Asif Ali Zardari wnt tunn on Mizar E Qaid See the Video


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Just a simple human mistake and nothing more.
I do not think this should any issue .
I do remember when just before General Election 2013 while Imran Khan was addressing a big „ JULSA „.
He appealed to the people of Pakistan .
„ Sheer Per Muher Lagana Hay „


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is tragedy of our nation they bring these corrupt ,traitors and puppets of our enemies to rule upon us ,these idiots should behind the bar he killed his brother-in-law and wife and he also killed the inspector of custom who caught his girl friend ayan ali with 600000 dollars at Islamabad airport the whole nation watched his assistant was helping her to clear that box on cctv and i demand to include ch nisar as well in that murder case because being a interior minister he did not take any action.
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