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  1. L

    All Muslims please read it

    As per my research, please follow the points below:- 1) Word Mosque stands for Masjid, to prove it search on Google first link Wikipedia would refer Mosque to Masjid and likewise result could be found if you type word Mosque into Cambridge dictionary. 2) As far as Macca concern, there was no...
  2. L

    Can some one tell me why is this happening?????

    Dear brothers please don't come to any conclusion without investigation. This picture is fake and photoshoped. This is a clear and obvious propaganda, don't take it seriously just remove it please :)
  3. L

    Capital Talk ? 1st June 2009 - SPECIAL

    that is really a sadful situation in pakistan.i salute all these ppl who sacrifice their peace for the bright future of pakistan.Anyways govt should provide all the facilities to these victims and try to resolve all of their problems...