Night_Hawk - Blogger
Happy people go for candies

21 April 2011
Happy people are more likely to eat candy bars and hopeful ones choose fruit.
“Most of us are aware that we often fall victim to emotional eating, but how is it that we might choose unhealthy or healthy snacks when we’re feeling good?” write authors Karen Page Winterich of Pennsylvania State University and Kelly L. Haws of Texas A&M University.
They focused on the complicated relationship between positive emotions and food consumption, the Journal of Consumer Research reports.
To understand why someone would be more likely to choose a candy bar versus a piece of fruit, study authors teased out the difference between positive feelings that arise from thinking about the past or the present (pride and happiness) and hope, a more future-oriented emotion.
In the authors’ first study, hopeful participants consumed fewer M&Ms (specialty frozen foods) than people who experienced happiness, according to a Penn State statement.
In a second study, they found that consumers who were more focused on the past chose unhealthy snacks even if they felt hope.
In the third study, the researchers shifted the time frame of the positive emotion - having participants feel hopeful about the past or having them experience pride in the future.
“That is, if someone is anticipating feeling proud, she prefers fewer unhealthy snacks than someone experiencing pride.”
Finally, the authors compared future-focused positive emotions (hopefulness, anticipated pride) to future focused negative emotions (fear, anticipated shame). They found that the combination of positivity and future focus enhanced self-control.
“So the next time you’re feeling well, don’t focus too much on all the good things in the past. Instead, keep that positive glow and focus on your future, especially all the good things you imagine to come. Your waistline will thank you!” the authors conclude.
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Night_Hawk - Blogger
No evidence coffee ups risk of high BP

22 April 2011

Go ahead. Have that second cup of coffee — or maybe even a third.Despite previous concerns, downing lots of coffee doesn’t seem to increase the risk of high blood pressure, says a US study.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, has been linked to heart disease, stroke and a shorter life expectancy, and some scientists have suggested that coffee might fuel the problem.
But according to a report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that pooled data from six previous studies, covering 170,000 people, this did not appear to be the case.
“The results suggest that habitual coffee consumption of more than 3 cups per day was not associated with an increased risk of hypertension compared with less than one cup per day,” wrote Liwei Chen, from the Louisiana State University School of Public Health in New Orleans, who worked on the study.

But Chen added that more data would be needed in order to draw a firm conclusion, noting that the report “is not saying there’s no risk” to drinking lots of java.
What’s more, people who drank between one and three cups per day had a slightly higher risk of high blood pressure than those who drank less, a result the researchers couldn’t explain.
The studies surveyed the participants to find out how many cups of coffee they drank each day, from less than one to more than five, and then followed them for up to 33 years.
Just more than one in five eventually developed high blood pressure, with the chance of being diagnosed with the condition no different for people who said they chugged more than five cups of coffee a day and those who drank very little.
“I don’t think of coffee as a risk factor for high blood pressure,” said Lawrence Krakoff, who studies high blood pressure at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and wasn’t involved in the new study.
But “if people are drinking 12 cups a day and aren’t sleeping, I assume that’s an important issue.”
The relationship between coffee drinking and blood pressure is complicated by the possibility that it doesn’t work the same way for everyone, Chen said.

“People with a different genetic background may react to coffee differently,” she said.
“For some people maybe it’s safe to drink a lot of coffee, but not for other

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Calcium supplements cause heart problems

25 April 2011, 10:31 AM
There is growing evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk of heart attacks among older women, say researchers.
Calcium supplements are often prescribed to older (postmenopausal) women to maintain bone health. High blood calcium levels are linked to calcification (hardening) of the arteries, which may also help to explain these results.
Though the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study, a seven-year trial of over 36,000 women, found no cardiovascular effect of taking combined calcium and vitamin D supplements, but a team led by Prof Ian Reid at the University of Auckland, re-analysed the WHI results to evaluate the effects of calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, on the risk of cardiovascular events, the British Medical Journal reports, citing an Auckland varsity statement.
Reid’s team analysed data from 16,718 women who were not taking personal calcium supplements at the start of the trial and found that those allocated to combined calcium and vitamin D supplements were at an increased risk of cardiovascular events, especially heart attack.
Conversely, in women who were taking personal calcium supplements at the start of the trial, combined calcium and vitamin D supplements did not alter their usual cardiovascular risk.
The authors suspect that the abrupt change in blood calcium levels after taking a supplement causes the adverse effect, rather than it being related to the total amount of calcium consumed.
Further analyses—adding data from 13 other trials, involving 29,000 people altogether—also found consistent increases in the risk of heart attack and stroke associated with taking calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D.
These analyses led the study authors to conclude that these data justify a reassessment of the use of calcium supplements in older people.
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Night_Hawk - Blogger
Beware of dietary supplements!

23 April 2011
Do you belong to one-half of the population that relies on dietary supplements to get better health? Beware, they could actually be working against you.
Wen-Bin Chiou of National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, decided to test if frequent use of dietary supplements had unexpected consequences for supposed health benefits.
After reviewing the literature of the prevalence of dietary supplement use, it seemed to show that increasing, but it does not appear to be correlated with improved public health, says Wen-Bin Chiou of National Sun Yat-Sen University.
Chiou conducted the study along with Chao-Chin Yang of National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism and Chin-Sheng Wan of Southern Taiwan University.
Participants in Group A were instructed to take a multivitamin and participants in the control group were assigned to take a placebo. However, all the participants actually took placebo pills, according to a Sun Yat-Sen statement.
The results from the experiments and survey demonstrated that participants who believed they had taken dietary supplements felt protected from health hazards, prompting them to engage in health-risk behaviours, reports the journal Psychological Science.
What does this all mean? Chiou says: People who rely on dietary supplement use for health protection may pay a hidden price, the curse of licensed self-indulgence.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Heart risk factors high in young Indian adults

21 April 2011
NEW YORK - More and more, young urban adults in India are developing obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, suggesting that rising rates of cardiovascular disease could appear in the future, an Indian study said.
Among 1,100 young adults from New Delhi, all three conditions became steadily more common over the 7 years of the study, according to findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Given the rapid socioeconomic and demographic transitions in India, I was not surprised at the high incidence rate, said Dorairaj Prabhakaran, a cardiologist at the Centre for Chronic Disease Control in New Delhi, who worked on the study.
Though Western-style diets are often blamed for feeding obesity and its associated health problems, such eating habits arent that common in India.
Many popular Indian foods are unhealthy, as they are rich in sugar and saturated fat, Prabhakaran added.
At the outset of the study, when the average participant was 29 years old, about 50 percent had waistlines that fit the criteria for abdominal obesity. Seven years later, that was true of 70 percent.
Rates of high blood pressure rose from 11 percent to 34 percent among men, and from 5 to 15 percent among women. Diabetes rose from 5 to 12 percent among men, and from 3.5 percent to 7 percent among women.
These remarkable changes in such a short time suggest that these young adults could face high rates of heart disease and stroke in the future, the researchers warned.
India, with its population of 1 billion-plus, was estimated to account for 60 percent of the worlds heart disease cases in 2010. A separate recent study found that people in India and other South Asian countries suffer their first myocardial infarction at age 53 on average, 6 years earlier than the rest of the world.
Heart disease and its risk factors put a huge financial burden on the Indian people and healthcare system, with the annual cost of treating diabetes consuming anywhere from 5 to 34 percent of personal income in India.
More sobering, while the study looked only at young adults in New Delhi, Prabhakaran said that heart risk factors in rural areas of southern India have also risen quickly over the last decade, nearing levels seen in urban areas.
Reducing cardiovascular disease and its risk factors requires a policy response, Prabhakaran added.
Particularly tobacco control, making fruits and vegetables available locally and affordable, and an enabling environment to improve physical activity.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Guidelines help prevent heart attack deaths

27 April 2011
When doctors follow guidelines for treating patients after a heart attack, more patients survive, according to a new study from Sweden published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
[FONT=&quot]The findings show that things that we test in clinical trials do work in real life (and) make huge impacts on mortality, said Dr. Debabrata Mukherjee, a cardiologist at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in El Paso who wrote a commentary published with the study in JAMA.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Despite better adherence to guidelines, there is still room for improvement in Sweden and abroad, researchers saidwhich should be accompanied by still better outcomes for patients.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In the current study, Dr. Tomas Jernberg of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and his colleagues consulted a database of over 61,000 patients treated in Sweden between 1996 and 2007 for a certain kind of heart attack that damages a lot of heart muscle.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]During that period, Sweden introduced new guidelines outlining the best way to treat patients who had just had a heart attack.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And over those 12 years, treatments that have been proven to help heart attack patients - including drugs to break up blood clots and procedures to open arteries - became more common.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]For example, statins were prescribed to 23 percent of heart attack patients in 1996 and 1997, compared to 83 percent in 2006 and 2007. Just 12 percent of patients had an angioplasty after a heart attack at the beginning of the study, compared to 61 percent by the end.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At the same time, fewer patients died after having a heart attack in the studys later years. The chance of dying in the year following a heart attack dropped from 21 percent to 13 percent.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Jernberg and his colleagues calculated that patients who were treated in the mid-2000s lived an average of 2.7 years longer after their heart attack than patients from the mid-1990s.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]But not all hospitals have been quick to make standard treatments the norm, Jernberg said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]There are variations (in) how quickly they adopt new treatments, he told Reuters Health in an email. These variations are not as large as in previous years, but there is still room for improvement.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mukherjee said that the story is the same in the United States: positive changes, but not everyone fully on board.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Weve certainly gotten better, (but) were not at 100 percent. And even now, hospitals differ, Mukherjee told Reuters Health.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He emphasized that patients can help ensure they get the best treatment after a heart attack by educating themselves on different procedures and medications, and by knowing that treatment doesnt end when they leave the hospital.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]For example, We see a lot of problems with patients who stop taking their medication when they start feeling better, Mukherjee said. But those medications need to be taken long-term to prevent future heart problems.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That long-term mentality needs to apply to doctors as well, said Dr. Robert Yeh, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who was not involved in the study.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Really, the episode of care...goes from when the patient presents with a heart attack and really extends for the years following to make sure they dont develop complications, Yeh told Reuters Health.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Researchers also proposed quicker feedback for doctors and decision support - which requires doctors to answer questions about the treatment they are giving a patient as they give it - to improve adherence to guidelines.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And improvements in treatment need to happen faster, said Dr. Eric Peterson, a cardiologist at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, who is also an editor at JAMA.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The bad news is that was a 12-year period of time to do something that we needed to do, Peterson told Reuters Health of the new Swedish findings. Thats way too long. Think about how many patients along the way ... didnt get treated before we got to those high rates of adherence.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Still, Yeh said, the study as a whole represents a real success story.[/FONT]

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Hot red pepper can help burn calories

28 April 2011, 8:45 AM
Spicing up the daily diet with some red pepper can curb appetite and help burn unwanted calories, a study says.
We found that consuming red pepper can help manage appetite and burn more calories after a meal, especially for individuals who do not consume the spice regularly, said Richard Mattes, professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University, who led the study.
Dietary changes that dont require great effort to implement, like sprinkling red pepper on your meal, may be sustainable and beneficial in the long run, especially when paired with exercise and healthy eating, the journal Physiology and Behaviour, quoting Mattes, said.
Other studies have found that capsaicin, the component that gives chili peppers their heat, can reduce hunger and increase energy expenditure burning calories.
The current study measured the effects of the spice using quantities of red pepperone gram or half a teaspoonthat are acceptable for many consumers, according to a Purdue statement.
Other studies also have looked at consumption via a capsule, but doctoral student Mary-Jon Ludy and Mattes study demonstrated that tasting the red pepper may optimise its effects.
This study used ordinary dried, ground cayenne red pepper.
Cayenne is a chili pepper, which is among the most commonly consumed spices in the world.
Most, but not all, chili peppers contain capsaicin.
A group of non-overweight people, half who liked spicy food and half who did not, participated in the six-week study.
The preferred level of pepper for each group was determined in advance, and those who did not like red pepper preferred 0.3 grams compared to regular spice users who preferred 1.8 grams.
In general, red pepper consumption did increase core body temperature and burn more calories through natural energy expenditure.
Mattes said the findings also show that red pepper should be consumed in non-capsule form because the taste - the sensory experience - maximises the digestive process.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Low-fat dairy doesnt help kids lose weight

29 April 2011, 9:04 AM
Kids who swap out regular dairy products for low-fat varieties consume less saturated fat but dont seem to lose weight, according to Australian researchers.
They found neither weight nor body mass index (BMI) had changed noticeably six months after children switched to low- or reduced-fat dairy products.
Instead of trimming their waistlines, kids who slashed fat intake appeared to compensate by eating more calories from other sources, according to the new findings, which appear in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Still, there might be other benefits to cutting back on saturated fat, said Dr. Frank Franklin, a retired professor of nutrition and pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who was not involved in the study.
For instance, it might help kids stave off heart disease as they grow up, Franklin told Reuters Health.
For the study, Gilly Hendrie and Rebecca Golley of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization divided 145 kids ages four to 13 into two groups. The researchers asked one group to replace their dairy products with low-fat varieties for six months, while the other got no dietary advice.
Both groups consumed similar amounts of dairy products, and the total calorie intake remained more or less stable over the study, which was supported in part by Dairy Australia.
Nurses interviewed the kids and parents on their dairy eating habits at the beginning of the study, and at three and six months. They also drew blood and measured BMI and waist circumference.
The low-fat group did consume less overall fat. At the end of the study, they got 13.3 percent of their total calories from saturated fat, compared to 16.6 percent in the comparison group.
This is a significant change, Franklin noted, but still above the 10 percent recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He added that American kids generally are closer than Australians to getting the recommended amount.
There was also a small drop in cholesterol levels in the low-fat group, but their waistline, BMI and weight were no different.
According to Greg Miller of the National Dairy Council (NDC), which represents the industry in the U.S., this falls in line with other research on kids, where milk shows either a positive or neutral impact on body composition.
A lot of researchers say that if we just get people to consume low-fat or reduced-fat products, we can have an impact on weight, Miller told Reuters Health.
But as this study shows, the kids made up for the lost calories elsewhere in their diet. So looking at milk alone is not that helpful, Miller said.
Franklin said its safe to switch to leaner dairy products, which have less cholesterol but the same amount of nutrients, mainly calcium and vitamin D.
The only thing given up is saturated fat, which you dont need, he said, adding that skim and two-percent milk cost the same as whole milk.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Traditional herbal medicines safe: EU

29 April 2011, 7:52 PM
BRUSSELS From Sunday, the European Unions half a billion people can rest assured that traditional herbal medicines on sale on the shelves are safe and effective, the European Commission said Friday.
May 1 is the deadline for the expiry of a seven-year transition period set by the European Union to register and authorise traditional herbal medicines.
Patients can now be confident about the traditional herbal medicinal products they buy in the EU, said the commissioner for health John Dalli.
We have now reached the end of a long transition period which has given producers and importers of traditional herbal medicinal products the necessary time to show that their products have an acceptable level of safety and efficiency.
Under EU rules set in place in 2004, products had to be registered to be authorised for sale, with applicants asked to provide documentation showing products were not harmful.
They also had to show products had a proven track record that they were used safely for at least 30 years, including half of that period in the EU.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Fish livers contain beneficial fatty acids

30 April 2011, 10:40 AM
The fishing industry usually discards fish livers, but they are actually a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids which are beneficial to health, according to a new study.
Fish livers have hardly been used to date, with exceptions such as cod livers, which are used to produce the well-known medicinal oil.

However, these organs contain compounds that are beneficial to health, according to researchers from the University of Almeria, Spain, reports the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.

"The livers of edible fish are a good source of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), especially those in the omega 3 family, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)," said Jose Luis Guil-Guerrero, who led the study.

These fatty acids are used to prevent and treat some kinds of cancer, depression, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, behavioural problems and cardiovascular diseases, according to an Almeria statement.

The study focused on 12 kinds of fish that are commonly eaten in south eastern Spain, such as hake, shortfin mako and European pilchard.

The livers of the great weever and the European anchovy were those that showed up the highest levels of LCPUFA.

Besides, all the species had a combination of omega-3/omega-6 acids that was "beneficial for human consumption", especially in the case of the liver of the blue whiting.

"Unfortunately, discarding these livers means that all their nutritional properties are missed," said Guil-Guerrero, "and if they were used this would also reduce the environmental pollution caused by throwing innards into the water".

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Fish Oil

Fish oil, made from the tissue of oily fish-such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, lake trout and sardines-has many health benefits. Fish oil contains important Omega-3 fatty acids , most notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to have health benefits ranging from reducing the risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease to combating depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Fish Oil Benefits
Heart Problems
The intake of the recommended amount of DHA and EPA has been shown to have many heart healthy benefits. Consumption of dietary fish or fish oil supplements can lower triglycerides-a certain type of blood fat-and increase "good" cholesterol, while slightly thinning the blood. All of these factors help reduce the risk of heart attack. Fish oil also helps to prevent dangerous abnormal heart rhythms that can cause sudden cardiac death, and strokes in people with known cardiovascular disease. In addition to the numerous benefits already mentioned for the heart, fish oil can also slow the hardening of arteries and slightly lower blood pressure-two more important factors of heart health.

Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the heart; they also help to reduce inflammation. This is perhaps one of the most valuable benefits of the Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, as inflammation is associated with many serious diseases. Heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, and Alzheimer's, for example, are characterized by increased levels of pro-inflammatory markers. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil reduce inflammation by preventing production of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules. This may help to prevent serious illness associated with inflammation.

The ability of fish oil to reduce inflammation is not only good for preventing serious illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. Fish oil is also effective in reducing the symptoms and pain of arthritis. Morning stiffness and joint tenderness was shown to decrease with regular intake of fish oil supplements. Fish oil does not act as a painkiller, and it takes regular use before a difference is noticed. However, fish oil is a viable, natural way to reduce the pain and symptoms associated with arthritis if one is dedicated to the long term outcome rather than focused on immediate cessation of symptoms.

As if the benefits of fish oil on heart health and arthritis were not enough, it is believed that fish oil also helps with anti-aging as well. Omega-3 fatty acids slow the rate at which protective caps on the end of chromosomes shorten, thus increasing the lifespan of cells. The caps, or telomeres, are made from copied strands of DNA and prevent the chromosomes from becoming damaged. When a cell divides, its telomere gets shorter until it can get no shorter and the DNA becomes damaged. When the DNA is damaged the cell no longer divides. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil slows the deterioration of the telomeres, resulting in longer life of cells.

Age-related macular degeneration - better sight Prolonging the life of cells is not the only anti-aging benefit of fish oil. Fish oil has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. A major component of the eye's retina is DHA, accounting for 60% of the fatty acids in the retina. Macular degeneration is a common cause of blindness in the elderly and has no effective treatment. Omega-3 fatty acids help support healthy circulation and blood vessel strength, as well as naturally lowering cholesterol levels-all of which are causes of macular degeneration. Due to the benefits of fish oil, it may prove to be the first effective treatment against macular degeneration.

Fish oil benefits to pregnant women and the unborn children
The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are not only for the aging or those facing serious medical issues. Fish oil has also been shown to be beneficial to pregnant women and the unborn child. It is recommended that a pregnant woman have 900 mg of fish oil per day, which is equivalent to a serving of salmon per day. The benefits to the unborn child are numerous and include: a healthier brain with increased intelligence; good nervous system development; better eyesight from retina formation; fewer behavioral problems after birth; and better sleeping patterns as a new born. The mother also receives benefits from her consumption of fish oil. These benefits include: a lower chance of developing preeclampsia; a decreased chance of preterm labor; and a greatly reduced incidence of breast cancer. With benefits such as those, all pregnant women should adhere to the recommended daily dosage of fish oil and thus increase her odds of delivering a happy and healthy child. The reason fish oil is so beneficial to the unborn child is because 70% of a newborn's brain, retina and nervous system are made up of the Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. Therefore, increasing the amount of these fatty acids present in the mother's diet, and therefore being given to her unborn child, aides in the child's development of the brain, retina and nervous system.

Benefits of fish oil to mental health
Not only is fish oil beneficial to physical health, fish oil is also beneficial to mental health. Alzheimer's is a debilitating disease causing memory loss, dementia, personality change, and eventually death. People with Alzheimer's have a reduced amount of a protein called LR11, which prevents toxic "plaques-deposits" of a protein that are toxic to neurons in the brain. The Omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, increases the production of the protein LR11, thus decreasing the amount of toxic "plaques" and helping to prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's.

Fish oil and depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia
Fish oil does not only help prevent Alzheimer's. It also helps to prevent mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the proper functioning of dopamine and serotonin signaling systems in the brain. Both dopamine and serotonin levels, and the signaling system of those hormones, are believed to contribute to the occurrence of depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Therefore, Omega-3 fatty acids may help to regulate those hormones and lessen the symptoms of these severe mental illnesses. Combined with typical drug therapy, fish oil high in Omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to help regulate the moods of those suffering from these three illnesses.

Fish oil Omega-3 fatty acids and our bodies

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are extremely important to the overall health of our minds and bodies. For that reason, it is important to understand how our bodies obtain these important fatty acids. The human body cannot make Omega-3 fatty acids, and therefore is dependent on outside sources for the essential fatty acids. In all circumstances where these fatty acids are believed to be medically beneficial, we must get it through either food (i.e. eating the recommended 2 servings of fish per week) or through a fish oil supplement.

Fish oil supplements, quality and how fish oil is manufactured

If a fish oil supplement is used to obtain the essential Omega-3 fatty acids, it is important to know how to determine the quality of the fish oil. However, in order to determine the quality, one must first understand exactly how fish oil is manufactured. First, the oily fish enters a processing plant and is cut into pieces. These pieces are then cooked with steam. The cooked fish is then pressed to separate the fat free solid from the liquid, which consists of oil and water. The fat free solid is processed into fish meal, which is commonly used in animal feed, while the liquid is further processed to separate the water from the oil. The separated water has solids in it and is added back into the fish meal to be used in animal feed, while the separated oil is further processed to remove impurities. Finally, anti-oxidants are added to the fish oil and the finished oil is placed in steel storage containers. Thus, fish oil is created.

With an understanding of the manufacturing process, one can more easily determine the quality of the fish oil, as the quality depends on the type of fish used and the purity standards followed when refining the oil. Salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies are the richest sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, therefore making fish oil made from these fish the most desirable. In order to assess the purity standards followed during the refining of the fish oil, contacting the company that manufactures the fish oil is the best option. When contacting the company, a request for documentation of product verification by a third party laboratory should be requested. A company that is responsible, has done their homework, and has received good marks from third party verification should be happy to provide this information.

Another indication of quality is the ratio of EPA and DHA per capsule. Many manufacturers include the milligrams of fish oil on their labels. However, less than one third of that number is actually the essential Omega-3 fatty acids. In order to determine the quality of the fish oil and Omega-3s then, the amounts of EPA and DHA per serving must be added. For example, a fish oil capsule that is 1,000 mg fish oil may contain 200 mg of EPA and 150 mg of DHA, meaning the capsule provides 350 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Here are a few simple rules to follow in order to choose the highest quality fish oil supplement:

- The fish oil must contain Omega-3 fatty acids, not just "fish oil." Remember, it is from the Omega-3 fatty acids that we receive health benefits.

- The supplement should list the total amount of EPA and DHA on the label. You want to get a supplement where the total of the EPA and DHA adds up to the total amount of oils in the product. If there is only 350 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids but the capsule is 1,000 mg, what kind of oil makes up the missing 650 mg? The closer to the overall capsule size, the better.

- The oil should be pressed only from the flesh of the fish. Some supplements are pressed from heads, tails, or internal organs. You wouldn't eat these parts on a fish if you were obtaining your Omega-3 fatty acids via the food source. Thus, you shouldn't want a supplement made out of the inedible parts of the fish either.

- The fish used for the oil should be health screened and disease free. This means the manufacturer needs to know where their fish is coming from and must assess the fish before including them in their processing plant.

- The fish oil should not have been molecularly distilled. Molecularly distilling oxidizes and alters the natural form of the oil. Sometimes the oil is molecularly distilled to remove toxins. However, the fish should not have been contaminated in the first place and so should not have required molecular distillation. If the fish in the supplement required molecular distillation, you have to ask how polluted the fish oil was before the distillation and decide if you really want to put that low quality of fish oil in your body.

In addition to label checking to ensure quality, product contamination affects the quality level of fish oil supplements, and is a common concern. A particular concern is the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and heavy metals such as mercury. It is common knowledge that fish contains mercury and mercury in high levels is detrimental to health. However, recent studies failed to find detectable levels of mercury in products of fish oil that were analyzed. Additionally, significant levels of PCBs and dioxins were not found either. It is believed that mercury was not found in detectable levels because most mercury in fish is concentrated in the meat, rather than the oil. Another reason for the undetectable levels of mercury is the distillation process that the fish oil supplements undergo. This process removes contaminants, such as heavy metals and other toxins. Therefore, while product contamination is a legitimate concern, it is not one that needs to be considered too deeply.

Another important factor regarding the quality, and safety, of fish oil is whether or not the fish oil is rancid. This is a legitimate concern and one that is increasingly worrisome. Tests in 2009 showed that an alarming number of sampled fish oil capsules contained "oxidative byproducts," which indicate that the fish oil is degrading and becoming rancid. While fish oil that is not rancid promotes heart health and numerous other health benefits, rancid fish oil has the opposite effect, actually promoting heart disease and other chronic illnesses. The reason rancid fish oil is such a concern is because fish oil begins to oxidize as soon as it is extracted from the fish. The oil then begins to go rancid within days, though the majority of labeled fish oil supplements indicates that the capsules are good for three to four years. Further, because the oil is enclosed in capsules, consumers are not able to tell whether or not the fish oil is rancid. Fortunately, there is a solution to the issue of rancid fish oil. Fortifying fish oil with anti-oxidants, especially vitamin E, prevents oxidation. It is imperative then that manufacturers use the most effective form of vitamin E-gamma and delta-rather than the less effective (and less expensive) alpha tocopherol.

Knowing that it is highly possible for fish oil capsules purchased to go rancid very quickly, it is imperative that you ascertain the quality and safety of the fish oil that you purchase. There are some easy and effective ways to do this. Testing your fish oil capsules is an effective measure of whether or not they rancid. Bite into the capsule. It should taste fresh and slightly fishy. If it tastes bad or has an extremely fishy taste, it is rancid. Throw the entire bottle away and do not buy that brand again. To increase your odds of receiving capsules that are not rancid, check the label closely and choose a brand that uses d-gamma and d-delta forms of tocopherols (vitamin E). These help to prevent oxidation and rancidity, so brands using these more expensive forms of vitamin E are more likely to be good when you bite into that capsule to check. Do not buy the cheapest brand of fish oil. It might sound more appealing to pay a few dollars less, but it isn't worth it in the long run. If the brand is significantly less than other brands, chances are it uses the lesser quality vitamin E and does not adequately prevent against oxidation and rancidity.

To emphasize how important this is we will state this again - it is imperative never to take fish oil supplements that are rancid. The purpose of the fish oil is to better your general health and help prevent serious illness. Consuming rancid fish oil will do just the opposite.

Fish oil side effects

The quality of the fish oil consumed is extremely important, and now it shouldn't be quite so confusing or difficult to ensure that the highest quality is obtained. Even if the highest quality fish oil supplement is ensured, however, there are still possible side effects to consuming these supplements that one should be aware of. Generally, doses of 3 mg or fewer of fish oil supplements per day produce little to no side effects. However, fish oil does have a slight blood thinning effect-an effect that helps to explain why it is so beneficial for heart health, and an effect that is not necessarily bad in and of itself. This blood thinning effect can increase the risks of bleeding, easy bruising and nose bleeds though. This is especially important to consider if you are taking other blood thinning herbs or medication, because concurrent use of blood thinning medications or herbs may increase the risks of bleeding. The fact that fish oil causes blood thinning and thus increases the risk of bleeding, the use of fish oil supplements should be stopped prior to surgery and it is extremely important that you tell your doctor if you are taking fish oil supplements so your doctor can advise you as to the proper procedure that should be taken in preparation for surgery.

Fish oil dosage

High dosages of fish oil supplements increase the risk of side effects, such as bleeding, easy bruising and nose bleeds, whereas low dosages generally have little to no associated side effects. The amount of fish oil one should take depends heavily on the reasoning behind their consumption of fish oil. Dosage should always be discussed with your medical doctor, and should be discusses especially if taking fish oil for a specific medical condition. However, here are some general guidelines for specific fish oil dosages:

- Aging 1,000 mg twice a day
- Angina 2,000 mg fish oils 3 times a day
- Arrhythmia 1,000 mg 3 times a day
- Asthma 1,000 mg 3 times a day
- Cancer 3 capsules twice a day
- Crohn's Disease 2,000 mg twice a day
- Diabetes 2,000 mg 3 times a day
- Eczema 1,000 mg 3 times a day
- Gout 1,000 mg 3 times a day
- Heart Disease Prevention 1,000 mg 3 times a day
- High Blood Pressure 1,000 mg 3 times a day
- Lupus 2,000 mg 3 times a day
- Psoriasis 2,000 mg 3 times a day
- Raynaud's disease 1,000 mg 4 times a day
- Rheumatoid Arthritis 1000 mg (2 capsules) containing 600 mg EPA/DHA, twice a day
- Skin Health 1,000 mg a day with food
- Stroke 1,000 mg 3 times a day

The FDA does not have a specific recommended dosage for fish oil. However, the FDA does recommend that an average healthy person (above the age of 5) should not take more than 3,000 mg of fish oil per day. The list above exceeds that recommendation in some cases, and is why the advice of a medical doctor should be followed before determining the proper dosage of fish oil when used for specific medical conditions.

The World Health Organization recommends starting dosages of fish oil at 300 - 500 mg per day, as it is a good idea to start slowly in order to see how your body feels and to ensure there are no adverse side effects or allergies. While starting out slow is a good idea, it is important to note that most of the research praising the benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids is done using dosages of 1,000 mg and up. For example, the American Heart Association recommends a daily dosage of 2,000 - 4,000 mg for high triglycerides, and a daily dosage of 1,000 mg for coronary artery disease. Additionally, some people believe extremely high dosages are effective in treating major issues like depression (4,000 mg), and lupus and arthritis (6,000 mg). If fish oil is being taken for a specific medical condition that suggests a higher dosage than the recommended 3,000 mg per day, it is important to start out slow and work up to the higher dosage. When discussing fish oil dosage with your doctor be sure to bring up starting up slow and seek medical advice on the best way to slowly increase dosage until the desired amount is reached.

Fish oil dosage and medical advice
Varying opinions and recommendations regarding the proper dosage of fish oil makes it essential that medical advice is sought before determining and beginning any dosage, but particularly any dosage above the FDA's recommendation of 3,000 mg daily. Additionally, due to the blood thinning effect of fish oil supplements, anyone with a chronic blood disorder should consult a medical doctor before taking ANY dosage of fish oil.

Eating fish as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids

For general health it is recommended that two 3-ounce servings of fish are eaten per week. However, it is important to note that it is difficult to get an adequate dose of fish oil, high in Omega-3 fatty acids, from food alone. Therefore, supplements such as capsules and chewable tablets are necessary. It sometimes occurs that someone is unable to take the capsules or chewable tablets for various reasons.

Side effects of fish oil supplements

These supplements are known to cause belching with an undesirable fish flavor, as well as sometimes causing an upset stomach, nausea and diarrhea. If these side effects are frequent and cause individual distress, liquid fish oil may be the best alternative.

Liquid fish oil

Liquid preparations are more expensive, in general, than capsules and tablets. However, the liquid versions are usually flavored and therefore do not carry the undesirable side effect of "fishy" belches and may be easier to swallow. Liquid fish oil preparations can give the same amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, and are therefore worth the cost if the capsules and tablets are for any reason intolerable. However, due to the price difference, if tablets or capsules are tolerable they are the more cost effective supplement. Liquid preparations of fish oil may still result in side effects of diarrhea and nausea, as well as adding calories to your daily diet.

If neither capsule or tablets or liquid fish oil works for any number of reasons, there are alternatives rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that do not include fish oil at all.

Fish oil alternatives

Krill oil
One alternative is krill oil. Krill are shrimp-like crustaceans that feed on phytoplankton, and that contain Omega-3 fatty acids as well as an antioxidant called astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that protects the eyes, brain and central nervous system from free radical damage. Krill oil is often used as a substitute for fish oil, because it does not cause fishy belches or aftertastes like fish oil often does. In addition to the lack of those side effects, krill oil also contains more astaxanthin than fish oil. Krill oil is not an appropriate alternative for anyone allergic to seafood or for people with blood disorders. Side effects include loose stools, diarrhea, and indigestion.

Other alternatives for fish oil are alternatives that may be best for vegetarians or for people who simply cannot stand seafood of any variety for any reason.

Algae, nuts and seeds
One vegetarian alternative is to consume algae such as spirulina in combination with nuts or seeds. The spirulina assists the body in converting Omegal-3 fats from the nuts or seeds, giving the same effect as fish oil. Spirulina as the algae and flax seed oil is the most frequent combination, and this is a common vegetarian alternative to fish oil. Flax seed oil also has other health benefits in addition to acting as a replacement for fish oil when combined with algae such as spirulina. Another combination similar to spirulina and flax seed oil is an edible wee known as purslane.

Purslane is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and has more Omega-3 than other dark leafy greens such as kale, chard and spinach. Walnuts are an excellent choice for the nut option, as well, and in combination with the dark leafy greens mentioned above would make a great salad. This combination of algae or dark leafy greens and nuts is also a popular alternative due to the sustainability of using algae and plants as a supplement.

Black Current Oil
Another popular vegetarian alternative to fish oil is Black Current Oil. Omega-3 fatty acids ALA and Stearidonic Acid, present in Black Current Oil, are said to improve cardiovascular health and help maintain hormones that can lead to some types of depression. However, the FDA has not confirmed the claims regarding Black Current Oil.

Finally, there are vegetarian fish oil replacement supplements available in some nutritional and drug stores.

Seven Seas Vegetarian Omega-3
One such replacement is Seven Seas Vegetarian Omega-3. While these alternatives are not as easy to find as the traditional fish oil supplements, they are available with enough investigation and are readily available at various online health retailers.

As with any health regimen, proper nutrition and exercise are important factors in the well being of our bodies. Adding Omega-3 fatty acids through traditional diet of fish, fish oil supplements, or vegetarian alternatives, will further benefit overall health and harvest the fish oil benefits. With the guidance of your medical doctor, fish oil can be used to combat specific ailments and may help to ensure the long-term health of both body and mind.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Left-handed people more fearful

1 May 2011, 2:30 PM
Left-handed people are more affected by fear than their right-handed counterparts, a study says.
Psychologists found that people who watched an eight minute clip from a scary movie suffered more symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress if they were left-handed.

When asked to recall events from the film clip, taken from near the tense climax of thriller "Silence of the Lambs", left-handed volunteers gave more fragmented accounts filled with more repetition, the Telegraph reports.

This effect is common in people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

The scientists now believe their results could provide new insights into how people develop post traumatic stress and the way the brain deals with fear.

Carolyn Choudhary, who led the research at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, said: "The prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder is almost double in left-handers compared to right-handers.

"We used a portion of film from 'Silence of the Lambs' that we know elicits fear, so we could check the recalled account against the film. People who were left-handed showed significantly more fragmentation in their memories and more repetition.

"It seems that after experiencing a fearful event, even on film, people who are left-handed had subtle behaviours that were like people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder."

"Silence of the Lambs", starring Anthony Hopkins as serial killer Hannibal Lector and Jodie Foster as a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent Clarice Starling, is widely regarded as one of the most tense thrillers ever made.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Supervised exercise most effective for diabetics
Julie Steenhuysen (Reuters)

4 May 2011
CHICAGO Diabetics get the most benefit when they exercise more than 150 minutes per week in a supervised fitness or exercise program tailored to their needs, an analysis released on Tuesday suggests.
The findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, suggest it may be time for policymakers to consider reimbursing patients for the cost of health club memberships and sessions with a personal trainer as a way to help control diabetes.
Diabetes and prediabetes will account for an estimated 10 percent of total health care spending by the end of the decade at an annual cost of almost $500 billion up from an estimated $194 billion this year, according to a report by health insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc.
In October, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention projected that up to a third of U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050 if Americans continue to gain weight and avoid exercise.
Cost analyses have shown that use of a health plan-sponsored health club benefit by the general older population and by older adults with diabetes was associated with slower increases in total healthcare costs over two years, Dr. Marco Pahor of the University of Florida wrote in an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
In the study, Daniel Umpierre of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre in Brazil and colleagues analyzed data from 47 clinical trials and more than 8,000 patients, looking for the best way for diabetics to control their blood sugar.
They found that diabetics who participated in a supervised exercise program for more than 150 minutes a week did a better job of lowering their blood sugar than just being advised to exercise.
Diabetics who did supervised exercise training cut a measure of blood sugar known as hemoglobin A1c by 0.67 percent compared with control group participants.
Pahor said clinical trials are needed to prove that supervised exercise programs help diabetics the most but he said it may be time to consider paying for these programs as a way to prevent larger health costs linked with the complications of diabetes.
Complications related to diabetes can include heart and kidney disease, nerve damage, blindness and circulatory problems that can lead to wounds that will not heal and limb amputations.
Diabetes, which is reaching epidemic proportions and is one of the fastest-growing diseases in the United States, currently affects about 26 million Americans.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Black Seeds

"A cure for every disease except death." (Sahih Bukhari)

Black seed, Black cumin, Nigella sativa, Kalonji, Schwarzcummel, sinouj, Nutmeg flower, Black caraway, Habba sowda, fennel flower...
Black seed (Nigella sativa) is considered to be one of the greatest healing herbs of all times. This herb has been used for millenniums to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, purify the blood, protect against irritants and support healthy longevity. Long forgotten this herb is now enjoying a positive and welcomed come-back.
What is Black Seed?

An annual herbaceous plant, black seed (Nigella sativa) is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean region but has been cultivated into other parts of the world including Saudi Arabia, northern Africa and parts of Asia.
Tiny and hairy, being no more than 3mm in length, black seed originates from the common fennel flower plant (Nigella sativa) of the buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. Nigella sativa is sometimes mistakenly confused with the fennel herb plant (Foeniculum vulgare).
The plant has finely divided foliage and pale bluish purple or white flowers. The flowers grow terminally on its branches while the leaves grow opposite each other in pairs, on either side of the stem. Its lower leaves are small and petiole, and the upper leaves are long (6-10cm). The stalk of the plant reaches a height of twelve to eighteen inches as its fruit, the black seed, matures.
Nigella sativa reproduces with itself and forms a fruit capsule which consists of many white trigonal seeds. Once the fruit capsule has matured, it opens up and the seeds contained within are exposed to the air, becoming black in color (black seeds).
Nigella sativa and its black seed are known by other names, varying between places. Some call it black caraway, others call it black cumin (Kalonji), or even coriander seeds. In English, the Nigella sativa plant is commonly referred to as "Love in a Mist". Nevertheless, this is Nigella sativa, which has been known and used from ancient times and is also known in Persian as Shonaiz.
The most pertinent point to be made about black seed is that it should be regarded as part of an overall holistic approach to health and ideally should be incorporated into one's everyday lifestyle. In this way, the many nutritional and healing properties contained in the seed can help build the body's immune system over time, supplying it with the optimum resources it needs to help prevent and fight illness.
History of the Black Seed

Nigella sativa was discovered in Tutankhamen's tomb, implying that it played an important role in ancient Egyptian practices. Although its exact role in Egyptian culture is not known, we do know that items entombed with a king were carefully selected to assist him in the afterlife.
The earliest written reference to black seed is found in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. Isaiah contrasts the reaping of black cumin with wheat: For the black cumin is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a cart wheel rolled over the cumin, but the black cumin is beaten out with a stick, and the cumin with a rod. (Isaiah 28:25,27 NKJV). Easton's Bible Dictionary clarifies that the Hebrew word for black cumin, "ketsah," refers to "without doubt the Nigella sativa, a small annual of the order Ranunculaceae which grows wild in the Mediterranean countries, and is cultivated in Egypt and Syria for its seed."
Dioscoredes, a Greek physician of the 1st century, recorded that black seeds were taken to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache, and intestinal worms. They were also used, he reported, as a diuretic to promote menstruation and increase milk production.
The Muslim scholar al-Biruni (973-1048), who composed a treatise on the early origins of Indian and Chinese drugs, mentions that the black seed is a kind of grain called alwanak in the Sigzi dialect. Later, this was confirmed by Suhar Bakht who explained it to be habb-i-Sajzi (viz. Sigzi grains). This reference to black seed as "grains" points to the seed's possible nutritional use during the tenth and eleventh centuries.
In the Greco-Arab/Unani-Tibb system of medicine, which originated from Hippocrates, his contemporary Galen and Ibn Sina, black seed has been regarded as a valuable remedy in hepatic and digestive disorders and has been described as a stimulant in a variety of conditions, ascribed to an imbalance of cold humours.
Ibn Sina (980-1037), most famous for his volumes called "The Canon of Medicine," regarded by many as the most famous book in the history of medicine, East or West, refers to black seed as the seed "that stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue or disspiritedness."
Black seed is also included in the list of natural drugs of Al-Tibb al-Nabawi, and, according to tradition, "Hold onto the use of the black seed for it has a remedy for every illness except death." This prophetic reference in describing black seed as "having a remedy for all illnesses" may not be so exaggerated as it at first appears. Recent research has provided evidence which indicates that black seed contains an ability to significantly boost the human immune system - if taken over time. The prophetic phrase, "hold onto the use of the seed," also emphasizes consistent usage of the seed.
Black seed has been traditionally and successfully used in the Middle and Far East countries for centuries to treat ailments including bronchial asthma and bronchitis, rheumatism and related inflammatory diseases, to increase milk production in nursing mothers, to treat digestive disturbances, to support the body's immune system, to promote digestion and elimination, and to fight parasitic infestation. Its oil has been used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and boils and is used topically to treat cold symptoms.
The many uses of black seed has earned for this medicinal herb the Arabic approbation habbatul barakah, meaning "the seed of blessing."
Primary Properties of the Black Seed

As the evidence presented in this section will show, it is quite probable that as medical science increasingly learns more about black seed, one or more of its more active ingredients may become combined into a pharmacy prescription for specific conditions. In the event that this does occur, it is also likely that this particular extract of black seed will be chemically compounded and thus become a more potent medicine.
While it may be argued that chemical additives may increase black seed's effectiveness in treating specific conditions, the healing principles of black seed in its pure, natural form should also be taken into account.
Black seed, in its complete, natural form, acts on the principle of assisting the body's own natural healing process in overcoming illness or maintaining health. It works on the part or system of the body affected without disturbing its natural balance elsewhere.
The effect of black seed's combined nutitrional and medicinal value is that not only does it help relieve the current condition at hand, but also helps the body build further resistance against future ailments or disease.
While historical evidence suggests black seed's potential use for a wide variety of ailments, we have limited our descriptions of its primary healing properties here to the most recent research findings on black seed.
How Does Black Seed Benefit?

The majority of our health problems have the same causes- infection by micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. When using clinical (allopathic medicines) each symptom is treated individually and usually with synthetic chemically manufactured medicines that contain alcohol and other harmful ingredients. Black seed is effective at treating the body as a whole and fights the actual cause of the symptoms. Black seed regulates too weak or too strong reactions of the immune system and is excellent for treating chronic, allergic and hormonal diseases.It uses are many as well as its benefit. Black seed support metabolism, improve digestion, and lowers blood sugar levels. It is used to dispel worms and parasites from intestinal track. It is useful in soothing bronchitis and coughs,increase body tone, stimulates menstrual periods, increases the flow of breast milk, provides quick energy, increases sperm count, calms the nervous system, encourages hair growth and retards hair fall out, prevents skin wrinkling, and much more.
How is Black Seed Used?

Black seed can be used in many ways. As a dietary supplement we recommend one teaspoon once or twice a day. the correct dosage is dependent on whether you are using it for prevention or treatment of acute problems. In one particular study in Munich, 600 allergy patients were given 500mg of black seed oil twice a day for 3 months. A clear improvement was observed in 85% of the patients. The oil can be mixed into any cold liquid or yogurt. It can also be applied topically for arthritis, eczema, psoriasis,and scalp ointment. The herb can be mixed with any hot or cold beverage or food. It can be used as a spice in vegetable or meat recipes. Click on our uses & recipes page The benefits are obtained through whichever way you choose.
Is Black Seed Ayurveda Medicine?

We consider Back seed Prophetic Medicine since it was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) over 1400 years ago. He in his divine wisdom said "Use this Black seed, it has a cure for every disease except death.Although Black seed does follow the Ayurveda theory with respect to the bitter alkaloid component, nigelline. According to the Ayurveda Theory bitter components work cooling, light and dry; after consumption they are sharp. It lowers fever, cleanses and dries excretions out. It gives tone to tissue and strengthens it, and even helps by skin irritations. It stimulates the appetite and metabolism and helps digestive problems. Bitter components also make it possible to eliminate excess acids
Why is Black Seed Considered a Universal Remedy?

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) said in his divine wisdom about the Black seed
"Use this Black seed, it has a cure for every disease except death". (Sahih Bukhari)
Black seed unquestionably has a positive and stabilizing effect on the human immune system which . Moreover, since diseases are the result of defective immune systems, it is fair to assume that the beneficial effects go beyond skin disorders and allergies. Since the immune system has a direct or indirect effect on all the systems of the body, when you are infected by any disease, the power of the immunity system affects the cure of this disease.
Are There Any Side Effects?

Black seed is a safe and effective herb that can be used by almost anyone. No irritations or side effects are caused when the right dose is correctly applied. Its benefits are obtained through consistent use,the effects are medium to long term. Diabetes is useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus or diabetes caused by an allergy. However it is recommended that the treatment be supervises because Black seed does lower blood sugar levels. Black seed should not be taken by pregnant women if their wombs are sensitive (Many Muslim women take it while pregnant and no harm has been found. I, Asma Rice, personally have taken it in all of my pregnancies without any harm, Alhamdulillah).
What Are Some Nutritional Components?

Black seed contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It contains about 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates and 35% plant fats and oils. The contents are similar to evening primrose oil, but because of its complex composition, it is much stronger. The active ingredients of black seed are Thymoquinone, Nigellone, and Fixed oils. it also contains in significant proportions protein, Carbohydrates and Essential fatty acids. Other ingredients include Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2,Niacin, and Vitamin C.
Has There Been Any Scientific Reserach Done?

There has been numerous on going research on the effects of Black seed since 1959. Research carried out at major international universities and articles published in various scientific journals documenting the astonishing results of the Black seed. In 1960, Egyptian researchers confirmed that Nigellone was responsible for Black seeds broncho-dilating effect. Scientists in Germany have confirmed the anti-bacterial and antimycotic effects of black seed oil. Scientist sat the Cancer and Immuno-Biological Laboratory have found that Black seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells and raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti- bodies producing B cells. U.S researchers have written the world wide first report on the anti-tumor affects of Black seed oil. Its title "Study of the Effects of Nigella sativa on Humans".
Should I Take the Oil of the Herb?

Both are effective in their own right..
Do I Have to Be Sick to Take Black Seed?

Absolutely not! Nowadays because our food is more and more denaturalized, our bodies are full of free radicals which produce cancer. The essential fatty acids in black seed bind the free radicals and eliminate them. Since our bodies are not able to synthesize thereby making Black seed an important addition to our diet. Black seed also contains beta carotene, which is known to destroy cell damaging substances which produce cancer.
Black Seed is Rich in Nutritional Values.

Monosaccharides (single molecule sugars) in the form of glucose, rhamnose, xylose, and arabinose are found in the black seed.
The black seed contains a non-starch polysaccharide component which is a useful source of dietary fiber.
It is rich in fatty acids, particularly the unsaturated and essential fatty acids (Linoleic and Linoleic acid). Essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body alone, and therefore we acquire these from food.
Fifteen amino acids make up the protein content of the black seed, including eight of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized within our body in sufficient quantities and are thus required from our diet.
Black seed contains Arginine which is essential for infant growth.
Chemical analysis has further revealed that the black seed contains carotene, which is converted by the liver into vitamin A, the vitamin known for its anti-cancer activity.
The black seed is also a source of calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. Required only in small amounts by the body, these elements' main function is to act as essential cofactors in various enzyme functions.
2. Immune System Strengthening
Studies begun just over a decade ago suggest that if used on an ongoing basis, black seed can play an important role to enhance human immunity, particularly in immunocompromise patients.
In 1986, Drs. El-Kadi and Kandil conducted a study with human volunteers to test the efficiency of black seed as a natural immune enhancer. The first group of volunteers received black seed capsules (1 gram twice daily) for four weeks and the second group were given a placebo. A complete lymphocyte count carried out in all volunteers before and four weeks after administration of black seed and the placebo revealed that the majority of subjects who took black seed displayed a 72% increase in helper to suppresser T-cells ratio, as well as an increase in natural killer cell functional activity. The control group who received the placebo experienced a net decline in ratio of 7%. They reported, "These findings may be of great practical significance since a natural immune enhancer like the black seed could play an important role in the treatment of cancer, AIDS, and other disease conditions associated with immune deficiency states."
These results were confirmed by a study published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal in 1993 by Dr. Basil Ali and his colleagues from the College of Medicine at Kin Faisal University.
In the field of AIDS research specifically, tests carried out by Dr. Haq on human volunteers at the Department of Biological and Medical Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1997) showed that black seed enhanced the ratio between helper T-cells and suppresser T-cells by 55% with a 30% average enhancement of the natural killer (NK) cell activity.
3. Anti-histamine activity
Histamine is a substance released by bodily tissues, sometimes creating allergic reactions and is associated with conditions such as bronchial asthma.
In 1960, scientists Badr-El-Din and Mahfouz found that dimer dithymoquinone isolated from black seed's volatile oil, under the name of "Nigellone," and given by mouth to some patients suffering from bronchial asthma, suppressed the symptoms of the condition in the majority of patients.
Following the results of this early study, crystalline nigellone was administered to children and adults in the treatment of bronchial asthma with effective results and no sign of toxicity. It was observed, however, that although effective, crystalline nigellone displayed a delayed reaction.
In 1993, Nirmal Chakravarty, M.D., conducted a study to see if this delay could be attributed to the possibility of crystalline nigellone being an inhibitory agent on histamine. His hypothesis proved correct. Dr. Chakravarty's study found that the actual mechanism behind the suppressive effect of crystalline nigellone on histamine is that crystalline nigellone inhibits protein kinase C, a substance known to trigger the release of histamine. In addition, his study showed that crystalline nigellone decreased the uptake of calcium in mast cells, which also inhibits histamine release.
The importance of these results are that people who suffer from bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases may benefit from taking crystalline nigellone.
4. Anti-tumor principles
A study of black seed's potential anti-tumor principles by the Amala Research Center in Amala Nagar, Kerala (India) in 1991 lent further impetus to Dr. Chakravarty's suggestion for the possible use of black seed in the treatment of cancer.
Using an active principle of fatty acids derived from black seed, studies with Swiss albino mice showed that this active principle could completely inhibit the development of a common type of cancer cells called Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC). A second common type of cancer cells, Dalton's lymphoma ascites (DLA) cells were also used.
Mice which had received the EAC cells and black seed remained normal without any tumor formation, illustrating that the active principle was 100% effective in preventing EAC tumor development.
Results in mice who received DLA cells and black seed showed that the active principle had inhibited tumor development by 50% less compared to mice not given the active principle.
The study concluded, "It is evident that the active principle isolated from nigella sativa seeds is a potent anti-tumor agent, and the constituent long chain fatty acid may be the main active component."
5. Anti-bacterial
In 1989, a report appeared in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmacy about anti-fungal properties of the volatile oil of black seed. 1992 saw researchers at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, conducting a study in which the antibacterial activity of the volatile oil of black seed was compared with five antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin, and nalidixic acid.
The oil proved to be more effective against many strains of bacteria, including those known to be highly resistant to drugs: V. cholera, E. coli (a common infectious agent found in undercooked meats), and all strains of Shigella spp., except Shigella dysentriae. Most strains of Shigella have been shown to rapidly become resistant to commonly used antibiotics and chemotheraputic agents.
In light of the above research findings, it is of interest that homeopaths have long been known to make a tincture from the black seed for digestive and bowel complaints. Traditionally, the black seed is still used to help relieve vomiting and diarrhea, as well as flatulent colic, and to help counteract the griping action of purgatives (e.g. certain laxatives, fruits such as apricots when over consumed).
6. Anti-inflammatory
As early as 1960, Professor El-Dakhakny reported that black seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and that it could be useful for relieving the effects of arthritis.
In 1995, a group of scientists at the Pharmacology Research Laboratories, Department of Pharmacy, Kings College, Lond, decided to test the effectiveness of the fixed oil of Nigella sativa and its derivative, thymoquinine, as an anti-inflammatory agent. Their study found that the oil inhibited eicosanoid generation and demonstrated anti-oxidant activity in cells.
The inhibition of eicasanoid generation, however, was higher than could be expected from thymoquinone alone. Their study suggested that other compounds within the oil might also be responsible for the enhanced anti-inflammatory reactions in cells.
The scientists speculated that the unusual C20:2 unsaturated fatty acids contained in black seed were possibly responsible for boosting the oil's effectiveness.
In 1997, studies conducted at the Microbiological Unit of the Research Center, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, found that externally in an ointment form, the anti-inflammatory activity of the black seed was found to be in the same range as that of other similar commercial products. The tests also demonstrated that the black seed is non-allergenic.
7. Promotes lactation
A study by Agarwhal (1979) showed that black seed oil increases the milk output of breastfeeding mothers.
A literature search by the University of Potchefstroom (1989), including biological abstracts, revealed that black seed's capacity to increase the milk flow of nursing mothers could be attributed to a combination of lipid portion and hormonal structures found in the black seed.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Dark chocolate sharpens your mind

9 May 2011, 8:48 AM
LONDON - Dark chocolates keep your mind sharp and alert, a study suggests.
Polyphenols, plant chemicals abundant in dark chocolate, dilate blood vessels, speeding the supply of blood to the brain.
This provides it with a rush of oxygen and sugars, making complex calculations easier and quicker. Besides polyphenols are more effective in combination than alone, the Daily Mail reports.
The theory follows two Northumbria University studies into the effects of polyphenols on the mind. In the first, healthy adults were set a series of tests after taking a capsule packed with resveratrol, the wonder ingredient in red wine.
Scans showed a marked increase in blood flow to their brains after taking the supplement.
Greater improvements may be seen in the elderly, said doctoral researcher Emma Wightman from Northumbria, because blood flow to the brain naturally decreases with age.
Unfortunately for wine lovers, the quantities of resveratrol used in the study would equate to drinking crates of the stuff. But it is easy to get the same amounts from supplements sold in health food stores.
And with resveratrol credited with abilities from extending life to burning off junk food, Wightman says there is nothing to stop people from stocking up.
There is research showing quite a lot of health benefits and there is nothing to suggest there are any adverse effects. You are not going to come to any harm, she said.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Bad cholesterol also vital for health

6 May 2011
Believe it or not, bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), is also vital for our well being.
LDL is referred to as the bad cholesterol because it tends to build up in the walls of arteries, slowing down blood flow which often leads to heart disease and heart attacks.
HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, usually called the good cholesterol, often helps remove bad cholesterol from arteries.
According to a study led by Steve Riechman, professor at the Texas A&M University, LDL is not the villain it has been made out to be in recent years.
You simply cant remove all the bad cholesterol from your body without serious problems occurring, he said.
Riechman and colleagues examined 52 adults aged between 60 and 69 years, who were in good health but not physically active, and none of them were participating in a training programme, the Journal of Gerontology reports.
The study showed that after fairly vigorous workouts, participants who had gained the most muscle mass also had the highest levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, a very unexpected result and one that surprised us, said a statement from the university.
It shows that you do need a certain amount of LDL to gain more muscle mass. Theres no doubt you need both - the LDL and the HDL - and the truth is, it (cholesterol) is all good, said Riechman.
Cholesterol is found in all humans and is a type of fat around the body. A persons total cholesterol level comprises both LDL and HDL cholesterol.
LDL serves a very useful purpose. It acts as a warning sign that something is wrong and it signals the body to these warning signs. It does its job the way it is supposed to.
People often say, I want to get rid of all my bad (LDL) cholesterol, but the fact is, if you did so, you would die, Riechman added.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Heel pain, an early morning menace
(Staff Reporter)

6 May 2011
DUBAI Getting up from the bed with pain in the heels is very dis-comfortable start for some and before long it can become very worrisome aspect, says an expert.
Dr Saleh Mohammed Kagzi, Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon at Zulekha Hospital, Dubai said that the condition is known as heel pain syndrome. It is common after repetitive stress on the heel from the day to day lifestyle particularly in people who tend to stand a lot or walk or run a lot, he said.
Pain may start gradually and continue for weeks or months. In rare case, no respite is available from any of the treatment modalities available. This syndrome is commonly found in both overweight and active individuals.
The pain in heel pain syndrome is characteristically associated with weight bearing, especially in the morning, or when rising from a chair. Typical complaints include shooting pain, aching, or burning with gradual worsening over the day, he said.
The doctor said that physical examination will typically reveal localised tenderness over the prominence of heel, swelling, and a tight thickened soft tissue.
The most successful treatment plan for the majority of patients is non-operative. It consists of a combination of activity modification and a stretching programme. This simple approach can be effective in up to 70 per cent of people, added Dr Kagzi.
The stretching programme consists of the traditional wall leaning exercise performed with the involved limb fully extended and with the knee bent. Additional exercises that focus on the plantar fascia include heel lowering on a stair with only the toes in contact with the step, and extension of the knee with a towel around the forefoot, which passively pulls the foot into dorsiflexion. This is performed in the morning, before weight bearing.
Modification of activity might consist of substituting biking, swimming, or using a stair-climber or nordic track instead of walking or jogging.
For the serious runner, activity modification means reduction of mileage, decreasing velocity, cross training, elimination of speed work and correction of training errors such as failing to stretch before hill workouts.
Heel pain syndrome is due to a repetitive stress disorder involving the origin of the plantar fascia on the heel spur. After the appropriate diagnosis is made, the majority of patients can be effectively managed with conservative measures consisting of activity modification and a stretching program. In refractory cases lasting over a year, surgery may be an option, in the appropriately selected patient.
[email protected]

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Exercise protects heart via nitric oxide

7 May 2011
Exercise both reduces the risk of a heart attack and protects it from injury if a heart attack has occurred, researchers say.
For years, doctors have been trying to figure out how this second benefit of exercise works.

Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine, US, have identified the ability of the heart to produce and store nitric oxide as an important way in which exercise protects the heart from injury, reports the journal Circulation Research.

Nitric oxide, a short-lived gas generated within the body, turns on chemical pathways that relax blood vessels to increase blood flow and activate survival pathways, according to an Emory statement.

Both the chemical nitrite and nitrosothiols, where nitric oxide is attached to proteins via sulphur, appear to act as convertible reservoirs for nitric oxide in situations where the body needs it, such as a lack of blood flow or oxygen.

The Emory team's results strengthen the case for nitrite and nitrosothiols as possible protectants from the damage of a heart attack.

'Our study provides new evidence that nitric oxide generated during physical exercise is actually stored in the bloodstream and heart in the form of nitrite and nitrosothiols,' said study co-author David Lefer, professor of surgery at Emory School of Medicine.

'These more stable nitric oxide intermediates appear to be critical for the cardio-protection against a subsequent heart attack,' Lefer said.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Fat diet improves hearts ability to pump

8 May 2011
WASHINGTON - Stripping diets of fat may impair the hearts ability to pump optimally, especially among patients suffering from cardiac failure.
Results from studies conducted by assistant professor of physiology and biophysics Margaret Chandler, Case Western Reserve University and others, show that a high-fat diet improved the hearts ability to pump.
Does that mean I can go out and eat my Big Mac after I have a heart attack, Chandler asked. No, but treatments that act to provide sufficient energy to the heart and allow the heart to utilise or to maintain its normal metabolic profile may actually be advantageous.
The research suggests that for a damaged heart, a balanced diet that includes mono and polyunsaturated fats, and which replaces simple sugars (sucrose and fructose) with complex carbohydrates, may be beneficial, reports the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.
In a healthy person, the heart uses both fats and carbohydrates to obtain the energy it needs to continue pumping blood round the clock. Ideally, fats are utilised because they yield more energy, according to a Case Reserve statement.
However, if a person develops heart failure (or suffers from ischemia - a lack of blood supply), the heart seems to prefer using glucose for fuel, because glucose requires less oxygen to produce energy.
While heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US, more people are surviving heart attacks than ever before. Unfortunately, medications and procedures have yet to cure heart failure, or halt the deterioration of heart function.
Researchers previously thought a high-fat diet fed to animal models that have suffered a heart attack, would overload their tissues with fat, which in turn would have a toxic effect on their hearts.
Surprisingly, the hearts pump function improved on the high-fat diet. Through further testing, they found that animal models suffering from heart failure and receiving a low fat diet were able to produce insulin and take up glucose from the blood, just as healthy hearts.
We want to provide an environment for the heart which allows it to be as effective and efficient a pump as possible, regardless of the damage it has undergone, said Chandler.