Hiring of Pakistani fighters for Bahrain angers Iran


Senator (1k+ posts)
A Sunni Imam in Iran:


The internet is loaded with these kind of videos.

If your Farsi is weak, he says that Sahaba (r.a.) are openly insulted in government funded publications such as the Roznama Jam-e-Jam.

This is called religious persecution and there are many examples of these "miseries" of the Sunnis in Iran. They cannot defend their faith from the regime's vile propaganda.

The Baloch might be funded by foreign hands but they were recruited on the basis of legitimate grievances, not just money.

As he says in the video, if it was not for Hzt. Omar, no one in Iran would be Muslim, they should at least consider that before spewing hatred.
Soon we might be hearing crys like this one from Behrain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK-umUTt1cU


Dear All,

I am a sunni and not a supporter of Shias . . . And before going into the details I just want forward some facts . . . .

Kuwait , Qatar , Bahrain and Iraq (at time of Saddam) are shia majority states but were divided by the britishers in a fashion and were installed with minority Sunni governments who till day are the western puppets.

similarly , Egypt (with hosni Mubarak) , Jordan , syria , Libya , Morroco and Tunis (with President Zainul Abideen) and Yemen are the sunni majority states but were installed with minority Shia puppets who are only answerable to the west.

This is the current situation and in each case weather a shia or sunni is suffering the crimes against humanity from a minority sect with the support from the united states.

those sunnis who supports the deployment of Pakistanis are supporting an unjust cause because Bahrain Govt have committed un speakable crimes on a majority people.

Similaly the Shias who only support the revolution in Bahrain since it is supported by the Iranians are forgetting the crimes against humanity being committed on the sunnis by the shia Govt of Iraq and shia minority govt in Syria where Bashar ul asad is a shia who is brutalising the majority, In yemen where Salah e , in libya where Qaddafi a shite are all terrorising the majority sect.

Inspite of the fact that I don't like the shias but still since Islam asks me to support JO HUQ PAR HO and that is the reason that I support the Bahrain Revolution and and the future revolutions in Qatar and Kuwait. Similarly I support The sunni revolutionaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Libya, Morroco, Tunis, Yemen and Algeria and pray for their success and asks the shia viewers to also condemn the syrian, yemenis and the libyan governments in the same way as they are now condemning the Saudis . . . . .

And will they going to condemn the attrocities by the shiate Killing squads on the sunni minority in Iraq the same way as they happened to condemn the Saddam or they will wait for the guidence from the Iranians . . . And same to the sunni brothers that do not look at the Saudis but look at your Heart . . . .