Capture Kashmiri, Mullah Omar by July: US warns Pak


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Capture Kashmiri, Mullah Omar by July: US warns Pak
PTI | Jun 1, 2011, 10.14pm IST

Comments (37)

Read More:Taliban|Sirajuddin Haqqani|Mullah Omar|Ilyas Kashmiri|Al-Zawahiri|Al-Qaida

Supporters of Pakistan's Urban Public Front attend a government rally demanding to handover the Taliban leader Mullah Omar to the US in Lahore. (AP Photo)
ISLAMABAD: The US has given Pakistan a deadline till July to launch a military offensive in the restive North Waziristan tribal region for capturing five most wanted al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar and Ilyas Kashmiri.

Pakistani security forces have been asked to capture al-Zawahiri, Omar, Kashmiri, Sirajuddin Haqqani and Atia Abdur Rehman either in a unilateral or joint military action within the deadline till July -- the month when NATO and allied forces will begin withdrawing from neighbouring Afghanistan.

The US demand has set alarm bells ringing in Pakistani civil and military circles, The News daily reported on Wednesday quoting unnamed sources.

Pakistan's security forces had so far shown reluctance in launching a military offensive in North Waziristan despite sustained pressure from the US to do so.

The Haqqani militant network, based in North Waziristan, "had not been any threat to Pakistan" and has served as "a vital contact between the Pakistani intelligence agencies and the Afghan Taliban," the report said.

Another factor for the Pakistani military's reluctance to move into North Waziristan is the presence of "some very important pro-government" militant factions, including those led by Mullah Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadar.

These groups have "helped the Pakistani security forces keep the anti-government tribal fighters, including the Wazirs, at bay", the report said.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Oh strange. Why not to arrest TTP leaders? Only afghani Talbans? Oh i remembered TTP is paid movement of CIA.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
they will do the same what they been doing to others... KILL YOU!!!

Lets wait for July and see what happens.They need Pakistan for their afghan Policy so they wont make that mistake...Anyway Like I said lets wait and see.


Councller (250+ posts)
They couldnt catch bin ladin for yrs(still didnt get him coz he died yrs ago,abbotabad thing=FAKE)and tells us to catch the others in few months.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Keep dreaming its usa which is abt to become part of history.

yup, around 2020. And US think tanks know it that's why they are diverting the attention from the real problem of unemployment, debts, budget deficit, trade imbalance, crime, poverty, anti US media, plus a lot more. They have fallen head deep in the trap of Jews/Free mason.

The monthly interest payments to Free mason far exceeds the tax income so the debts keeps growing in compounding. Poor unsuspecting and gullible Americans are suffering while chums and bosses of the president are laughing on their way to their banks.

Around 2020 Americans will beg Pakistan and Saudia for help, knee down on floor. There will be riots, agitation, bus-jalaao, bombs, when people's stomach is hungry they not gonna think of laws and constitution. Pentagon knows it too that's why they performed a practice drill how to bring and administer martial law because the US will be in a terrible unrest, thanks to the debts and interest payments.


Minister (2k+ posts)
And specially those common Indians who has so little time in this busy life to spare................ they work fulltime probably 6 days a week and then go to internet daily and watch almost all political shows of a neighbouring country to keep themselves updated.

In a nutshell these are all paid agents and they will not miss a single oppurtiunity to defame Pakistan.

And I don't need to tell here that they have multiple ID(ies) on all these forums.

Isn't it wonderful of Indians that they worry about us??(bigsmile)(bigsmile)
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Not only kashmiri but five most wanted Al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar and Ilyas Kashmiri.
The US has given Pakistan a deadline till July to launch a military offensive in the restive North Waziristan tribal region for capturing five most wanted Al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar and Ilyas Kashmiri.
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