Official reply by dr zakir naik on karbala & yazid

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Brother, with due respect you are once again making false accusation against me and remember Allah is witness over our Deeds. No where I said "Crimes of Hadhrat Aisha", but I have said that Yazid committed the crimes of Killing innocent MUslims of Madina, made this beloved City of Nabi (as) Halal for his filthy Army, many innocent Sahaba and Sahabiat were killed, several hundred Sahabiat and Tabaeen Women were raped by Yazid's army, many children lost their lives, Muslim women of Madina were made slave women and were sold in the Bazars........ and you still defending saying "Radhi Allaho Anho" for this Bani Umiyyah's shameful Caliph?

Respectfully, I am quoting one of your post below, You started with defending MQM and now trying to create differences between Deobandi and Brelvi in a negative manner. Please let me know what is your hidden agenda. You have all the right to speak but please come with your own face not with a mask:

Re: My humble request from admin & participants 03-14-2010 04:16 AM

Has any one abused your leader by calling Him/Her to be Kaali Maata? I even don't know who your leader is, but if some one start calling Mufti Taqi Usmani or Rafi Usmani as Kaali Maata, then what would be your reaction?

Point to be noted: You are considering Altaf Hussain in the same row as Mufti Taqi Usmani or Rafi Usmani and you did not included the name of Allama Rasheed Turabi purposely. Please correct me if I am wrong.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I dont know why we are so intent on making this into a sectarian debate when Imam Hussain r.a. was equally precious and esteem worthy for all of us.

The videos have been posted from both sides and people can see and decide for themselves as to which side of the debate they are on.

My humble suggestion to Mehwish Ali is to stop posting these lengthy replies which are inadvertantly going towards a sectarian debate instead of a purely historical and scholastic debate.

Let the people listen to the Ulema from each side and make up their own mind and lets not spoon feed them.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I dont know why we are so intent on making this into a sectarian debate when Imam Hussain r.a. was equally precious and esteem worthy for all of us.

The videos have been posted from both sides and people can see and decide for themselves as to which side of the debate they are on.

My humble suggestion to Mehwish Ali is to stop posting these lengthy replies which are inadvertantly going towards a sectarian debate instead of a purely historical and scholastic debate.

Let the people listen to the Ulema from each side and make up their own mind and lets not spoon feed them.

May Allah that you comprehend you people have not brought a Single Proof/Daleel, but only allegations and complaints.

The original Topic was first Naval War and Constantinople and Big Blunder by so called Alim Zakir Naik by sticking to the Singular Report of Munafiq Thawr bin Yazid.

Before accusing others for sectarianism, you must watch the Video of Zakir Naik which is Full of Sectarianism.

Let us make a deal, if you people have any DALEEL then come to this Thread, otherwise plz stop these accusations and allegations and move forward. Thanks.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I do not adhere to his version of Yazid being innocent so I do not need to bring in any daleel however he had some very valid points to make if you want to break it to a sectarian level. But if we took those up this would effectively become a sectarian debate.

That is why I pointed out that you have said enough as have those who posted the videos. Let the people see and decide for themselves. If you keep dragging this on someone and I dont mean you but anyone else maybe would end up saying something totally stupid and hurtful.
Lets end this here before that happens.

For a daleel I would refer to the name of Hazrat Aisha r.a. being dragged in (in any capacity may that be but related to the sectarian issue) and this will only intensify into something negative from where I see it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Again please stop being a know all . If we all agreed to the same thing we wouldnt be two different sects. Let us agree to disagree and move on.


@ mehwish ali why u talking to this foolish ppl... they compare yazeed (lanti) with the azmat of imam hussain (AS).... and then they give that stupid justification of dr zakir naik... leave these fool's to their halat. days are not far when they will call shaytan nauzibllah (RA) ... lolz... such is their mental level... hussaniyat will never die.. and yazeedyat wil face curse wherever it goes! LANAT ON YAZEED! and on YAZEED LOVERS!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There you go Mehwish...

Someone just made my point clear in the post above!..

We all know where this is headed now....


should we stop cursing shaytan.....or should we start saying him hazrat shaytan?

after going over a few discussions and video's in the previous threads over cursing yazeed...i got a bit confused guys?? should we stop cursing shaytan and start calling him hazrat shaytan (RA) nauzbillah? coz what if Allah forgives shaytan??? so should we start respecting him more and stop cursing him?? plz clarify this 2 me my friends confused??? :(

sarbakaf - Blogger
Yazeed, Khomenie all same

we should always call shaitan
like many scholars call yazeed laeen ( lanti)
like many scholars call so called Imam Khomeini a liar and jew agent and out of islam...a shaitan and his so called revolution was a cover up only.
like we know about ghulam ahmed qadyani a false prophet.....he and his followers are kafirsa

every one of them stands as per his beliefs and actions.
Altough yazeed did a horrible act of fighting with family of prophet , but does this make him kafir ?
Khomenei was disrespectful to family & friends of prophet ...should we call khomenei kafir ?

now use your own brain to understand all that and do not use this forum to promote a sect please.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
* We have not turned it into any Sectarian Debate, but right from the beginning we are bringing PROOFS/Daleel about only and only YAZID. But the other side answered not a single Daleel, but went on making Yazid Character a Sectarian Issue.

* They say they love Hussain Ibn Ali, the beloved grandson of Nabi (saw). But don't I have the right to ask these Brothers "Why then you say: It was a war between two PRINCESS, the two being Yazid and Imam Hussain".

* These same brothers say: "Yazid, the AMIR-ul-Momineen of the Believers, the Radhi Allaho Anho". Yes, they say it for that person Yazid who is the Killer of innocent Momineen in the Madina, then city of Rasool Allah (saw), whose Army was rapping the Sahabitat and their Daughters, who was making these Sahabiat and their Daughters as slave-women and then selling further.

When we show these crimes of Yazid, then instead of bringing Proof, they are coming up with Sectarian Issues.

* Even if they say they don't say Radhi Allaho Anho for Yazid, still they are trying their best to HIDE the crimes of Yazid and crimes of People like Zakir Naik, the lover of Yazid ibn Muawiyyah.

To the MODs:

* How come these people keep on attacking Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri (naming him PADRI and issuing Fatwas of SHIRK upon him) and all that never constitute SECTARIANISM and such threads are never closed?

How come we never see brothers like Awan4Ever in threads against Tahir-ul-Qadri with his ADVISES of not to spread Sectarianism?

If he is giving such advises with true intentions, then may Allah bless him. But he has to prove it with INSAAF. We are all for unity among Ummah, but not for the one sided traffic.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Look lady...I told you where this was headed and I was proved right. We all know the daleels and most people myself included do not think of Yazid in any positive light. However by constantly repeating the same thing and inserting little things in between this discussion was taking a sectarian color which I pointed out correctly.

I have nothing against you posting stuff. Im not being charged any money if you post.

I think you have not seen my earlier posts whereby i criticized people for labeling other scholars as 'jaahil molvis'. I cant seem to find that thread otherwise i would have posted it here for your convenience. If someone remembers it please forward the link to the lady please.

I am againsat any sort of hate speech against any one. I respect all scholars but I do not agree with all of them.

Insaaf ke baat hay ager tau you should also do some insaaf and think about what I wrote instead of taking it personally. See if what I said is right or wrong. If you cant see people spreading hate here then I wonder where insaaf is in all that?

Do you want this to culminate in people abusing respected elders and Sahaba here because from all the years I have spent on online forums I have ALWAYS seen these kind of innocent looking debates turningin into ugly sectarian things in an instant. It just needs one guy to insert something totally irrelevant and stupid and then no one will be talking with daleels anymore.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Look lady...I told you where this was headed and I was proved right. We all know the daleels and most people myself included do not think of Yazid in any positive light. However by constantly repeating the same thing and inserting little things in between this discussion was taking a sectarian color which I pointed out correctly.

I have nothing against you posting stuff. Im not being charged any money if you post.

I think you have not seen my earlier posts whereby i criticized people for labeling other scholars as 'jaahil molvis'. I cant seem to find that thread otherwise i would have posted it here for your convenience. If someone remembers it please forward the link to the lady please.

I am againsat any sort of hate speech against any one. I respect all scholars but I do not agree with all of them.

Insaaf ke baat hay ager tau you should also do some insaaf and think about what I wrote instead of taking it personally. See if what I said is right or wrong. If you cant see people spreading hate here then I wonder where insaaf is in all that?

Do you want this to culminate in people abusing respected elders and Sahaba here because from all the years I have spent on online forums I have ALWAYS seen these kind of innocent looking debates turningin into ugly sectarian things in an instant. It just needs one guy to insert something totally irrelevant and stupid and then no one will be talking with daleels anymore.

Read my last comment to see where I stand on Dr. Tahir ul Qadri or anyone else for that matter.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Befitting reply

I'd like to commend the member who posted Zakir Naik's response about certain member's accusations. For far too long a certain sect has been conducting a smear campaign against Dr.Israr Ahmed[now deceased] whoever agrees with him or share his beliefs. A particular member is regurgitating her own point of view in matters not even concerning the particular issue, which is part of shia institutions to keep Sunni material in their libraries just to provide arguments against them and establish their validity in order to convert sunnis and bring them in their fold, this was started in 1980-81 after Iran became an officially shia state and has continued to this day. They do not have the right to curse anyone or anybody, when you curse Hazrat Usman[R.A],Hazrat Umar[R.A],Hazrat Abu Bakr[R.A] and if you visit shia websites they put na-auzobillah curse like La'nat Allah alongwith names of 3 Caliphs[R.A]. Sunni institutions have been ignorant about the shia community's activities and have to try to do something about this problem or else this will aggravate further and can lead to communal backlash.
I believe whatever anyone's belief no one else should impose their beliefs on others, I'm not gonna convert to shiism and hit my head with a sword[LOLz] after reading your arguments so please moderator should close this topic or else I will start posting the Shia curses from their websites on this forum and show SHIA's 'REAL' FACE.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I'd like to commend the member who posted Zakir Naik's response about certain member's accusations. For far too long a certain sect has been conducting a smear campaign against Dr.Israr Ahmed[now deceased] whoever agrees with him or share his beliefs. A particular member is regurgitating her own point of view in matters not even concerning the particular issue, which is part of shia institutions to keep Sunni material in their libraries just to provide arguments against them and establish their validity in order to convert sunnis and bring them in their fold, this was started in 1980-81 after Iran became an officially shia state and has continued to this day. They do not have the right to curse anyone or anybody, when you curse Hazrat Usman[R.A],Hazrat Umar[R.A],Hazrat Abu Bakr[R.A] and if you visit shia websites they put na-auzobillah curse like La'nat Allah alongwith names of 3 Caliphs[R.A]. Sunni institutions have been ignorant about the shia community's activities and have to try to do something about this problem or else this will aggravate further and can lead to communal backlash.
I believe whatever anyone's belief no one else should impose their beliefs on others, I'm not gonna convert to shiism and hit my head with a sword[LOLz] after reading your arguments so please moderator should close this topic or else I will start posting the Shia curses from their websites on this forum and show SHIA's 'REAL' FACE.

Bhai ji,

You could do what ever you want. If you have enmity towards any particular sect (or SECTS Shia and Ahle Sunnah Barailvi Muslims), then send them to the hell and keep on issuing fatwas of Kaffir against them (as it has already been done for long) ..... but all this is not going to do the following:

1) Save Yazid from being Fasiq o Fajir Killer so called Amir-ul-Momineen and Princes of Bani Umiyyah supporters.

2) It could not make the Hadith of First Naval War and Constantinople which is narrated by Munafiq Thaw bin Yazid to be TRUE and send Yazid to Jannah. Yes to that Jannah whose masters of Youngs are Hassan and Hussain, the two flowers of Rasool (saw).

You people must realize you are UPSET with Yazid being exposed. Instead of bringing the Daleel (as Quran demands if you are Truthful), you people are coming with all types of accusations and Sectarian hatred (just like Zakir Naik in his Videos). It is not a good Islamic moral and behaviour. May Allah give show you people the right path. Amin.

By the way you people are already on way on spreading Sectarian Hatred by already Posting the Videos of that Saudi Maulvi and declaring Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri for Mushrik and coming up with all other type of filth against him. It is just that you don't comprehend it, and you feel pain only when Zakir Naik came into light for promoting Yazid the Fasiq Amir-ul-Momineen of supporters of Bani Umiyyah as Radhi Allaho Anho.

I have been a member here for long. But never did I answer your hatred Posts filled with fatwas of Shirk and all other type of filth up till now. This shows completely who is the fitna initiator.
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New Member
This is a beautiful 1 hour documentary on the true story of Islam and why the message of Islam is still being carried on today: On the hot, desert plains of Karbala, a small group of noble individuals were massacred by an army of thousands. The victims were true followers of the religion of Islam that included Imam Hussain(the grandson of Prophet Mohammed and the son of Imam Ali & Fatima) and his companions. The perpetrators, led by Yazeed, son of Muawiyah, claimed to follow that very same religion. Although Yazeed was a moslem, his actions were totally contradictory to the teachings of Islam. He was in fact a terrorist and a tyrant. People like Yazeed will be witnessed by us even today in our day to day lives, people who portray themselves as followers of Islam. Let us all beware of such hypocrites and let us fight them together in our unanimous effort to save humanity and let us get rid of these Fake Moslems who wrongfully malign the name of Islam.

We are proud to relay this video over and over and over again all over the world( with the above caption) on muharram and in all the states in America so that people know the truth about trashy yazeed and we promise everybody that we will not stop, not for any single FAKE MUSLIM!!!!

Oh Hussain there Is No Day Like Your Day!!!!!!:)
Laanat on YAZEED FOR EVER AFTER!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry_smile:

We are not terrorists nor do we bomb innocent women and children like FAKE MUSLIM terrorists do. We are SHIAS and we confront people like MEN, we love people like MEN, we respect elders and children like MEN, Why?? YOu still did not get it , cause we are MEN, REAL MUSLIMS!!!
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