Altaf Hussain Ka Qasoor.........Mustafa Kamal


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mujahid said:
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1.Khumani was in exile....
2.Our prophet was in exile....
3.BB was in exile..........
4.Nawaz was in exile....
5.100 of leaders were in exile in different time and in different countries

If Altaf Hussain is in exile then why some of you can not digest this .....


Senator (1k+ posts)
Altaf (Terrorist) is the only and only one in the history who is in exiled in his own Government since long. It establish that he is afraid from his own peoples, who are living like slaves in Karachi / Hyderabad.
He is "DARPOOK and BUZDAIL" by nature and the characteristic of these peoples are that they are worst brutal in nature due to their internal fear.
The history of terrorism by MQM is the enough to prove this mental condition of terrorist Altaf.


Spartacus said:
1.Khumani was in exile....
2.Our prophet was in exile....
3.BB was in exile..........
4.Nawaz was in exile....
5.100 of leaders were in exile in different time and in different countries

If Altaf Hussain is in exile then why some of you can not digest this .....[/size]

Khuda ka khauf karo PROPHET PBUH ko inn dunya daar logoon sey mila rahey ho.

Why dont you give a proper excuse. You are sounding like a Zardari lawyer right now who pulls out weirdest excuses from all over the places


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If exile is from Altaf is no exile...
If this is from BB , NS , Khumani , etc....Ohhh yes, this is exile and not DARPOOK .....
Try to be equal for all......
Exile is exile .....No matter who . BB or Nawaz or Khumani or Altaf Hussain......
This word should be equal for all......
He is in exile as others were and he will come back to Pakistan whenever his time to end of his exile will come.....

We'll Cross That Bridge When We Come to It

Haters of MQM , Aap Loog Altaf Hussain Kay Na Aanay Kay Ghuum Main Duublay Na Ho Jaoooo


Spartacus said:
If exile is from Altaf is no exile...
If this is from BB , NS , Khumani , etc....Ohhh yes, this is exile and not DARPOOK .....
Try to be equal for all......
Exile is exile .....No matter who . BB or Nawaz or Khumani or Altaf Hussain......
This word should be equal for all......
He is in exile as others were and he will come back to Pakistan whenever his time to end of his exile will come.....

We'll Cross That Bridge When We Come to It

Haters of MQM , Aap Loog Altaf Hussain Kay Na Aanay Kay Ghuum Main Duublay Na Ho Jaoooo

why are you bringing Nawaz and Benazir in all this. They were both crooks to me. We are talking about Altaf and I'm simply asking for a reason and you keep saying he will come back when its his time.

I think I should just give up. There are only two supporters of mqm on this board anyways, rest of them are the same people with different ids and I'm keeping an eye on those.

Hopefully someone other than you guys will reply and give a sensible answer
What a waste of time!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
As you wrote......There are only two supporters of mqm on this board anyways, rest of them are the same people with different ids and I'm keeping an eye on those.
I think you should stop those fake ids no matter from which party they are but please do not blame as usual......
Very easy to detect and to prove too......
If you go in detail and in search you would know that you need to learn how to detect and to prove , I think you need some guide , better ask Abbasali m he will guide you.
I explained you even through video Why Altaf Hussain has to wait ....
But people like you want him dead.....

As soon as MQM will have CM,PM and President , you will find AH in Pakistan . Do not forget to wish him and please try come to Airport to receive him.


Senator (1k+ posts)
This is funny soon as We feel he is safe...we feel safe...what about the rest of Karachites...You are guys are brainwashed into this We this and We that...what nonsense.

Those who don't feel safe in OUR Pakistan should be told to leave....We should be replaced by OUR...Get it bro....And WE all know what We means...what a pathetic way to live.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
@Spartacus heyyy buddykidher ghyab thay lol,??you and your logic,anyways as far as i could understand your logic you are saying that we haters want him dead,YAAR HUMARI SEHAT PAY KYA FARQ PERAY GA BOSS IF HE IS DEAD ghuarbat tu utni he rahay gee ,yani nawaz and zardari should also be leave country,maulana deisal should also leave country and asfandyar should also leave country as NWFP is the most threatened province of them all,and IK should also leave country and we should also be exile in because We also don't feel safe,BRO ATLEAST BE REASONABLE FOR A SECOND!!!

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think mqm is really scared of loosing the ground and arguments as to why AH is sitting out in london.Unable to explain so the only arguments is that the workers do not want him to come back! When he left Pakistan did ge consult the workers? NO.
When he applied for british citizenship did he consult the workers?NO.
Why should now he listen to his workers? because that is the easiest excuse for a good time!
MQM wants to control and rule Sindh! strange that they can not provide safety to one person yet they claim to be able to solve the problems of insecurity of the province!
Strange that the leader who claims to have given the right to rule to middle class now does not even want to be among them?
Strange that the person who says he will lay down his life for the country is so scared of coming back to the country because he is afraid for his life and not for the life of his followers? Are the followers gajar mooley or insignificant to be cared for?

The mqm members are now between a rock and a hard place! knowing that AH is not coming back how are they going to keep the issue alive so that mqm can stay as mqm and not disintegrate, they are now coming up with ideas that seem arguments to them but not to any one else. PTI is a good option for those who want an early flight.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
I think mqm is really scared of loosing the ground and arguments as to why AH is sitting out in london.Unable to explain so the only arguments is that the workers do not want him to come back! When he left Pakistan did ge consult the workers? NO.
When he applied for british citizenship did he consult the workers?NO.
Why should now he listen to his workers? because that is the easiest excuse for a good time!
MQM wants to control and rule Sindh! strange that they can not provide safety to one person yet they claim to be able to solve the problems of insecurity of the province!
Strange that the leader who claims to have given the right to rule to middle class now does not even want to be among them?
Strange that the person who says he will lay down his life for the country is so scared of coming back to the country because he is afraid for his life and not for the life of his followers? Are the followers gajar mooley or insignificant to be cared for?

The mqm members are now between a rock and a hard place! knowing that AH is not coming back how are they going to keep the issue alive so that mqm can stay as mqm and not disintegrate, they are now coming up with ideas that seem arguments to them but not to any one else. PTI is a good option for those who want an early flight.


If exile is from Altaf is no exile...
If this is from BB , NS , Khumani , etc....Ohhh yes, this is exile and not DARPOOK .....
Try to be equal for all......
Exile is exile .....No matter who . BB or Nawaz or Khumani or Altaf Hussain......
This word should be equal for all......
He is in exile as others were and he will come back to Pakistan whenever his time to end of his exile will come.....

We'll Cross That Bridge When We Come to It

Haters of MQM , Aap Loog Altaf Hussain Kay Na Aanay Kay Ghuum Main Duublay Na Ho Jaoooo


Senator (1k+ posts)
I think mqm is really scared of loosing the ground and arguments as to why AH is sitting out in london.Unable to explain so the only arguments is that the workers do not want him to come back! When he left Pakistan did ge consult the workers? NO.
When he applied for british citizenship did he consult the workers?NO.
Why should now he listen to his workers? because that is the easiest excuse for a good time!
MQM wants to control and rule Sindh! strange that they can not provide safety to one person yet they claim to be able to solve the problems of insecurity of the province!
Strange that the leader who claims to have given the right to rule to middle class now does not even want to be among them?
Strange that the person who says he will lay down his life for the country is so scared of coming back to the country because he is afraid for his life and not for the life of his followers? Are the followers gajar mooley or insignificant to be cared for?

The mqm members are now between a rock and a hard place! knowing that AH is not coming back how are they going to keep the issue alive so that mqm can stay as mqm and not disintegrate, they are now coming up with ideas that seem arguments to them but not to any one else. PTI is a good option for those who want an early flight.

I agreed to above true picture.