Justice for the Palestinians in the Face of Israeli Intransigence


Minister (2k+ posts)
Come September when the U.N. General assembly meets and as expected the Palestinian Authority asks for recognition as a Palestinian state, the center of the universe is likely to be in that part of the world.
Of course both Israel and its lackey the United States are vigorously opposing such action by the U.N. with Ron Prosor the Israeli Ambassador saying U.N. recognition "would lead to violence and war" while Susan Rice the American Ambassador warned, "there is no greater threat to U.S. funding of the U,N. than the prospect of Palestinian statehood being endorsed by member states." Hmm; the thought occurs, is the U.N. owned by the U.S.? To here Rice tell it certainly sounds that way.
But before September there is the "Freedom Flotilla", intending to sail to Gaza, currently embargoed and now held hostage in Greece and prevented from sailing to Gaza by the Greek authorities (again with immense diplomatic pressure from Israel and the U.S.).
The "Audacity of Hope", part of the flotilla to Gaza (but also embargoed in Greece) is intended to provide some basic necessities for the confined Gaza people which includes food, medical supplies, cement and other building materials. The people in the flotilla are peaceful activists who carry no weapons and are going on a peaceful mission to provide support and give hope to those confined by the brutal Israeli policies.
That the Israeli government has maligned and mischaracterized the flotilla and its passengers as criminals with terrorist intentions bespeaks of Israeli intransigence and its complete denial in recognizing its apartheid policies over the Palestinians make it the pariah state seen by the rest of the world.
Everywhere except the U.S. where the government remains beholden to hard line, right wing special interest groups that defend all Israeli policy unequivocally while condemning all as anti-Semitic if they question Israel and its policies.
The other day on Al Jazerra, Dov Alfon, the editor of the liberal Israeli daily Haaretz, said calling Israel an apartheid state is resisted by the Israeli people and hardens their attitude toward the Palestinians and that what's required first is changing the hard line Israeli government.
Well the fact is no government will accept change to its policies unless it is demanded by the people. Since the Israeli people seem incapable of recognizing the reality of its government's apartheid policies, it remains incumbent upon the Palestinians in besieged Gaza and the occupied West Bank, along with peaceful activist supporters of their cause, to get Israel to come to its senses and recognize its culpability in perpetuating the Palestinian's justified resistance and rebellion against it.
For in the end it comes down to justice for the Palestinians. Without justice resistance is inevitable and will continue.
One imagines during the holocaust under the Nazi's, those in the death camps had no hope where only unspeakable atrocity and injustice prevailed.
That Israel today, some 66 years after the end of that epitome of evil was finally crushed would be committing its own atrocities against the Palestinian's i.e., killing innocents in the 2008-09 invasion of Gaza, stealing Palestinian land in the West Bank, bull dozing homes, destroying olive groves and livelihoods while erecting illegal settlements, conducting an illegal blockade of Gaza, erecting a 22' wall around the West Bank that symbolizes the apartheid against the Palestinian's seems incomprehensible.
Yet a people long persecuted through the ages (Jews) have become the persecutors (Israeli Jews along their American apologists) is the ugly reality and no fig leaf of deniability can change that very fact
