Dozens of people in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad have been arrested


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dozens of people in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad have been arrested because of their suspected connections to the compound where Osama bin Laden was shot and killed, a Pakistani intelligence official said Friday.

Source: CNN


Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan army and police and intelligent and ISI and RANGERS asay yeahi ummmeeed raukhi ja sukti hey

Pakistanis are not SAFE with pakistani armed personnel


Minister (2k+ posts)
WHO CONTROL THE HERD OF SHEEPS. WHAT ITS PURPOSE & HOW HE KEEPS THEM IN LINE.. Just think about it & you will get ur answer..
(Note:- I am purposely not mentioning that animal name)(cry)


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Now it is Abduct-Abad.

What is price human Meat ? please Check the Kiani shop...That might be expensive , let us buy it from Malkul Mout (So called Rahman Malik) shop...