafi. Rightly or wrongly Ghadafi moved its forces to suppress the uprising.

For the known Libyan tribal turmoil and the blatant leadership of Muammer Qaddafi, all the tyrants of Arab world have joined hand against Ghadafi. OIC the (Organisation of Islamic Conference) with connivance of oil producing states, GCC (Gulf cooperation Council) have very sheepishly asked the European coalition to make a move to support the rebels in the east and to dislodge the odd man out Muammer Ghadafi from the power.

Very tactfully France and UK approached the UN to pass a resolution against Ghadafi regime to implement a No fly zone for Ghadafi Forces to control the uprising in the country. On this pretext and in the light of UN resolution 1973 since forged; all the possible capabilities by which Ghadafi may make move to exercise his command over his country are being hampered by destroying his armed forces and leave them crippled. Libyan Air force is virtually taken off from the Libyan skies as well as his command and control structure.

Reportedly the rebels known as National council are being armed and supported by Arab regimes of Saudi Arabia, European as well as US. This is likely that Libya as a country is plunged into a civil war. The main eastern Cities like Tabruk in the east, Benghazi and Ajdabiya are in the control of the rebels of national council where ethnic cleansing of pro Ghadafi tribe is on. A mass killing of Libyans at the hands of Libyans is very much expected. After implementation of No fly zone by NATO forces, the Ghadafi forces are also subjected to No Drive zone from the air strikes by the NATO aircrafts attacking and patrolling the Libyan skies 24/7.

The question arise that: Will UN also show its Consistence to move against the western sponsored The Arab Dictators Club head by Saudi Arabia? The plain answer may be; NO.

But Jasmine revolution is classless, non-violence Ghandian move to bring about the sure changes in the societies of the Middle East. It is to grant the enslaved masses with their freedom and breaking of shackles of their subjugation by the oppressive forces. This movement is the most potent weapon in the hands of masses against all the oppressions and any such move of old colonial powers to thwart its progress. Any orchestration as in Libya and push the country in civil war or any other moves may no more be significant to divert and ditch the wind of change found sweeping and advancing in the Arab lands to bring a real change that masses envisage so.

Wishing you all a happy spring landing in the Arab lands

URL: http://www.adab-arz.co.uk/?p=3164

A Khokar

Voter (50+ posts)
Dear Friends,
Thanks for taking interest in this burning topic. I can see that number of visitor were able to visit this post.

There are certain queries received on this article as Zionist plot is not included in it. But the way I see it; Zionists may be having a full control over the US economy but Israel as such is a US tool; a dagger drawn in the heart of Arabs. Israel which is armed to its teeth, considers herself an invincible force in Middle East. Seeing the plight of Arabs; very rightly Israel can claim to be an Un-challengeable force in the area. But with all its upper hand; Israel is just a tool deployed in Middle East to act as a bully boy on the block; to push forward the broader Neocons strategy in the Middle east for which Israel keeps the battle grounds heated at all the times.

But the question arises that why Arab should be in such perilous and helpless state while confronting Israel?

If Israel is an invincible force meant to keep the Arabs subdued; does Islam also restrict the Muslims not to come at par or excel its enemies like Israel?

I feel sick and tired of this notion of Zionists outrageous acts against Muslims which is since adopted in Muslim world; it is a sheer defeatist mentality. Muslim need not to stay hostile against Israel; they need to simply remain at par and if they are able to maintain it as a deterrent that Arabs has the ability to any time produce better arsenal to counter her. No question ---there will be all a peace... and sure a harmony.

Countering Apache helis and Israeli Markova tanks with sling arm stones throwing by the Palestinian juvenile is no way a match. Then there are suicidal action; which is sure a sign of cowardice of defeated lot.

Why Muslim world must not strive for Education, research and inventions and excel in technology? Whereas Allah Jalshana Hou very categorically warns Muslims and says; [Al-Anfal Chapter 8 : Verse 60] “And make ready for them whatever you can of armed force and of mounted pickets at the frontier, whereby you may frighten the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you know not, but Allah knows them. And whatever you spend in the way of Allah, it shall be repaid to you in full and you shall not be wronged.”

In view of clear cut instruction from Allah; is there any excuse not to arm oneself in befitting way. Why after all a Muslim country like Libya be pounded by the Tomahawk missile from submarine located at hundreds of miles away and attacked by Tornado aircrafts with their 'storm shadow' pin point targeting missiles and Libya has got nothing to counter.

If the countries located in the north of Mediterranean Sea can have the manufacturing industries and produce war planes, missile and awacs surveillance aircrafts; why the countries on its southern shore are unable to produce the same?

We see that for last at least sixty years; the Muslim masses are being oppressed by the Muslim tyrants ( I call them ‘The Arab Dictators club’). They have kept them deprived of all the civics amenities or to avail any political life-----but even today they are keeping them in utter slavish conditions....that they may not be able challenge them or share the oil money.

We need to discuss it out

Ab udas phirte ho sardiyon ki shamon mein
Is tarah tu hota hey is tarah k kamo mein
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A Khokar

Voter (50+ posts)
At the face of it---- in UNO a man selected as the UN secretary general is normally from some non-western country but knowing what UN as a world body does to thrust the resolutions upon others to protect the western interests and how the Human rights are violated and nations after nation inhilated.

The Secretary General has to be man with NO Conscious.

A Khokar

Voter (50+ posts)
The Arab Dictators Club has also got a local body known as OIC (organisation of Islamic Council) which recently handed over a Muslim country Libya to the west for their exploitation in order to save their own thrones of dictatorship at home.

  • First they chuck the Libya out of OIC.
  • Then made Ghadafi a scapegoat and invited the west to thrash him out so that the wind of change which is toppling their regimes may be diverted.
Libya is a country of mainly three tribes. Beni Hilal in the East in and around Benghazi, Beni Salim in the west around Tripoli and Magariha in the centre which backs Ghadafi and his tribe in the centre and they are settled in Libya central city Sirte the home town of Ghadafi.

Other than oil, eastern Libya is the most blessed country that it had special underground water reserves which may last for thousands of years. Ghadafi is proud man who could drill the water out from locations around Benghazi and Ajdabaya and Sirte. The dessert once a driest desert is turning into irrigated land. The water system is called a man made river which feeds a great on surface water reservoir made in the name of Libyan legend Omar Mukhtar who fought against Italian colonial power for freedom of Libya. This reservoir supplies water to all the cities including long way in the west to Tripoli and this under ground aquaduct river system is counted as Eighth miracle of the world.

Other than UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon; Amr Musa secretary of OIC aka The Arab Dictators Club is another conscious less creature who asked the west to Implement No fly zone in Libya and today we see that how libya is being mutilated to reduce it to rubbles.

A Khokar

Voter (50+ posts)
One is surprised that why an Arab problem could not be solved by Arabs themselves?

If at all it was necessary to implement No fly zone; Arab countries do have the capability to implement. The air powers held by Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and UAE countries was enough to do all this.

In any case the Libyan opposition in the east need not to raise arms or ask west to destroy Ghadafi. Jasminian revolution was a strongest weapon in their hands to bring about a change in their society and also escape molestataion by the west which now they will have for years to come.

Destruction of Ghadafi is destruction of Libya. Single tank or air craft taken out is asking of the more Libyan money which will be paid to west to replenish the inventry later. Ironically these tanks and air carfts are not made in Libya.

If at all the national Council in the east is able to kill Ghadafi with the help of west; the entire war expenditure is to be paid by Libya to the west; in the name of it liberation. One Tomahawks missile costs in millions.