Bermuda Triangle, ufos, and Dajjal


If we can relate the current situation with hadith its not very hard to understand that how we are drag from reality, we are living in the fantasy world, far away from the reality

This system is working in many different ways;

They want economy in their hands, more and more people in depth, thats why their banking system is successful.

Weather control (HARP)

Hidden subliminal messages in cartoons, movies and advertisement, it is scientifically proven that its work very well in the brain

Chemtrails, H1N1 Vaccines, and many other tools for Depopulation

Divide Muslim ummah into groups and sects because they are a big challenge for them

Human chip, preparation of one world government

And many, many more the only way we can protect our selves is to go back the real teaching of Islam, and by knowing a real purpose of our life.


Councller (250+ posts)
We are so busy to look around us what's going in the world,
Mainly muslim world is involved in war and natural disaster