Dual Nationality Pakistanis


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
1. You can ask him I think it was a clever move by Qadri look at how people came to him as he arrived, people lost hope in PTI perhaps? 2. So status quo parties cannot say they they weren't given a full term chance, awaam has learnt their lesson. 3. Because fresh elections means new mandate especially after it will be claimed "free and fair" you have to then accept another 5 years of torture. 4. Qadri didn't say anything in his jalsa about forming an interim setup he said he wants free & fair elections as a result of the reforms...the parliament is free to start work on this.

Nice try. Sounds more like "meray aziz hum watnon". We are not falling for this fake propaganda.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
طاہر قادری کے تھیلے سے بلی برآمد ہونے کی بجاۓ
یہ بھینس کا بچا الطاف عرف طافو کالیا برآمد ہو رہا ہے
پاکستان کو بھی کیسے کیسے بہروپئے ٹکرے ہوئے ہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We will just arguing back and forth without reaching a conclusion. Just answer these questions for me.

1. Why out of the blue he showed up when we have ~ 6months left in elections.
2. Why he did not try to mobilise public in past 5 yrs when this ruling class was plundering this country as if there is no tomorrow.
3. If the concern is that the same mafia will come back after elections, then why not give a chance and see who forms the government after the elections. You can mobilise the public if the same mafia get elected again.
4. Who is going to decide about the interim set up (We have heard of this patriotic rhetoric before that starts with "meray aziz hum watnon").

By the way, judiciary is only one institution. If they will not get the support from the government or the army then they cannot do anything by themselves. Who is going to implement the constitution?? We don't even have the true opposition who could force the hand of the government.

brother the point of dual nationality is no goer because Dr saab as mentioned is not running for elections (if there is ulterior motives I do not know). Also there are a lot of dual nationals that love Pakistan even maybe more than Made in Pakistan People. Just need to read the posts in siasat pk and you will find genuine worry and concern for Pakistan. If he is gonna run for elections than simple give up Canadian passport.

Last time there was an historical 45% bogus votes, even if u look at recent bye elections state machinery and rigging has been done, this is a fact. So there fore the present bankcrupt system is a genuine concern. PTI policy on this is that they are trying to change the system within the present parameters, however how far have they really got? not far at all these present goons are still at it like no ones business.

The timing of Dr Saab is questionable however there is no evidence of any ill doing, just if's and but's and maybe's. Do not get me wrong I am an insaafian however I have to be honest and genuine in what I see and hear.

My personal opinion is that army has to be present in every booth of the country and the people inside who are counting have to be honest and count fairly.

PTI stance is ok as well pressurize election commission for re forms and if rigging takes place during elections than go to the streets.

Dr Saab point is that these mainstream parties will rigg like never before the system has to change before the next elections take place. That would be beneficial to PTI if something positive comes out of this.

However I am more than aware it seems that Dr saab movement has gate crashed the Tsunami movement, and that is why some insafians have reservations, but we must try to be honest and genuine when giving our feed back on events regarding Pakistan. Remember Dr Saab is against Status Quo not for them.

ARMY is required inside polling stations that is a must, apart from other re forms.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We will just arguing back and forth without reaching a conclusion. Just answer these questions for me.

1. Why out of the blue he showed up when we have ~ 6months left in elections.
2. Why he did not try to mobilise public in past 5 yrs when this ruling class was plundering this country as if there is no tomorrow.
3. If the concern is that the same mafia will come back after elections, then why not give a chance and see who forms the government after the elections. You can mobilise the public if the same mafia get elected again.
4. Who is going to decide about the interim set up (We have heard of this patriotic rhetoric before that starts with "meray aziz hum watnon").

By the way, judiciary is only one institution. If they will not get the support from the government or the army then they cannot do anything by themselves. Who is going to implement the constitution?? We don't even have the true opposition who could force the hand of the government.

brother the original point u made concerning dual nationality I think it has been answered, if Dr Saab is not running for elections than it is irrevelant whether he is dual or not. Being home made in Pakistan at the present times does not constitute that u love Pakistan, there are many dual nationals that love Pakistan more than maybe home bread themselves. Just need to look at siasat pk, to see how much dual nationals love Pakistan. If he runs for elections than under the law he has to give up his Canadian passport.

To answer your other points, whether there is an ulterior motive or not I do not know. However he has been a strong believer in Democracy, however not the present 45% bogus votes that came up in last elections. Also even in bye elections media has caught out rigging and wrong use of power. So what Dr saab is saying is genuine, I have been saying the same for a long time now, with the present system of rigging how is it possible for PTI to win?

The timing off Dr Saab is questionable, however the problem is genuine. Imran Khan/PTI is struggling for a free and fair election by going to election commission and everything that is possible, but realistically how much difference has that made?
Imran Khan say's that if rigging takes place in elections the Tsunami will be unleashed to the streets, however Dr Saab is trying to deal with the situation before hand. Both are right in there own ways.

I do not think u can get a full proof plan at this time, however we can if we struggle get a respectable system which I think in polling booths there should be army situated in every polling booth. That will solve many problems. However I do not see CJ moving towards that idea as of yet.
Something has to happen other wise the 45% historical rigging record may be broken this time round. These 2 parties PPP and Noon League are masters in these kind of games, I will not be surprised at all if they have a plan already.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
brother the original point u made concerning dual nationality I think it has been answered, if Dr Saab is not running for elections than it is irrevelant whether he is dual or not. Being home made in Pakistan at the present times does not constitute that u love Pakistan, there are many dual nationals that love Pakistan more than maybe home bread themselves. Just need to look at siasat pk, to see how much dual nationals love Pakistan. If he runs for elections than under the law he has to give up his Canadian passport.

To answer your other points, whether there is an ulterior motive or not I do not know. However he has been a strong believer in Democracy, however not the present 45% bogus votes that came up in last elections. Also even in bye elections media has caught out rigging and wrong use of power. So what Dr saab is saying is genuine, I have been saying the same for a long time now, with the present system of rigging how is it possible for PTI to win?

The timing off Dr Saab is questionable, however the problem is genuine. Imran Khan/PTI is struggling for a free and fair election by going to election commission and everything that is possible, but realistically how much difference has that made?
Imran Khan say's that if rigging takes place in elections the Tsunami will be unleashed to the streets, however Dr Saab is trying to deal with the situation before hand. Both are right in there own ways.

I do not think u can get a full proof plan at this time, however we can if we struggle get a respectable system which I think in polling booths there should be army situated in every polling booth. That will solve many problems. However I do not see CJ moving towards that idea as of yet.
Something has to happen other wise the 45% historical rigging record may be broken this time round. These 2 parties PPP and Noon League are masters in these kind of games, I will not be surprised at all if they have a plan already.

No one is questioning the sincerity and loyalty of dual nationals. Some expats are probably more patriotic. However, the point stands that we don't want dual nationals in a leadership position (elected or otherwise) because of the reasons articulated before. You hit the nail on the head when you said, "However I am more than aware it seems that Dr saab movement has gate crashed the Tsunami movement, and that is why some insafians have reservations". This is the exact point that people are suspicious about his ulterior motives behind this whole movement and timing he has chosen.

I am sure masses will come out on the streets if same corrupt mafia get elected in next elections. We should at least give a fair chance to this flawed democracy to have transfer of power from civilian to civilian government.

Again, he may be sincere, and genuine. However, as you mentioned, "The timing of Dr Saab is questionable". His movement also leaves a lot of questions unanswered. For example, how is he going to reform the system. If after the march, he kicks out present government, then what is next. Who will draw up the next set up?? How long this set up wil last (maybe next 10 yrs, and then we will start all over again). Is he talking about Bangaldesh model (as some of he establishment henchmen suggesting for a while). In doing so, you will also give excuse to the present ruling class that they were not able complete their term (even though, only few months are left in their term).

This whole thing just do not pass the smell test. We already have seen a lot of nationalists, and religious scholars in the past. Most of these characters end up as dictators or their henchmen. I don't want to say that, but I feel that this is the new plan of establishment of taking over this country as they can no longer take over the government through brute force


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
1. You can ask him I think it was a clever move by Qadri look at how people came to him as he arrived, people lost hope in PTI perhaps? 2. So status quo parties cannot say they they weren't given a full term chance, awaam has learnt their lesson. 3. Because fresh elections means new mandate especially after it will be claimed "free and fair" you have to then accept another 5 years of torture. 4. Qadri didn't say anything in his jalsa about forming an interim setup he said he wants free & fair elections as a result of the reforms...the parliament is free to start work on this.

How are going reform the system without forming a new set up?? Who is going to decide about the new set??

Are you scared of the ruling parties of stealing "awam's mandate"?? They are going to cry wolf regardless. My suggestion is to stay put till next elections. I feel the elections were rigged, then come on the streets and change this set.

This math just does not add up. 2 + 2 will never be 5.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sorry for the typos.

How are going reform the system without forming a new set up?? Who is going to decide about the new set up??

Are you scared of the ruling parties screaming "stealing awam's mandate?? They are going to cry wolf regardless. My suggestion is to stay put till next elections. If you feel the elections are rigged, then come out on the streets and change/reform this set up.

This math just does not add up. 2 + 2 will never be 5.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is the first time that establishment is in cross-hairs of justice. They are trying old and now new tactics to enslave this country for their own benefit. Unfortunately, dynastic parties are also giving full support to them in order to nullify the judiciary. They know that they will not be safe either when the judgement day arrives.


The thing I think your missing out here is that Dr Qadri doesnt want to take part in elections, he doesnt want to lead the country. He is just trying to Change the system, for those who do want to elect. He just wants the sytem to abide by the constitution of Pakistan..
Either you are naive or not serious. There is no harm in having dual nationality. However, as a leader you should not be allowed to have dual loyalties. It is a different story if as a dual national you are trying to help your nation. Although, it is obvious that dual national leaders could potentially be harmful to this country, but let me explain more explicitly,

1. They do not have their skin in the game. If for some reason your country goes down then you always have the back door open to safe havens.
2. Their adopted country can potentially influence over your policies. Take the example of nawaz family. If he tries to formulate policies that jeddah does not approve of, then they have leverage over you by impounding all your wealth.
3. They can use their influnce in government to hide their wealth in their adopted countries as already happening in pakistan.
4. Adopted country may have more information about you that they can use to blackmail you.
5. Your policies may affect your wealth status. For example, if your currency goes down against the dollar that it not good for the country, but good for you (as already happening now)

There are numerous other reasons, but this should suffice for now.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The thing I think your missing out here is that Dr Qadri doesnt want to take part in elections, he doesnt want to lead the country. He is just trying to Change the system, for those who do want to elect. He just wants the sytem to abide by the constitution of Pakistan..

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. His intentions have a big question mark as well.


What his intentions are.. None of us can decide. But we need to give him a chance. What he says makes sense, and its about time someone has taken this step. the corrupt system is the root to the destruction in Pakistan, and we need to put an end to it.
I have to say we always think negatively.. we can't progress if we continue to think negatively. This might be the chance for change! As they say “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. His intentions have a big question mark as well.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
PPP has no problems with Tahir Qadri. Don't blame us for the propaganda against your leader. We don't believe in negative propoganda including personal attacks on opponent politicians. No matter whatever amendment is made we will win the elections. PPP has a strong following in all 4 provinces especially Sindh and South Punjab. Take an example of Jamshed Dasti, he is neither a feudal nor a rich guy but won because the masses voted for him and PPP in his constituency. So don't blame us. It is Takht Lahore who is providing various media channels the propoganda material against your leader.

I was present when the late respect Benazir Bhutto visited Minhaj ul Quran International London. She became a life member of Dr Tahir ul Qadri's organisation. They also had a lengthy private discussion after. It looked to me as though she felt totally at home there to be honest, may Allah have mercy upon her, Amin! You can see a short video of this here (although I'm not in it myself):



Councller (250+ posts)
there is no harm to get dual nationality, is there??? there are always benefits!!!

You dont have to ask for Visa all the time to go abroad. You are a very big nation right, you can't even go to saudi Arabia without a Visa. Whereas I can travel to 30 countries without any Visa. For someone who is a Scholar and gives lecture , it is beneficial, what the hell are you talking about...When will this nation grow?????

There's a difference between getting a PR Permit (Permanent Residence) and a nationality. If you live a certain number of years in a country, you can get that - which basically means you can live there permanently. I'm sure BB, Zardari, Musharraf and all these top leaders have multiple resident permits and that's perfectly fine. It does the job, you can live abroad, travel and do whatever you like.

However, when it comes to obtaining another nationality, it's different. Tahir-ul-Qadri swore to be loyal to the Queen of English, etc, etc. This doesn't suit someone of his stature who claims to be the saviour of Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What his intentions are.. None of us can decide. But we need to give him a chance. What he says makes sense, and its about time someone has taken this step. the corrupt system is the root to the destruction in Pakistan, and we need to put an end to it.
I have to say we always think negatively.. we can't progress if we continue to think negatively. This might be the chance for change! As they say “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”

You are right, no one knows his intentions. Just tell me why he is in such a hurry. If has waited for 5yrs, then how come he does not have the patience to wait just for few more weeks. If you disagree with interim setup or election results, then I will understand his point of view and I will be in the streets with him. This is not negativity. This healthy pessimism based on our long history with these kinds of saviours.